What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Wait is she straddling the protagonist?

Her name's actually Peebee?

Fucking hell, Bioware can't do anything right

If there's an option to kill her I'm going to off this bitch so fast.

They've already confirmed party members can't die. Also why would you play this shitpile at all.

>Your introduction to PeeBee is her running into you, knocking you to the ground and then trying to ride you
I can already tell she's going to be even more annoying than Sara. If their was justice in this world you'd be able to tell your squad mates to shoot her.

Ah, my favorite Sup Forums rageface, le look out we got a badass over here face. Pure win, Bioware!

I think she means SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME



Her name is like Pelasarius B-something. Shortened to PeeBee


I think she looks neat

Still no replacement for based Liara though.



Is the black guy half penguin?

Why are her cheeks trying to stretch over her mouth and eyes? Human-like anatomy doesn't work that way.

>Human-like anatomy
It's an ayy lmao

My first guess would be that when *whoeverthefuck* said that party members can't die that they were talking about the combat sections of the game. And that journalists have incorectly misinterpreted that as "squadmates will never ever die ever in the entire game" If there's an option to kill her in dialog as a renegade choice there's no way they'd spoil and openly tell people something like that before the games release.

But, shit, this is Boiware we're talking about, I could very likely be wrong.

BioWare's attempts at comedy are always so terrible

Whos meant to look like a woman


Being a complete asshole in the first couple of mass effect games had some funny moments

I don't know, they cut down on the horrible things you can do to companions in DA:I. You might not be able to kill any of them, just not recruit.

Just like my Japanese anime. I don't understand why Sup Forums hates it????

Theres some good comedic moments in dragon age origins

is that amy schumer


Still sounds retarded. Who would adapt that name

Are japanese animes made by DreamWorks now?

That's an insult to dreamworks.

>shes the main romance option

aaaannnnd in the trash it goes



and here i thought they would make you choose between saving your twin or something else at some point

what happened bioware? you gone soft

Who cares what Shrek means?

Well, that's what a woman looks like

So she's going to be le random quip character on top of that design. Oof.

Every character is because Bioware hasn't been able to write anything that isn't shitty Whedon-wannabe garbage since the original Mass Effect and even then there were traces of it.

I thought Cora was the vanguard.

Anyone have the webm of this, but with the TTYD music?