What is the best current gen FPS multiplayer game?
Enlighten me
Zelda BoTW
i saw a gun in real life once.
the ejector thing was on the right side, is that normal? i thought they were on the left side usually.
Rainbow Six: Siege
Not sure if we should be saddened by that.
Halo 5 not even meming
Titanfall 2 is a close second
>i thought they were on the left side usually.
But then all the bullets would get ejected into your face.
Rainbow Six Siege
It's a solid 9/10 game that I've spent over 500 hours on
they're never on the left side
It's on the right so shell casings don't fly into your fucking face.
Stop learning about guns from shitty video games.
The most popular competitive one is CSGO.
The most popular casual one is Overwatch.
The most interesting spin in the current gen is Rainbow Six: Siege.
Best co-op: Warhammer End Times: Vermintide.
Vermintide isn't really an FPS game, is it?
oh good
what about the hammer, is it normal for it to be elongated on semi-automatic weapons, i always thought handguns required a shorter hammer, but some safety guards are unusually intricate
I'm bored of halo though
None of my friends play it sadly
There's guns, and you play it in first person. That must count for something, right?
Oh, I was under the impression it was mostly melee combat
It's a mix, but you'll generally use your melee for most things and use your guns to take out mobs of rats and specials. It also depends on your character too.
if the gun is single action and/or single and double action the hammer should be long enough for the thumb to cock it back
if the hammer is bobbed you can't pull it back and your firearm is probably double action only
shit like glocks and op's XD i dunno how those work
I've heard really mixed things about Vermintide, would it be worth playing if I don't have any friends who play it?
Siege..... Nearly 600 hours PVP on it now..
Still buggy but a damn good game
what if you had a gun?
>tfw IQ isn't as good as she used to be ever since Pulse got nerfed to shit
>tfw you only play competitive CSGO and Quake with occasional tf2
You can join their official discord and use the lobby finder as well to find games. It's not really great as a single player experience. A lot of the major issues when the game was released (bad RNG for getting different weapons, speedruns for drops) have been fixed. There can be some minor performance issues if you play on higher settings. It's not a perfect game, but it's a great co-op experience if you like L4D. Killing things other than zombies feels nice too. The main game has a good variety of maps, and their DLC mainly consists of map packs in different locales. I'd pick it up on a sale over full price myself, but I also have a lot of experience in the game now.
Siege, no contest. That game has a ton of replayability due to the destruction.
Springfield XD's are hot shit. They even have "lmao ex dee" face in the name.
They're striker fired. Basically the trigger pulls back the firing pin and releases it upon break. This allows for those trigger safeties that glock made so popular and generally an all-around consistent and repeatable triggerpull.
CS:GO but console babies wouldn't know that.
There are no fps that are actually current gen. They all run like last gen
They all suck.
If I could play 2 FPS for eternity it would be Halo 3 or RSV2, everything else it shit.
>having prone
>having a melee attack(this is a gun game not fucking ninja gaiden)
>having killstreaks or power ups
>having extremely high movement
>aiming for the head is actually rewarded, not penalized
is that a famas?
Unironically Overwatch.
The one that can shoot auto and singe shot. I would vote for StG-44 which appears in red orchestra 2. It is amazing, super accurate and great to shoot with.
You clearly haven't played Siege, besides the killstreak bit...
sad, but true
Objectively false
>they're never on the left side
They are if it's designed for someone who's left-handed.
Best comp realistic> Siege
Best coop Realistic> Insurgency
Best comp goofy> overwatch
Best coop goofy> Payday 2
This is undeniably the truth
Vegas 2 is trash. If you were going to pick an older R6 for multiplayer, at least pick Raven Shield.
>Claims to be a Rainbow Six game
>No cover system
Yes, Todd. Guns usually have a right-sided ejector port to keep the bullet casings from pinging you in the face with hot brass. It's not to show off cool firing animations.
Rainbow Six: Siege and Titanfall 2.
l m a o
Weak bait.
>Titanfall 2
Is it a thing? Didn't the first one flop?
>Not having constant flashbang noises or turret noises for the whole match
>Not having constant flashbang noises or turret noises for the whole match
Oh fuck me, don't remind me of that. Fucking Ubisoft never fixed that bug either.
> it didn't have good guns
The campaign makes up for it. I had a great a time playing it. Multiplayer is a CoD clone, so take that however you will.
There is a cover system. Ready to hear how it works? You find something and crouch behind it. No button prompt to super glue you to it needed, just you using your own brain
>Not playing on a server with Incendiary and radar jammers banned
Is Seige actually worth it?
There are a lot of good ones, actually.
DOOM's SP is great and Halo 5's MP/map editor is great (As is H2A but MCC still has some minor issues and is xbone exclusive). Titanfall 2 and Rainbow 6 Siege are great as well.
>Current gen
Halo 3 is just a worse version of H2.
Halo 2
>grenade spam
>magnetic sniper, allows lil'Timmy to make his youtube sniper montage
>insta sword pulls
>only saving grace is rrxyyrrx skillcap
Arma 3,
the guns in Rust are pretty cool too, you can be down hill and will hear shotgun pellets still fall around you. get some nice tracer and ricochet effects in both
Escape from tarkov looks like it might be a badass stalker/arma combination, but its in some shit early access mode right now.
In my opinion Day of Infamy
Yes, it is on the right side instead of the back of the gun so the casings don't hit you in the face, that is correct user.
Seriously, with pistols the side the ejector port is on does not matter, it is aesthetic only, because if it works correctly and you are firing the pistol in a correct stance will not allow brass to hit the shooter at all.