Heads up: Avoid this PS4 HDD upgrade

Thinking about upgrading your PS4 to 2 TB internal capacity?
Pic related is an SMR drive, which is not only fucking slow (less than 30 MB/s) but also occasionally crashes you console and loses all your data, so your PS4 has to reinitialize.
Avoid at all cost!

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no kidding

Sady, there is no fucking drive >1TB drive in production anymore, which works inside the PS4. Samsung M9T is EOL, HGST 5K1500 is EOL.

There is literally nothing wrong with Seagate.

>upgrading internal capacity
>He didnt wait for yesterday's upgrade to just plug an external hdd on the thing

y-yeah haha r-right guys?

Get the FireCuda if you going with Seagate. I personally have 2 of their hybrid sshd drives for over 5 years and counting. Still doing just fine.

Also the hybrids have faster loading times than the regular drives... still not as fast as ssd but doesn't break your bank either.

I've had the SSD since 2013 and the 3tb "ooooooo bad defective" HDD for a couple years.

I upgraded the HDD in January already.
PS4 just lost its data for the second time.
Now I did my research.

>still using hard dives

Guys, nobody here cares about your outdated 3.5in HDD PC tech.

What HDD/SSD/SHDD should I get? I'm aiming to at least 1TB

>thread is literally about HDDs
>no one cares hurr
Lurk more, go back, or just hide threads you're unable to understand.

What the fuck are you talking about? It takes a regular laptop sized hard drive

I've had five of the fuckers in varying sizes die on me within one year of owning each one of them. Meanwhile all the WD and Toshiba drives I've had have survived 6+ years of constant use.

I don't waste your money on SHDD. You can't put want you want on the SSD portion. The SHDD decides for you. Just get both. I use a SSD for a operating system and games. I put everything else on a hard drive.

1TB SSDs are just $250 and make loading times around 3x faster than stock.

I've had these 2 Seagate ones for years and they are fine

The one of them had a fucking bug in its firmware that made it just stop working one day. They replaced it. This was a LOOOONG fucking time ago


Meant to reply to

>What the fuck are you talking about? It takes a regular laptop sized hard drive
There is no "regular laptop sized" HDD in production anymore which has a capacity above 1 TB.
The PoS in the OP does not work properly due to SMR.

>Lurk more, go back, or just hide threads you're unable to understand.
I'm OP and I posted about a PS4 2.5in HDD upgrade.
Suddenly PCfags pour in posting their ass-old 3.5in drives, which are completely unrelated to this thread.

SMR? You mean one of those hybrid ones?

>I don't waste your money on SHDD.


Watch from 1:26 to 2:05.

hey reddit

Great point user. Now address everything else I wrote.

>not using this and getting a 3.5inch drive


>I'm OP and I posted about a PS4 2.5in HDD upgrade.
>Suddenly PCfags pour in posting their ass-old 3.5in drives, which are completely unrelated to this thread.

technology's the same for 2.5in and 3.5in. Kill yourself for acting like 2.5in is superior and therefore nobody should talk about 3.5in.

You're not a bright kid.


no shit sherlock

>SMR? You mean one of those hybrid ones?
No, it's not hybrid. Due to SMR it's SLOWER than a regular HDD ending up with about 25 MB/s performance.
The main issue: When the HDD firmware gets confused, it locks up during writing.
PS4 crashes, cannot boot anymore and loses all data.
The topic is PS4 HDD upgrade, 3.5in HDDs are completely off limits here, this is not a PS2.

> he fell for the backblaze lie

>buys a bargain bin HD
>surprised when it's shit

>The topic is PS4 HDD upgrade, 3.5in HDDs are completely off limits here, this is not a PS2.

At what age did you realize you were different from the other kids and when was the official autism diagnosis?

user. You started the thread with pic of Seagate harddrive. So talking about Seagate is not off limits. And that was exactly what they are talking about, Seagate.

>buys a bargain bin HD
>surprised when it's shit
It wasn't a bargain, it was over 100 bucks.
The tech is immature shit.

