>gtx 970
>i5 6600k
>16gb ram
>no more that 16fps
The fuck am I doing wrong, Sup Forums?
Gtx 970
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums?
Turn GPU buffer accuracy to low (fast)
Also, get a better CPU. You need at LEAST a i7 7700k to run this at 25fps+
Trying to emulate a game that has been out for one week, be glad you're even seeing an image right now
Could people stay calm and wait until the emulator can move the game in a proper way???
It's not quite ready, give it some more time.
Cemu is a Wii U emulator, right? How's performance for other games?
Depends on the game, some run at full speed with a good PC.
Captain Toad even runs full speed on my shitty fx 6300.
Shader Cache being compiled. Always happens when playing the game first time in Cemu.
XBX runs pretty well on my system, but I have a i7-5820k paired with a 8GB GTX 1070.
Still has some audio bugs, but frame stutter isn't as much an issue with cache swapping now.
Made this video tonight for some friends to see.
HA, my shitty iMac also does 15-20FPS.
it's the emulator
You are pirating instead of giving you money to our japenese overlords.
Stop using 1.7.2b
Just use 1.7.2
16 fps is playable, stop bitching
What can I run with this, Sup Forums?
This. Jesus fuck, are you guys new to emulation? It can take months - even YEARS - for games to emulate perfectly.
So physics actually work now?
You could probably run prime95 flip it over and cook some steaks on it
>They actually got this to playable settings on the Wii U
What kind of fucking magic is this?
What about mine?
we need mods to ban dumb ass threads like these
the game wasn't even working a few days ago ffs
Fuck, forgot specs
It doesn't look as good on the WiiU, But yes, it was serious black magic.
I thought that I was the only one with audio bugs, turns out others got it too. Is there normally no BGM playing in the background in the first area?
I don't follow emulators, XCX is not "playable"?
It's hard to emulate or no one gave a fuck for the game on PC?
>that stuttering
How do y'all keep bragging about being master race and all of that jazz and play a game that way?
I mean, sure it's incredible how much they've advanced in such a short time, but goddamn.
>Motherboard temp: 122 C
You need a SLI of 1080s with an i7 if you want to have more than 20fps.
I have battle music playing in the first area and some BGM every now and again. Most of the issue is static though for me or double audio like a reverb issue.
XBX biggest problem is the native audio is already fucked up by having voices and BGM levels lower than SFX.
I don't know how well it runs on lower systems. But I don't have any issues with it on mine.
There's not really any stuttering while playing, It runs native 30fps which has always been janky on PC hardware.
>bragging about being master race
I don't brag about this retarded shit, I shun those faggots and their community. I also don't give a fuck about console wars, I just like to play video games and enjoy seeing older and lower setting titles getting higher level treatment is all.
Oh, I see. Thanks for clarifying, then.
Runs kinda alright on mine, some minor stutters on my i5 6500 and 1070 but once the cache gets filled up then it'll run a lot better.
You can download a cache for the game as long as it matches your card. That's what I did here,
here That video is with the cache someone else made for Nvidia cards. The link to dlownload it is in the description of the video. The guy spent like 2-3 days of playing to make it.
First time you load it it will be pretty slow. After that though its like a 20 second boot up as it checks the cache. It's much better to play this way.
Are you fucking retarded? It took 5-10 years for software and hardware to allow ps2 emulation at satisfactory levels and you expect to perfectly run the game that just came out (and on a relatively recent platform too) this soon? 16 fps is fucking miracle already considering what you are seeing. Give it time, play something else, do something else, get a job and buy a console or just wait.
You're a good man, user. I hope the download isn't too big. Are you the same guy from the OP?
How'd you get it to run? The only thing I know is that it has to be the EU version and you need to already have a save, mind spoonfeeding me where to find either?
Stealing, for starters.
>faster cpu than 6600k
Why is this the case? I have op's setup, roughly. I can run BF1 1080p @ high with no problem. Is this the nature of emulation?
>i5-4570@ 3.2
>amd 7850
no tweaks or anything. are you people doing something extra to make the frame rate dip so low??
Not OP, Zelda I can't help with, I'm waiting a while to do that. XBX file is a few mb.
I do know that the Zelda version requires you to have a decrypter to work 1.7.3 non b version and a save that is after the intro.
Personally though I would wait, it's still very very buggy and not running up to par yet. I'd personally give it another month.
Also I highly suggest waiting for a complete Zelda cache drops so you can play without heavy stutters and frame locks.
What about me?
How is 3ds emulation coming along?
Hint hint OP.
Even with consoles like NDS it can get almost impossible to get emulation working let alone play the ROMs.
>Link not touching the ground
Is this normal, or is it due to some emulation errors?
Also, does it have sound yet?
It's not going to fucking work.
Have you even emulated before? The game wasn't even working a few days ago.
lol my computer is in a closet and gets nowhere near this hot
this is the nature of a beta emulator, which in itself isnt very optimized
wait, can you play the game normally even if it never get higher than 16 fps?
is there any bug or hole thing that you cannot go forward in the emulator?
No magnesis, I believe. So some puzzles are impossible to do? Dunno, haven't played the game yet.
W-will a 6700k be enough to run this at a stabe 30fps you guys think in like a year from now?
Nothing. Didn't you watch their video? You are probably getting MORE fps than them, if anything.
>Why is this the case?
>Is this the nature of emulation?
