Running around Maggie Chow's hotel

>running around Maggie Chow's hotel
>about to leave
>enter the elevator
>Majestic 12 guard gives a generic "I heard a noise" line
I have the feeling I wasn't supposed to hear that.

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Activate your lethal takedown.

i don't know if there's ever been official word on that. happens to so many people. i think it's at least immersive when it's a cough you hear and not a full line

GMDX fixes it


>not exiting via the window


>not sniping her through the window from the balcony of jock's apartment

Wasn't there an old comic about this exact situation?

happens to everyone m8, literally without fail.
although usually they just pass by and hear *cough*
welcome to deus ex

I also heard it as well. You can basically chalk this up as a missed bug the devs did not catch before release.

I think it was probably a known shippable or something. Like, not originally intended, but they just figured "hah thats funny, lets leave it in." It seems plausible given how DE is notorious for the devs having thought of almost anything a player will try, whether its even intended or not. But hell, who knows, maybe that's just one of the few things that got past QA.

I remember I got confused, ended up killing her maid and then found the MJ12 entrance these guys were geniuses. Everything makes sense if you think about it.

What was the WORST level Sup Forums?

it was the underwater sub base right?

Or was it actually ___Paris? That was pretty underwhelming too. Every other area was at least alright.

Those are my least favorites too. I just didn't really care for dealing with a bunch of annoying/boring experiment monsters. It felt a bit like a filler level. They probably wanted it to act as a change of pace, but it's probably the weakest part of the game.

Paris is fine, but there's not much to it. It doesn't feel as immersive as Hell's Kitchen or Hong Kong, but admittedly it doesn't need to since you don't spend much time there. You go more or less straight to the DuClare mansion, which is fun Scooby Doo stuff and one of the examples I use to explain why I think Deus Ex handles its story so well with its gameplay. Given how broad of a scope Deus Ex has, and the fact it's not a particularly short game, it's amazing how consistent the game actually is.

Just finished this for this first time.
>pick Helios
>get short shitty cutscene that doesn't conclude the game very well

>pick Dark Age
>get shorter shittier cutscene that doesn't explain what happens after the players actions

>sell out to maintain the status quo
>get cutscene twice as long with more satisfying detail about the world, JC, and the associated characters

>none of the endings tell you what happens to Paul

Can't wait to start my second play with a different build, but these endings are bullshit.


Funny I know there were three endings but I can't remember that third one.

The Helios ending is so unsatisfying I still resent it.

Funny how the new games got that part perfectly.

I like how generally open-ended they are and that the game doesn't try to supply all the answers, but yeah the endings aren't the best. Paul pretty much stops mattering as soon as you make sure he survives.

I usually go for Tracer's ending.

I defaulted to Tong's ending, but if I stayed with that, the game would feel like a downer in retrospect. I disagree with the Everett choice, but the ending is so much better. It's not fair.

>the game would feel like a downer in retrospect
How so?

Just in the abruptness and lack of closure of the story's end. It's an issue with me.

It's definitely awkwardly cut.

At least the Everett choice works in terms of presentation. The overt parallels it draws between Everett/Denton and Page/Simons is some okay POETRY to end that idea on.

I've never played Deus Ex. Can somebody spoonfeed me why this is strange?

Maggie Chow runs a Pharma corps that has underground ties to MJ12 which is a secret org that basicalky wants to run the world. You the player will meet Maggie Chow normally without fighting and there should be no actual indication of corruption initially, but hearing MJ12 troops sounds in her house pretty much gave away her secret.


Yeah, the character placement in the VersaLife lobby plus the splicing of various characters and locations makes it an actual bookend to the opening.
Also realized just now that JC and Morgan discuss the vaccine whereas Page and Simons discuss the plague virus.

>no actual indication of corruption initially
It's obvious from the get-go, especially if you manage to find and talk to the lady behind the building before you meet Chow.

My first play through I managed to stumble upon the entrance to the rooms where the Dragon's Tooth is without hearing anything from the guards. Was pretty amusing.