>Bought 2 seagate 1tb's as a fuck it why not thing
>both have been running at great speed flawlessly
>my WD black drive died on me instead.

It wasnt even two years old.

>"PS4 has no games!"
>somehow people are able to fill up a 500gb hard drive with ease even though the games themselves are like 40

>The topic is PS4 HDD upgrade, 3.5in HDDs are completely off limits here, this is not a PS2.

I don't know what a backblaze is but there's a couple of broken HDDs sitting on my desk. Both of them Seagate.

how old are those HDDs user?

The fuck does SMR stand for?

stands for shit pulled from his arse.

Okay, so if I wanted to upgrade ps4 storage then what should I get. I don't want anything external unless it's really enticing.

How can you be so wrong about everything in one post?

Look at the picture in the OP, does it look like this?

Maybe 2 or 3 years on daily use. All of my WDs from the stone age are still working.

If you're rich, get a solid state drive. Nothing can beat that in terms of speed an reliability.

If you're a average dumb fuck from Sup Forums who listens to every lie told by clickbait journalists, avoid seagate like crazy.

Otherwise, seagate firecuda is the best performance you will get without breaking the bank.

>The fuck does SMR stand for?
Shingled Magnetic Recording.
>Okay, so if I wanted to upgrade ps4 storage then what should I get.
There is currently nothing beyond 1 TB in production which can be recommended. Sony builds Toshiba and HGST drives into their PS4s.

>Otherwise, seagate firecuda is the best performance you will get without breaking the bank.
Firecuda is SMR, too.

user, that isn't even your standard 3.5" hdd. What the flying fuck are you trying to prove by posting that?

get your head out of your arse.

>he doesn't have a 2gb M.2 SSD in his PS4pro

lmaoing @ your life

You can use external HDDs now as of the latest firmware.

user, I personally have multiple sshd for years and never had any issues. I don't give a fuck if it's SMR, it works and it's much faster than normal hdds.


I literally have it in my PS4 right now dumbass

I've got a WD drive I just use for archiving stuff. I'll break it out to watch the tv shows and movies I've got stored on it, but it's not like it's seeing daily use. How long can a drive last when it's at most spun up once a week?

enjoy your usb bottleneck speeds.

Are seagate external drives good at least?

Unless the slimming HDD is a different size I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about. I bought a Western digital Scorpio 3tb drive works great. Put it in a launch ps3 6 months after purchase. Put a 250gb in a launch ps3 a month after purchase. Still working. SSD is a waste it's a console.you really can't wait the extra 8 seconds? August much?

Pull it out and put it in the system retard

you might as well just get a seagate hybrid than. It's much faster.

Almost half of that was reworded....Wtf... Should be WD ecodrive uses less power...Console works better...For me at least.

This. I bought one of the external 2gbs for 80 bucks a few years ago and took the drive out. It was the ones used in all the guides. Still works, but it does beep every so often.

Yeah, just ignore the entire purpose of this fucking thread. He said that drive is a piece of shit and that no other drives >1TB exist which is a lie as I proved. No one's talking about speeds.

>multi-platter drives
enjoy your hardware failure & loss of data

>SSD is a waste it's a console.you really can't wait the extra 8 seconds?

I'm not saying you should spend all that money on SSD, but you can spend it on a SSHD instead which is more or less around the same price as HDD these days. With the added benefit of better loading times.

Have a 1TB WD SSHD in my laptop, PS3 and PS4. Absolutely love that drive, I wish they made a 2 or 3 TB version, I'd upgrade all the 1TBs I have.

But now with the USB drive support I'm more likely to just get a nice 4TB 3.5 drive and leave it at that.

>Yeah, just ignore the entire purpose of this fucking thread.

which was to shit on seagate.

>He said that drive is a piece of shit and that no other drives >1TB exist which is a lie as I proved.

He's a dumb fuck who doesn't know jack shit and never researched shit.

> No one's talking about speeds.

I talked about it because you're also a dumb fuck who didn't get the best possible for your own money.

