The most autistic fanbase?

the most autistic fanbase?
i'll start with an easy one pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

This is coming from someone who enjoyed the series.

mount and blade multiplayer.

Souls series


Fucking this. The Souls, Bloodborne, and Nioh fags. They're all cancer.

I actually feel bad for the Sonic fanbase. Sega needs to go back to basics with sonic. They should go back to 2D platforming games.

This. They think Souls games are the second cuming of christ.

Hopefully, Mania does well and 2017 bombs.

I doubt the latter, considering how many Sonic autists will buy anything.

This. Or they should maybe take the Sonic Utopia route, which is basically classic sonic brought to 3d

space station 13

I like the games but this


What'd you expect? Literal children love that game. It's practically Minecwaft.

Fucking this
Not autistic like "I'm an unbearable faggot that sperg out and draw Deviantart", but literal "1 motherfucking frame" speedrun and fighting games autistic
It translate to mods too. The amount of details that Jap modders do for costumes mod is crazy

>complaining about detailed mods
If there's anything autism is good for, it's providing others with quality products.

Anything Bethesda
Anything Souls related


TF2 has really fallen hard since going F2P.
The moment F2P hit all I saw were kids and ponies.

You'd think a game so fucking cheap would've had the same results.

Really? Are we talking about how people are autistic about modding the games or how they dissect the plots and characters?

>Fighting game autistic
>1 motherfucking frame

Anything more complex than you care for doesn't make it autistic.
It's precise inputs that you have to be dexterous to pull of, showcasing some skill.

Fighting games are competitive centered and have tournaments where you can earn some huge fucking profit. Of course you're gonna crunch numbers and come up with the best possible ways to win, including being just a bit faster than an opponent; it matters.

Stop complaining people put effort into being good

Since when the fuck is modding a game autistic?

NieR Automata


mad cuz bad

>thinking your favorite game is the best game
they're not the same thing but it's fine if people think that.

It's pretty autistic.
>can't accept their favorite game has faults
Sounds like REVII fans, actually.

Easily Pokemon

Was is it about fast things that attracts so many autists? Serious question.

Also a reason I will never ever buy a game on PC, I will pirate everything on it though and buy console verion instead ust to not give any money into PCgaming. Fuck you, you brought it on yourseles

I wish it was still alive.

Any fanbase will always attract sperges who like things too much.

Still better then not liking anything at all.

Napoleonic Wars is just a Sup Forums chatroom

CS:GO (source's player base is way less toxic, I enjoyed CS:GO before they brought in the uncrating meme)
New souls (people who unironically enjoy ds2 and ds3 just because of pvp and gay pvp meta etc, but don't actually play the pve or enjoy the games lore like real fans, after ds1 the "dark souls is hard" meme literally just attracted every casual normie to the,) although bloodborne isn't too bad
Fallout (why does everyone hate fallout 3 and shill new vegas?)
Funny thing is, I play or have played all of these games except undertale, I just fucking hate 80% of the people that play and shill them

Only fanbases I've seen that seem autistic are pony fags, sonic, minecraft, and undertale

Sup Forums chatroom plus the 63e fags.

>why does everyone hate fallout 3 and shill new vegas
Because FO3 was shit in terms of overall story compared to the previous fallouts, while NV brought some of that story magic back in.

Not that I consider DMC4 and fighter fans attention for detail "bad"

It's that most people consider autism to be like the Sonic fanbase meme who is bullied in school and draw shitty OCs, whereas it's more like obsession and over attention, which is actually not really negative

the entirety of Sup Forums is a Sup Forums chatroom. gtfo fags

Souls fags are the most obnoxious on Sup Forums
>artificial difficulty meme
>"g-git gud" when you criticize any game
>"the dark souls of x"

Nigga I know but we don't have to be dicks about it

/mlp/ at their worst can't keep to themselves
Sup Forums at their best can't keep to them selves

>Second cumming
When was the first? With Judas?