Actually yea, if you explored, you can actually go inside the Dragon Tooth vault before meeting her but most people will take the most linear approach. Also yes basically EVERY character in the DX series has a walking conspiracy signboard on their head which was what was missing or failed to be conveyed in DXMD.

I'm pretty sure I heard a *cough* with GMDX the last time I played it. Is it actually removed? I feel like it's kind of supposed to be there.

>it will be [unknown] years until a 2nd DX revival

Actually it's the heli base you get dragged into before entering Hong Kong. I know it's pretty straight-forward and fast to get through, but it's still the part I dread the most every single time I decide to play through the game.

You can also look at Maggie's computer upstairs and it all but spells out her connections.

You had to hack into it though and the maid will check on you. (tried it and got busted)

I like it. I like letting all the poisonous gas out and watching the hilarity unfold.

Oh, I always knock out the maid as soon as I enter the apartment.

As soon as she turns around, she gets the prod.


Pretty good music though:

Deus Ex has god tier music

for me it's the subway leading to the airport at the very beginning where it's full of nsf but I was trying not to kill them. second worst is paris catacombs.

Does IW have any redeeming qualities?

Yeah, but they're invisible

it's a good game. not as great as the original but it doesn't try to surpass it either. it's just the next chapter of the story. it always makes me sad to see people dismiss okay games entirely because they arent masterpieces

if you liked jc, you'll like alex

Jc was originally short for Jesus Christ

He was to be a clone from blood taken from the shroud of Turin. His brother (who came before him) is a play on the apostle Paul, the predecessor of Jesus

Also there was a cut level in the white house and on the moon, which has stone henge type monuments on it, like in real life

That military base you have to go to in order to enter the tanker.

You'll get used to it. Literally the only DE game that has a good ending in it is IW, oddly.

The transcended humanity ending. The physics.

In all fairness and in the grand scheme of things, at least they are legitimate endings with varying degrees of world change. Yes there are unanswered questions, but at least the endings matters, unlike those two other games (SERIOUSLY, TWO! THEY KNEW WHAT WAS WRONG AND REPEATED IT)

The fact HR and MD are prequels really limits what they can do with their stories in general and certainly their endings. MD's ending just makes the game feel unfinished, though. It's not open in an interesting way, it just feels like the next act ought to start.

>Like in real life
I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens

>Warren Spector gets asked all the time if he's upset or angry about how Eidos Montreal reinterpreted his world with the prequels
>he says he's just happy that people actually still cared about DE after a decade

The gameplay mechanics and graphics are good. The content does not warrant 60$ though, it LITERALLY is shorter in terms of main-story than any HL episode.

>The gameplay mechanics and graphics are good.
I don't think HR and MD are bad games. They don't really appeal to me in the same way (or to the same extent) as the original Deus Ex, though.

My main gripe with the newer DX series is its over-arching ideologies and political/economical commentary(more about trans-humanism etc etc). I honestly prefer the over-the-top conspiracy theories of the old as well. The newer universe feels shallow and more focused on the present themes of society today while the silly conspiracy theories are still practical today (in a slightly toned down way). The old DX also had a much better cohesive structure which tied itself together much more precisely rather than how DXMD had to LITERALLY try and shoehorn in Panchaea as cannon to the events of the world and ran with it like they were making a game SOLELY on the events of 9/11 ONLY and ignoring other world events.


Nah humans have had high tech civilization before

>My main gripe with the newer DX series is its over-arching ideologies and political/economical commentary

But that was what the original game was really talking about.

>when you snoop around and find the MJ12 terminal
>then her maid tries to kill you

The superfreighter was lame.

>everyone one hits you with pistols and the only other enemies are spiderbots
>crashes constantly
>no one to talk to
>the mission itself is just running around hallways until you blow up the things and hack all the terminals

Not him but the difference between the two is that the new games talk about the problems society is facing NOW, while in DE it talked about what problems society is going to face in 40 years if history keeps following the trends that started around the year 1900.

