Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Was Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory one of the best team based shooters to ever exist?

>Loads of maps
>High skill ceiling
>Quake 3 engine for that sweet movement
>Unique objectives instead of just a deathmatch game
>Neat and diverse classes

I have no idea how this game died. This game is just too good. So, what's your favorite map?

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I'm a soldier


what is the way to play now a days

I miss that user that hosted vanilla Sup Forums servers once in a while, it was plenty of fun even with 100ms latency.

>get to the second tank barrier
>server's spawn protection lasts long enough that the axis can just walk right out and kill you while invincible
>map has a 1 hour timer
ptsd intensifies

>finally get fed up and swap from Engineer to Soldier w/ flamethrower
>rush in and wreck the axis using the flames as a smokescreen so they can't shoot me
>banned for spawnkilling
ptsd maxes out


I'd say ETlegacy. It's basically vanilla but the mission is to make it run better on modern systems and all that jazz. You can join vanilla and modded servers with it.

>landmine spotted, check the command map

Spawn killing people with the mortar was a 10/10 gaming experience. That and playing engineer.

this is the best multilplayer FPS ever made, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

It's sad we'll never get a true sequel, quake wars is deader than Elvis at this point so that doesn't count


baserace a shit

what was the best mod?

I remember distinctly playing JMod and NoQuarter all the time

my bad

I preferred NoQuarter. The clan whose server's I played on had one of each, but only the NoQuarter server had double jump.


>That one kid who sprinted to the back of fuel dump, hopped over the fence and dynamited the place when the match just started

We could all just jump into an empty server real quick and play. Seems like a good Friday night.

where's the link to the version that works with Windows 10?

that was hilarious

>playing axis engineer
>building the command post

this fucking game lol

nvm found it


does this work with the vanilla servers or would we all have to be running legacy?

>steal enemy uniform
>blend in perfectly
>murder the entire enemy team

It works with most mods and vanilla.

this is literally the only class I played because of how fun it was

Covert ops was the dopest shit
>kill and enemy without anyone knowing
>grenade the body to gib it so no one sees the stripped corpse
>walk backwards into their spawn so that no one can see your face and tell you're in disguise
>avoid the player who you stole the uniform from
>sabotage all their shit and/or complete a late-map objective early
Has any game since ever come close to this level of fun?

>allies take the second spawn on oasis
>dude starts mortaring from a pretty safe area in those towers
>steal a uniform, sneak way around behind all of them just to knife him in the back
shit felt so good

no never

wolf et was fucking amazing.

No, they haven't. TF2 spy pales in comparison purely because you're not able to do as much to work towards victory with him like you can with the Covert Ops.

I worry that it's rose tinted glasses or some shit, but part of me really thinks the game really was that good and only died due to lack of support.

I'm ready senpai

You could actually hop the fence on your own?

I'd just team up with a engineer as a disguised coverts ops and open the door/blow fence to it.

You could double jump over it if the server ran that plugin. Not sure if you could do it without it. I just covert ops+engi'd it like you did.

trickjumping in ET was some crazy shit

Rank 'em anons.
Venice > Fuel Dump > Siwa Oasis > Gold Rush > Seawall Battery > Rail Gun > Minas Tirith

>You will never have a constantly full server with no bots to play on again

There are some various servers playing Jaymod and stuff, but a lot of them have bots.

Oasis > *

i loved the clusterfuck at the old city spawn

add mortars and panzerfags for maximum fun

who /baserace/ here?

>start game up
>this starts playing

I like NoQuarter, the combination of infinite stamina needle and double jump makes for some silly fun gameplay.




Baserace was fun as fuck, but it was an unbalanced snowball of a clusterfuck.


Its old, that's why. It was fun though.



fug i want to play this thing again

If enough people download we can hop into a server. There's plenty of dead ones.

ET dominated the majority of my childhood along with Diablo II. I played all the classes but had a soft spot for Soldier. Mortaring the piss out of people was fun. It's especially satisfying getting multikills with one mortar shell. Field Ops was my second favorite with the airstrike spam. Covert Ops my third favorite for the hilarious backstabbing. Not sure why I stopped playing it, I enjoyed it a lot. Guess I just found newer games to play.

I unironically like Minas Tirath

would probably be best if we hop into a server with bots, at the very least the game will feel more full

i always went engine for muh rifle nades

bouncing those shits around corners was the funnest shit

Fug I miss this game. Dirty Bomb just doesn't cut it. They lost their touch.

>I unironically like Minas Tirath

>be me
>never watched LOTR as a kid
>no idea what to do on Minas Tirith once you get to the top
>check the objective list on the map
>it's all in italian
To this day I think I've seen the end of that map once or twice, but each of those times I have NO CLUE what triggered the win

It was fantastic but there were still tons of flaws or weird design decisions.

And basically only 6 maps.

I wouldn't replace my experience in it with anything else, though.

I'm in even though i might get like 100ms because 3rd world


competitive scene got stale not sure why the pub players left

i think it running like shit by default on multi core systems killed it.

also no one knows how to avoid running into 1000 servers with just bots by default.

that and normies use cell phones now.

>another wolf et fan
Hello brother

To think some of the problems are literally easy fixes. ALL PEOPLE HAD TO DO WAS TELL OTHERS. god damn it.

>those wacky modders maps of official maps and the one where you had to press the use key at three random spots on the billboard and get teleported around and end up in that room above the skybox

What where they called?

vanilla ET was terrible thankfully etpro and etpub fixed a lot of the problems with it and custom maps

I hated that map. The map where you steal material on the enemy side to build your base was my favorite

Base race is the map you're thinking of

Okay, who's down to join a server? I'll list some steps to make it easy.

1. Get vanilla ET and install it normally: majorgeeks.com/mg/getmirror/wolfenstein_enemy_territory,1.html

That's the fastest download I can find for the game. SD's website and ET:L's download for it is super slow.

2. Download and install Legacy: etlegacy.com/download

Legacy is a more modern version of ET that runs better on modern systems. It allows you to play on Legacy servers, vanilla, and almost any mod. It also allows you to filter servers with bots.

3. Hit me up with a reply if you're down for joining. I'll post an IP later. For whatever reasons, this release is bugged and people have a hard time joining Legacy servers, so we'll be joining a modded one. There's ETpub, No Quarter, Jaysmod, and the bunch. Despite the hate for bots, I suppose we should join a server with them since we'll probably only get around 5 people if we're lucky.


I never knew about this. That seems good too, especially with the latest release of Legacy not looking so hot.

its what i used but i only watch old demos these days i stopped playing many years ago

Count me in, already got ET Legacy.

well there you go the BR's have come back

you could even outsnipe snipers with that shit


soz im a rambo medic

>insufficient fire support!
>insufficient fire support!
>insufficient fire support!
>insufficient fire support!
>insufficient fire support!

>tfw you roll up on dumbassed American with and MP40 and a flamethrower

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

>expansion pack for rtcw with map and game design so bad that ACTIVISION thought it wasn't worth trying to sell
splash damage are awful developers, they only got lucky because they were using an amazing game as a base

rtcw was better
