ITT: vidya PTSD
ITT: vidya PTSD
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This chick's mind.
Wasn't hard or anything, but I cringe for every completionist in the world who had to look for every fucking figment in all that crazy color.
It was pretty easy since the level is linear bar one sidepath and the figments are 2D images floating in a 3D enviroment
This, holy fuck
this fucking thing
This is the reason I've never replayed VTMB.
Gave me nightmares for weeks.
A majority of Jak II's levels gave me PTSD.
This entire game trigger me so much. I've never played a game so shamelessly fuck you over just for quarters.
that's an odd fetish
The basement -in particular the boiler room- was the scariest part of the game. AND THEN THEY MADE ME GO BACK
i've always wanted to give VTMB a try but the game seemed too scary to me overall to even attempt it
It's really not. Except maybe the hotel.
Weird, I've been playing RE4 all day and just now took a break to shitpost after finishing that part.
Is the steam version of VTMB Any good?
i had low health and no fucking bandages when i encountered this guy. took me like 6 tries of running up to him and running away as fast as i could.
While we're talking about Pathologic and PTSD
>Get caught stealing from Dark Brotherhood
>Think nothing of it
>Go to sleep in-game
>Wake up
>Turn around
>This fucker is floating across from my bed
>Yells out a hellish shriek and attacks me
>Too low-level to fight him
>Have to run and avoid Waterfront home for a while
7th guest, when the doll suffocated that baby
I shut off my computer then went to go spend time with my family. Never beat the game.
Honestly thought you were talking about the Cazador for a second there
>All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!
Good taste
This OST at this time.
@ 1:59:40 in case the link doesn't work right.
Steam version works just great, with or without the unofficial patch. Be sure to patch it anyway, though.
this is where I quit the game, it wasn't even hard just tedious
[squeaks towards you]