Emulating a console requires much more power than you think, especially when the emulator is in beta(hence not optimized yet), emulating a new game which even the developers themselves can't run even near 100% correctly on systems much more powerful than yours.
>I can run BF1 1080p @ high with no problem.
This means nothing, literally.
You could even have a system twice more powerful running any game at max fps at 4K ultra settings, if the emulator is not optimized yet and no specific fixes/adjustment/settings have been developed for the emulated game, you'd still get sub 20 fps no matter what.
can someone help i'm stuck at touch the screen to play on tv
It'll work, it'll just take 4-6 months to get there.
Help you doing what?
The developers released a vid where they got it to run at full speed just recently, but with no sound, and still plenty of glitches.
It's only playable(speed wise) on rigs vastly superior than yours, and still not as intended.
Are you retarded?
I'm not asking how can i get 60fps on 4k
i just want to pass this stupid menu
>3DS emulation barely getting acceptable framerates
>only a handful of passable WiiU emulated games
>PS3 emulation only now being announced
>expects perfect emulation for an open world game that came out literally a week ago
Maybe you shoud give more patreon money to the devs so you can unlock the tier where you recieve a clue.
For simple stuff it works fine from what I've messed with, but even then you run into compatibility issues sometimes, i.e. MSF2 PLAYS perfectly, but there's no sound
It's absolutely riddled with problems. Expect the framerate to be even more of a fuckfest if grass is ever in. Most PC paupers are shitting themselves over some semblance of playability, not realizing how much of the enviornment is missing because they didn't see the real game. Expect the framerate to be halved again if grass is impiimented properly.
You're playing it on a computer.
>mfw Switch is better than all your PCs
Please tell me this is some sort of a homebrew vore platformer
I've got an i5 4690k and I'm stuck at 10-15, sometimes dipping to 6. Only have 30 consistently in menus. What magic are you using?
might as well just get a fucking wii u or switch, its cost you about the same as a new good cpu.
>he hasn't played-
fuck you a disgusting vorefag isn't getting spoonfed by me
How the fuck do you not recognize a WayForward game in the board that's WayForward central USA
It's switch force 2
Fuck you let user enjoy what he likes
>PC fags with their super $1000+ computers on suicide watch whilst I sit here playing it on my switch
that it's been a week and we already have this much it's pretty crazy.
I might not even end up buying a switch, though I bought BotW, might have to return it.
>playing kids games
you sure showed us
>Is this the nature of emulation?
To put it in perspective, MGS3 runs at maybe 12 FPS on the best computers in the world unless in software rendering mode.
What the fuck are you talking about I played through MGS3 on a stable 25-30 fps a few years back and my PC was middle of the road even back then.
MGS3 runs fine on PCSX2, as long as you aren't running it on a potato build.
пocмoтpитe нa нищeёбa c пeкapнeй для yчeбы
>пocмoтpитe нa нищeёбa c пeкapнeй для yчeбы
Looking at poverty with a trek for a yacht
xcx only works on nvidia because their cards are not accurate and dont render a lot of shit allowing for stable framerate
Those are definitely normal temperatures for a mother board.
We're the ones who should be asking you if you're doing anything to get the framerate to get that high.
I'm wondering how you got it to 30+fps on a 3.2Ghz i5-4570 and 7850.
Seems so much higher than everyone else.
The grass is already being rendered.
But due to the physics/state retention being screwed up it's sinking into the ground like Link does when you stop moving.
A lot of the issues in the game are from one source, the physics.
>emulator only uses 4 cores
>hurr get the 8 core version
confirmed for retarded
OP just wait a bit until things have been optimized / overclock your cpu to 4,2ghz (which you can do out of the menu with a 6600k without any problems whatsoever)
And obviously that is not the actual temperature of the motherboard, geniuses.
This fucking emulator is not intended for public use, performance is all over the place
Look at other Wii U titles Cemu plays, they work perfectly.
Hes using Photoshop.
The game cannot run over 30 FPS, no matter how good your hardware is.
It will be a while when frame unlocking for BotW will be possible, first they will make it playable.
That's been my video card for 5 years now. Is the 7850 still the true pc master race card up until now?
>all you need is a $3k PC to run this game at 30fps on your PC*
*without grass
*without water
*with clipping and physics issues
*can't properly leave the plateau
*enemies don't work right
*can't really save and load
*cutscenes are fucked up
*no proper audio
Translation layer between x86 and arm architecture. Once the instructions are properly understood, they will be done in batches using JIT.
OP's already using JIT for some of the well understood instructions. For the others, its still doing 1->1 instruction translation.
The game has been out for a week dude.
These things, they take time.
Buy the fucking game you little bitch.
I've got the emulator, the game, some save files and some decryptor thing.
How do I make it do the thing? CEMU doesn't want the game as it is, so I assume I need to decrypt it somehow, but no idea how.
Please send help
emulation != piracy
Well, to the shitstains here it probably is all piracy but still. How do you know he didn't buy the game?
>I t-totally just play rips of games I already own with my emulators
Are you high, it plays just fine
i think it still has a problem with bloom not working correctly.
>cemu or a virus
Nigger I can literally see the small color border around the windows title bar, you're not fooling anyone.
not yet, but be sure to donate for future updates :)
>runs fine
You must be blind to not notice the foliage glitches and several shadow issues that simply cannot be fixed.
Why do people spread lies like this?