Are poorfags the only people excused from pirating games?

Are poorfags the only people excused from pirating games?

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>needing permission

I love these pics just because they are so surreal and postmodern.

There's a fucking JC Denton bodypillow. I don't know what to believe anymore.

this tbhfam. i don't give a fuck about rationalizing stuff, if i have the ability to get something for free that is equal or lesser effort than getting it legimitately, then i'm gonna take the free route. idgaf about consequences

Holy shit is that a sh3 reference to the right of the door?

They're pretty great. I collect them every time I see them, but I don't give enough of a shit to go look in /r9k/ itself for them. I can stand the occasional robot in the wild, but a concentration of robots is too much for me.

Everyone pirates everything
movies, music, tv shows, books, and video games
Who the fuck cares

Why does she have an elephant shrew on her shoulder

honestly there's not too many good ones

I saved all mine a long time ago, and there's one other user who has a collection, but about 70% are shit

The only good ones are the really detailed ones that seem to be done by one person

Pretty Princess Points had to be put to a stop because one of the pictures used a real woman as reference material and she did not appreciate the pictures and some of the content from the archive had to be taken down and the artist had to promise to never post Pretty Princess Points online ever again. Please delete this thread, Pretty Princess Points are illegal.

There's a reason why a new Pretty Princess Points hasn't been made in months.

can you please delete these files and never post them again? Pretty Princess Points is cyberbullying.

But they're so good tho

I want to be someone's princess

kys autistic faggot

>being subjugated by a roastie

They're not 'good' when they start being based on real people. Go ahead and post PPP and create PPP, but do not base them on real people. Make up your own fictional character. When you start basing the likeness of the character on a real woman that's when things start not being okay. It's cyberbullying.

I dunno user, this is probably my worst one and it still amuses me.

You can be so long as you're a female (woman), user. Then nothing can stop you.

>must not click female wojak images
>must not click female wojak images
>must not click female wojak images

That makes me want to do it more.

In fact, I think I'll do it now

This PP seems to play a lot of the sims

I wonder if she camwhores

Oh my fuck user, that's one I didn't have. God bless you.

It's okay to pirate when:
-the game isn't available to your country
-your original copy is lost or broken
-it's a rare game
-the developers/publisher wouldn't get the money anyway if you bought the game legally (studio no longer exists)

Hadn't seen that one before either. Got two new robots out of this thread, pretty solid.

>tfw it's a Transistor reference

Pirating is like breaking into an amusement park and riding all of the rides without a ticket.

sometimes they're a little much in the wild

The PPP archive will be forced to be to shut down if there's another complaint.

Not being able to afford a game isn't an excuse to pirate.

What's wrong with Transistor?


Or people who like games with good and experimental gameplay

Everyone is a special snowflake including you.


It's okay for you to like PPP, but please don't ever share your collection. It encourages cyberbullying. Thank you.

You're just trying to artificially inflate their value like with rare Pepes, you robot. I'm wise to your tricks. Share your tendies with me and the PPP stop.

How is it bullying? Women can be disgusting NEETs too. These images are actually kinda progressive.

I can easily afford every game I pirate. But more than anything I just hate using Steam. Terrible piece of software made by a terrible company.

It's bullying when

Pictures like this are an obvious trace of a real woman. People will find out who that woman is and make fun of her.

I gues sthat's too bad robot-kun

How is cyberbullying is even real nigga hahahah like nigga just close your eyes hahaha

Should have thought about that before uploading a picture online tbqh

Nobody is excused from it. If you can't afford to participate in a hobby you need to focus on improving your life rather than playing vidya.

that's one i haven't seen!

You can't fool me. You just want to create artificial rarity to preserve your stocks

please post moar. I love these images

the fucking fish ship, oh god I forgot about taht shit

I thought women couldn't be socially retarded?

If you thought that, you're retarded yourself.

Hello, welcome to reality

how can you say PPP isn't cyberbullying?

These are really cool, but I can't comprehend the idea behind these. What does it try to show?


What the fuck is this shit.

Well, it's their choice to pirate, but realistically you could still scavenge money off the streets or suck 20 dicks for $1 each to be able to afford a $20 Steam card or something

are these supposed to be neet girls who are trying to mooch off their parents until the day they die and their parents have just given up on the idea of them ever becoming an adult and are now just trying to at least find a way to function in the same house as this dependent emotional womanbaby?

the window in the top right is a basement window
the window on the left is a bay window
you dont put a bay window in a basement because its underground, and you dont put a high little basement window in an above ground room because you would put a normal window


I really like the tendie nursery.

for some reason someone usually comments on this saying to delete it because the person its based on didnt give permission
and then it gets deleted
ive seen it happen a few times
it's kinda weird