The best weapon in the Souls series

The best weapon in the Souls series.
Prove me wrong.

Gosh, that was easy.

i'm using that in my current build right now, it's actually pretty decent with infusions despite no weapon buffs since it has S scaling in whatever you infuse



I'll admit it was the best weapon in king's field but it's a piece of shit in souls

I never figured out what was the lore behind tust sword. Was it from ds1?

tust sword?

Estoc if we're being totally serious.

That* referring to the image op posted.

oh, the lore is basically it gets an attack bonus on higher NG+ cycles

my very own african-american
only in 3 really

shit is tight as fuck in bloodborne, 2 and DeS son, just okay in 1 and absolute shit in 3

kf goes without mention because it's meant to be top-tier there and you're not worrying pvp

>absolute shit in 3
I'm doing an INT run in 3, can you explain to me what's wrong with it before I fuck myself over?

why is the sword floating above him?

i like the sellsword and warden twinblades the most

I like the washing pole.

> Powerstancing The Greatswords+10.
> Buffing the left one with Dark Weapon and the right with Gold Resin.
> 50 Strength and Ring of Blades.
> Cracking the continent in two.

There is something oddly satisfying about it.

I hope you are using the highly speed up follow up attack to catch nerds off guard

Demon's fave - Blueblood
Dark - Velka's Rapier
Dark 2 - Velstadt's? I don't know
Bloodborne - Churck Pick
Dark 3 - Maybe Morne's

this 2bh f@m


Meat Cleaver
Baller's Straight Sword
Sun Sword
Hunter's Axe


Meat Cleaver
Great Club
Haven't played DaS2 extensively to decide.
Not even going to bother trying to pick out a memorable weapon from DaS3.

all non quality builds in ds3 are kinda bleh at best.

Its not that the MGS is bad in 3, its just that its damage type is.

one of the vanilla weapons like longsword, bastard sword, regular rapier, falchion, etc. are true patrician weapons

mah nigga

>a fellow Blueblood lover

You have excellent taste mah boy. Luck is the best stat.


>no dark sword
wow you guys are fucking casual

>Enjoying the suffering that is any weapon in dark souls 3 that isn't a longsword or longsword varient

>Anything but the DS2 Bone Fist


Dark Sword runs are boring as fuck.

I think you posted the wrong picture OP, That's not a DaS1 long sword.

Standing in the room where you get the best weapon actually.

They did their best to make Dark Souls II look as shitty as possible

>not using a demon's greataxe
do you even know that you're having fun wrong?

Boring version of


Extremely fast dash attack that hits 4 times when transformed for enough damage to 2-shot just about any player
Nothing comes close



The best. People memeing about how straight swords are OP in DS3 haven't even played the game. Spears and halberds ruin absolutely everything in the game.

DS1: Claymore
DS2: Longsword
DS3: Profaned Greatsword

Curved greatswords are crap outside DS1.

I was quite fond of the club in DS1

>Not the Zweihander

>only has one move

>Favorite weapon in Dark souls
>Disappointed it wasn't in Dark souls II
>Even more disappointed that it wasn't in Dark souls III

>Man Serpents make their return in DS3.
>Their sword doesn't.


fucking you up

>Church Pick
u aight

Will this meme ever end?

>Flamberge is a shell of it's former self

you mean
>Flamberge is better than it has ever been

>for enough damage to 2-shot just about any player

so you mean literally every weapon with souped up bloodgems

>Implying the Dark souls version wasn't GOAT

>just ONE result

how fucking shit can you be

I really prefer the Balder Straight Sword. It has a very simple but very good moveset, long range for a 1h sword, and amazing scaling.

My favorite weapon is the dragon dildo.

No, DS3 flamberge hits like a truck loaded with dynamite and is faster than other greatswords. 11/10 weapon.

>Not the Greatsword
They might have ruined it in 2&3 but in DS1 it was fantastic.

How is the starting cane on bloodborne so fucking good?Why is it not considered cheating?

It was lacking in both attack power and aesthetic.

>dragon dildos come from their mouths
deepest lore

DaS1 flamberge was only good if it was used in conjunction with one of the strongest infusions

It's not. It's the weakest starter weapon and it's gay

I mean, in NG+7 it kinda is.

honestly i only like the greatsword on DAS3

believe it or not you can "cheat" with it, in DAS3, there's a very specific timing with the first R1, if you wait some frames before hitting R1 again you will use the upside down slash instead of the inverted one

it breaks PVE entirely and makes the few people i tried it on at PVP send you fanmail

They made the moveset incredibly boring compared to Dark souls. They took a unique greatsword and made it another boring looking weapon.

Other weapons are even better? holy shit
(you cant argue the style of a cane mechanics of a rapier / whip tho you actual fag)

see also: every Greathammer.

>almost every great hammer has the same moveset and perseverance WA
>Smough's hammer doesn't have the charge weapon art
Missed opportunity.

Personal Favorites
Demon's Souls: Knight Sword
Dark Souls: Abyss Greatsword
Dark Souls 2: Heide's Lance
Bloodborne: Logarius wheel
Dark Souls 3:Greatsword Of Judgment

Looks like the curved greatsword moveset to me.

>do Bone Fist run in DS2
>feels great for the most part, obviously slow but powerful when hits connect
>invaded by faggot with stunlocking dual powerstanced caestus

Implying that anything besides estoc isn't crap in DS1.

DeS: Northern Regalia
DaS: Either abyss GS (good taste) or MLGS
DaS2: Can't remember much, throne defenders I think
BB: Bloodletter (weaponfu from entire series)
DaS3: Again, can't remember much, profaned GS I think.

get stunlocked into eternity by a zweihander edition

DeS: Never owned a ps3
DS: Black Knight Halberd
DS2: Curved Dragon Greatsword
BB: Pizza cutter
DS3: Onikiri and Ubadachi

Can we all agree that Bloodborne weapons absolutely destroy anything in the souls series?
Each are so versatile since they're all trick weapons (aside from some boring ones, like tonitrus, which merely buffs for a short time)

>what is roll backstab
>what is toggle backstab

You don't need anything fancy.

DeS: gay game

DaS1: Demon Great machete
DaS2: Drakeblood Ultra Greatsword
Bloodborne: Chikage
DaS3: Twin spears

>what is playing against retarded players

i've lost count of how many estoc niggers ive raped in DAS1

>things that never happened

The design in 3 is awful. Washed out grim and grey like virtually everything in the game.

Espada Ropera in the RH powerstanced with the Warped Sword is literally perfect

>being this mad about me killing his faggbros in arms that needs to call me a liar

Good news everyone, I've invented a device that grants

The one you have for DS2 is the chinese knockoff weapon that guy has in the beginning, the real one looks much better

Getting blades of mercy after the hardest fight in the series made my dick diamonds


> prefering the oversatured mess of DS1


Never played DeS
Dark Souls-BKGA and it's not even close
Ds2-loved the smelter sword even tho it was trash
Ds3- curved storm sword
Bloodborne-rakuyo and moonlight

DeS is the best though.

DS2 version is fine.

Bloodborne has the best moonlight blade, this is indisputable.