>jump out the window
>get to the stairs
>the elevator is bugged
Well fuck.
At least you can jump down from the roof, though.

Superfreighter is easily the lamest level, the whole brooklyn naval base thing that leads up to it is lame as well

>I honestly prefer the over-the-top conspiracy theories of the old as well

it's literally happening in our time. it's not a conspiracy at all.

>implying they can't be creative and come up with fresh ideas instead of doing black lives matter 2.0 and making you go after a generic terrorist bad guy

At least Human Revolution tried to make it interesting

>>pick Helios
>>get short shitty cutscene that doesn't conclude the game very well
How on earth can you say this
Just because it doesn't explicitly tell you what happens after? It was a pretty damn fitting conclusion, honestly.

>tfw Alex Jones will never write a game

>where are you getting this from?
>that's what it is
I fucking love Alex Jones

This is great.

Oh boy.


Creepy. That sounds a lot like the shit in gunnm last order, too.

What theories are the shit he's spouting there based on, specifically? I'm uneducated and would like to read some of this crap.

Best endings of the series, and it's the only one that lets you kill anyone you interact with and the game adapts.

The story is honestly pretty fun too. It really embraces the ridiculousness of the whole setup.

which parts? he taking a bunch of things a combining them into one conspiracy.

Where he starts going into the stuff about google and the supercomputer linked to collective consciousness to make quantum predictions and shit.

Helios I'm used to, but I've never heard someone else mention the part about using the AI as an oracle.

Meant to

something i found on google. not sure if this is what he's referring to.

I'm not a huge fan of the catacombs desu

Did it flop? I know people were pissed about the secret episodic bullshit but are there doubts they're even finishing the story now?

essentially he's saying they're going to use the ai to predict the future based on recording your searches, actions, and ideas and controlling how they present information to you in a way that you will end up doing what they want.

If I were to play Deus Ex for the first time, do i go vanilla or use any mods?

I have played HR already and want to experience this classic but im not sure

That's boring.

Last order had a supercomputer(two, actually, for two different sects of humanity) made for quantum observation and prediction of future events, made possible by people being connected to it in their sleep(and a huge grid of disembodied brains permanently dreaming.)

The concept was simular enough to Helios/JC's idea of government that I thought both of them must've been coming from the same theory somewhere.

just get the one that makes it 1080p

MJ12 Trooper: *coughs*

>Sneak around a top secred military base
>*What was that?*
>*Eh, probably a homeless guy*

Thanks user

you can just change that in the DeusEx.ini

The naval base is a cool level, it's the freighter itself that sucks.

Just get the fixes from the top guide on steam.

Two words: New York City

>get from New York
>went full stealth mode
>everybody says I'm a bloody murderer
>JC himself comments how he liked killing
>lost all will to play

>full scale conflict in the park outside the warehouse
>everyone expects JC's help despite him having other shit to take care of
>if one fucking trooper dies because, surprise surprise, niggers are shooting assault rifles everywhere with live rounds, every other trooper completely loses their shit over fucking "Jones"
>everyone at base passive-aggressively blames you for his death
>"don't listen to the other guys"
>"I'm totally certain you had other things to do"
>too afraid to say it to the nanoaug's face


>And cut off the pedophiles and psychic vampires that control this AI system.

The whole game is completely broken, every single mechanic is so bugged you could safely say the whole game is a fucking bug. NOTHING works or feels finished in this god damn clusterfuck.
Most of the time while playing I'm wondering if they intended me to do this or if I've hit an unbelievable streak of bugs, glitches and exploits to get that far and I wonder if the game will crash. Seriously while you play this ungodly mess you feel like most of the shit you do is unintended.

Still loved the fuck out of it.

protip: the dragon sword has ruined far more pacifist stealth runs than anything in stealth gaming

the first part of paris was pretty bad

It's funny how it instakills basic soldiers without even a single level in the melee skill.

You're gonna burn alright
