Webm Thread



What's this WebM conveying? What's special about moving a ball into a hole?
What am I missing here

Youre supposed to complete the dugeon using ice blocks.
Also you have to use a metal ball in the top instead the rock one.

He didn't even solve the puzzle.

he was supposed to get a metal ball in there instead of a stone one

Bank shot nigga

was that... supposed to be impressive?


No, just dumb also something to make the thread.

that's the way you do it though, just need the right stone


use your eye balls (o )(o ) on the webm in question


he used the wrong ball ! hahaha !

>(o )(o )
Take that shit somewhere else.

twin snakes looks good on dolphin.

Holy fuck that triggered me.

Moot needs to add emoji support right now

what game is this?

Kingdom Hearts 2

Source of this ?

Didnt everyone do this? The fuck?

I did the same fuckin thing and then I remembered it had to be a special ball.

What the hell?



Is there supposed to be another way to do this without stasis??

>Supposed to

I dunno, I solved it with Stasis too.
It has multiple solutions, nothing wrong with using one of your many abilities.

Looks like FFXIV, reference to DQVIII

the first time I beat that shrine, I did it by positioning a square bomb to knock the ball all the way over to the side opposite of the side you spawn at (obviously this means knocking it over to the side with the hole where it goes) and then positioning another square bomb at the end of the ramp, hitting the ball onto the ramp so it rolls down, and then detonating the other square bomb to blow the ball up and over the fence

just saying

Yes I popped it over the side with the ice blocks right onto the trigger.


Please tell me this is DSP's playthrough

Zelda has psychic powers now?

you can't even get the metal ball out it's resting spot without ice block, nigger



I love when blacks are based and able to laugh at jokes.

that was only half the joke

>that amiibo icon mixed with the others

absolutely disgusting.

why do games always have green and blue for health and magic?

>tfw key stopped streaming because she had a baby

I used stasis and bombs.


was it blak?

"I'm different!"


fair enough, but you're still a faggot


Because magic is blue and health is green.






Is this UV UNWRAP the game?

That;s actually pretty cool. I'm assuming your damage doesn't scale?


>Marvel VS Capcom 4


Yes, you used 4 ice blocks.

Criken playthrough.


I need to sleep.

Health is red in a lot of games
Namely RPGs
Elder Scrolls, Witcher, Diablo, Gothic, and Mount and Blade to name a few

Originally all games pre 2000 did.

Is that the Nioh bossfight equivalent of Biggie and Smalls?



>not using stasis on the top ball to knock it to the walkway and then just pushing it down to complete.

It's like you want to take a long time in these things

The best part is that he has a hammer(mallet?) too.

There is a walkway?

It's the closest thing it has, I guess. Small, fast guy with a big, slow guy and lightning involved.






Holy shit there is a walkway.

Is that Kenshi?

It's been like three years since I played that last.

That's the intended solution????

OP do you suck or something?




Rename this one "YA GOT A WARFACE? QUACK?"


>doesn't scale

The best puns are accidental.

All that shit and it barely kills it, ew.


I was only using a level 6 wooden sword in Way of the Strong. Using any regular weapon would kill too fast, but it's best used on bosses who have the health for it. Just showing it off.



What happens if you tell her to eat it?

This is fucking legit rad.

Dude that shit is begging to become a fucking Izuna drop




this is a 2014 game on OG X1