>I wish they made a 2 or 3 TB version

They did. Tho they don't advertise it as hybrid anymore. They call it firecuda in a attempt to make it some catchy name.


Seagate has lower failure rates than most other companies but only by a small bit. It's pure luck really.

That's a Seagate though, the SSHD I have in all those devices is a Western Digital. I had a Seagate drive die on me a few years ago and I lost a shit load of videos that I had from back in high school. I've never had a WD drive fail. I just stick with WD for everything I put hard drives in.

This although I do have a Seagate 1.5 tb external that has been going strong for years as well and I definitely don't care for it completely "properly".

>implying I use my 3tb HDD for anything other than anime and meme images

>I literally have it in my PS4 right now dumbass
That's an SMR drive, too. Enjoy your data loss!

>He said that drive is a piece of shit and that no other drives >1TB exist which is a lie as I proved.
You proved nothing

>He used a Seagate drive.
>Blames the PS4

Wow, You're very smart

>That's a Seagate though


> the SSHD I have in all those devices is a Western Digital.

Western Digital doesn't make SSHD. Toshiba does tho.

>I had a Seagate drive die on me a few years ago and I lost a shit load of videos that I had from back in high school. I've never had a WD drive fail. I just stick with WD for everything I put hard drives in.

Eveything dies user. That's why there's a 1year warranty on them all. Your WD will eventually die too. In fact, I've seen tons of WD die where I work and have to call in to get a warranty replacement everyday.


>Blames the PS4
Where does he blame the PS4?
>That's a Seagate though
>Eveything dies user.
Only Seagate.

>Samsung M9T

Thank god I bought like 5 of those. Super cheap too at $60 each. Why the fuck would Seagate stop production on them? They're fucking god tier drives. WD didn't have anything that could compete.

>Why the fuck would Seagate stop production on them?
Because they can make the crap in the OP for cheaper.

>>Eveything dies user.
>Only Seagate.

Nope. Every brand plated harddrive will die. No exception. Plated spinning drives are not that reliable because of moving parts that wear down with age and usage. SSH on the other hand has no moving parts so those things will last a very long time.

Only reason why there's such a stigma against Segate is because one clickbait website named blazeback started the bullshit article about how they tested thousands of drives and segate was the worst. But it was revealed that they were doing this while buying any drive they can even if it was used and broken. But most of Sup Forums and Sup Forums already jumped in and took it as fact.

>SSH on the other hand has no moving parts so those things will last a very long time.
Tech-illiterate Sup Forums at its best!

>But it was revealed that they were doing this while buying any drive they can even if it was used and broken.

They did this with every brand so I don't see what the issue is.

it's a typo, meant to type a D instead of H

> I don't see what the issue is.

Who the fuck uses old and broken shit for tests?

>They did this with every brand so I don't see what the issue is.
Sup Forums doesn't even understand, that the OP isn't about defect HDDs.
The drive in the OP works just fine after removed from the PS4, it just fucks up inside the PS4 and corrupts data.
That's why a warning is justified.

various other reasons as well


usb 3.0 can go up to 640 megaBYTES per second


sata III is still faster

What about this one?

It still indicates a higher failure rate for seagates.

I've read that. It still doesn't refute the fact that all the drive brands went through the same shit. You're better off with other brands lasting longer, going through bullshit, etc

Why buy this one, when you get a perfectly working HGST 5K1000 or 7K1000?

I fell for them TWICE, never again.

Because all the retards are now answering with
This isn't about your failed drive. The drive in question is in perfect working order and may work fine serving your movies to your TV inside a USB enclosure.
So if you think about building it into a PS4, DON'T!
That's what the whole thread is about.

why the fuck would anyone bother with that shit anymore? 4.5 update is out for everyone now, isn't it? just get a usb 3.0 external.

SMR is shit regardless though

>buying any "green" branded HDD's

you don't want those for anything, their only attractive selling point is lower power consumption since they try to shut themselves off if you aren't constantly writing to them

Seagate corporate color is green, stupid! This has nothing to do with power consumption.