You're at the club and this guy slaps your cardfu's ass.
What do?
You're at the club and this guy slaps your cardfu's ass.
What do?
I remember having this card....
summon kuribohs and phallus of the forbidden one while dork magician doesnt wanna get involved
man eater bug
>blocks your attack
Let my waifu destroy him :)
But he is my cardfu.
Idk move onto a better tcg?
I actually have this card
Whevever I come into these threads they are just cards I don't know
pick 2
>pic definitely unrelated
>Dark magician needs 2 tributes for 2500 attack.
>Summoned skull needs 1 tribute for 2500 attack.
truly the birth of power creep.
pic unrelated
>get pulled back into yugioh craze
>spent ~$200 on cards already
This is a nightmare. I'm just buying old promo cards, don't even have a good deck together.
Also this
Luckily I live in an area with all 3, and most of the recent args have had 200+ players
Send him home
name it
good, alive, and cheap
and by alive i don't mean dueling the same 5 people every weekend
Depends. Does he have an Axe of Despair equipped?
Central Florida, we consistently have 15 players for constructed but draft is smaller sadly
semi-related to this, would anyone be against a Duel Masters/Kaijudo TCG? I've sorta been toying with it, fucking around with making it myself with some moderate success. Should I continue?
What's with all of the card art looking cartoonish now? This card's a better version of Tribute to the Doomed, but it looks so stupid.
what. tcg.
I'll take good and alive, will gladly sink all my money into a TCG I love playing.
Force of Will, if I count fringe players we have more like 30 or so
Back To Square One is a pretty old card
I tribute Set my own monster
>tfw new archetype gets no support
That's just one example, but I mean in general. I just watched a video on good budget decks, and most of it was stuff like Fluffals and Performpage.
go look at jurrac monsters
Those are all anime decks. Probably cartooney so they won't be too hard to animate.
The ratio of cartoonish to non-cartoonish cards have only slightly increased over the years. Kaijus, dragon rulers, burning abyss, infernoids, subterrors, invoked, monarchs, kozmo, etc. all have some pretty nice artwork.
I discard a grade 3 card and look into my stride zone and then STRIDE GENERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATION
I hate what has happened to this game
B-but what if you get Shield and Sword'd? Summoned Skull can't win with that 1200 defense!!!
Too slow.
But that's moe Star Wars.
this was legitimately a pretty good game
Whats up with the bottom text? when was that added?
Now fully related to this statement. Please respond
i assume after archfiend archetypes became a thing
eat shit edgelord
play duel links
*za warudos behind u and stabs ur chest*
just play duel link, you'll spend a lot less especially since freemium setup isnt too bad compared to others, and if you just want to buy oldschool cards, it's literally the app for you.
Uhh what's so good about this thing
> play duel link
>want to buy thunder dragons
>no stones
>get stones
>no thunder dragon in card trader for over a week now
wut game and what happened to it
First I activate my trap card that activates my magic card that upon dispelling two cards activates my monster's special effect of summoning two monsters that get sacrificed to my other magic trap card that pulls three cards into the "twilight zone" and two into the "fuck you zone" and those cards activate their special magic trap regen flip draw lifepoints effect.
And then I forfeit.
>2 tributes
Count them again
*destroys your blue eyes*
thunder dragon is shit anyway
its a nice way to thin your deck and exodia event is coming
Make my girl semi-limited again, Konami!
Archfiends are old and shit. That seems like a very recent change
*Gathers spirit bomb chakra energy from my dead ninja dragons*
I did the same with a dark magician deck. Spent almost 200 and it is shit against the meta. Fucking nostalgia with the new yugioh movie.
Yang Zing best Zing
This guy gets your waifu kidnapped and slaps your ass in a card game. What do you do?
>Summoned Skull is my cardfu
I fuck her silly. she obviously wants it
Ra sphere mode
Won't happen, he can infinite loop himself
>still no movie raw
Why did Mammoth Graveyard get errata'd into a Dinosaur-type? I checked my old copies and Konami even managed to change those into dinosaurs.
I started to collect cheapass cool looking cards too.
i've read this card's effect 6 times and I still have no idea what it actually does
A guy on a motorcycle flies into outer space to summon this creature.
What do?
go super saiyan and cheat
Effectively it's saying if you normal summon it, you can send another Zoodiac monster from your deck to the graveyard (some have effects that trigger this way).
If you use it as a material to summon a beast-warrior XYZ monster using Ratpier there, it gains the ability to detach one of its materials to summon another Ratpier from your hand or deck.
Xyz Zoodiac monsters can be summoned using a single main deck Zoodiac Monster as material, and Ratpier's effect is especially good for pumping them out.
>Kaiba: haha I've got you now, you wouldn't really kill someone over a card game, would you?
This is one of my favorites. They are fun to look at and read the descriptions on. I'm still running into cards I never knew existed.
Blue-Eyes always wins
Not even Yugi had cheating this blatant
its alright, he fused with his space ghost dueling buddy and their powers of friendship made a miracle happen
How bad do you have to suck in order to make use of this card?
>go see the Yugioh movie
>whole movie talking about the Pharaoh
>comes back in the last 5 minutes
>says nothing
>all he does is draw and play the card Yugi was going to play
This was the Kaiba movie. What a fucking madman
>This was the Kaiba movie. What a fucking madman
It really was. The movie was just two straight hours of Kaiba styling on the whole cast.
>Your technology can't save you from my omnipotent reality warping magic!
>fuck you yes it can
this isn't part of the official ruling
>been years since I've had anything to do with yugioh
>download YGOPRO on a whim just to check it out
>start an AI match to get my bearings
>AI does a bunch of crazy shit that I can't even follow and wins on turn 2
>I need to beat the Pharaoh in a duel
>he's gone Kaiba
>fuck you, dig up that Egyptian tomb
>Kaiba I told you he's gone
>he's just scared he'll lose a duel to me
>literally flies into Egyptian heaven to duel someone
Is Legacy of the Duelist a good game?
are you blind or just stupid?
Yes, put in a lot of hours into it. Stopped playing it after I beat the GX campaign because fuck Synchros, XYZ and Pendulum cards.
Post favorite card, nerds.
Where's candy shota-kun and his pasta at?
Easily the best modern YGO game unless you like mobile shit (duel links)
it only works if you're a main character
Long ago, I got 25th at a regionals with this.
>being a pussy
I can understand Pendulum but synchro and XYZ are basic as fuck
This with Pumprincess are a fucking dream team.
right here