Playing through Bloodborne for the first time...

Playing through Bloodborne for the first time, I found a NPC summon sign near Vicar Amelia and decided to try it out because I wanted to see what summons were like in this game. The NPC ended up tanking the boss the entire time without dying and the fight was incredibly easy. Is Amelia supposed to be an easy boss or are the NPCs just overpowered? Because it seems like if the boss had been focused on me the whole time I would have been fucking slaughtered.

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NPC summons tend to make most boss fights really easy because of their massive amounts of health which allows them to tank boss hits and act as a distraction for the player.

congrats, you just ruined one of the best moments of a first playthrough

>one of the best moments
Vicar Amelia specifically? Why?

Get out.

Meanwhile I couldn't even half-health BSB with an NPC summon and I killed him alone with no help and little damage when I gave up on the NPC summons.

NPC/Player summons might as well be considered the Easy Mode of Souls type games. Most bosses don't know how to react to multiple players at a time and will go down pretty fast. NPC summons often times are given what feels like more health to compensate for the lack of actual player intelligence.

Either way, Amelia can be super tough or easy. When I fought her, I stunned her so much she went down first try. Then, on a second playthrough, she went berserk 24/7, slashed everywhere, then healed constantly. The difficulty of a lot of bosses just depends. Amelia isn't a big deal though if you cheesed her. She's certainly nothing special in my opinion.

A flailing beast of a boss? Whats amazing in that?

>NPC/Player summons might as well be considered the Easy Mode of Souls type games.
Yeah but in Dark Souls, Solaire generally dies halfway into the fights you can summon him for, so in the long run he isn't a huge help as the bosses have increased health and you end up facing them solo for half of it anyway. My experience with Amelia is that the NPCs in Bloodborne are unkillable gods who trivialize a fight.

NPC summons are pretty strong. Before the Old Hunters, there were barely any and they were shit. Just made the boss harder from the health boost.

Amelia is kindof boring, honestly. The game has far better moments.

OP, summons really do make bosses easier.
One boss in particular is actually meant to be easy, and you'll know which one when you see it.

See, that's another thing that depends. One of my playthroughs, Solaire basically did the entire Gargoyle fight for me. I maybe hit the second Gargoyle twice. With Ornstein and Smough he tanked Ornstein for me while I decimated Smough. Sometimes he'll die instantly, sometimes he'll tank a whole fight. It's really inconsistent and just depends on how much bosses will sperg out.

Bloodborne has some fights where NPCs generally fail completely. Example being a boss in a swamp area where you can summon two NPCs. Every time I did they'd die within seconds and I'd be stuck with a really tough boss solo.

In the end, it just depends. I've summoned for Amelia and the NPC just dies instantly. But in your case they destroyed her. Just depends on how crazy the bosses are. Bloodborne NPCs are more helpful though objectively because they can heal themselves, compared to DaS ones where you have to heal them.

Meh... I summoned the one knight guy in my fight with blood starved beast. Was kinda very glad that the boss focused most of his energy towards the npc. The boss seemed like a cheap as fuck dick anyway.

Initially, yes. But then you really you can literally circle strafe it and it can't hit you. You don't even need to fucking dodge. Just hug it and circle around the thing. Easiest boss in the game once you figure this out.

What about the undead giant? The one with the long hooks for hands? Just wait for it to do its combos and then just move in and hit twice and back away?

>hit him
>he gets pissed and does his spinny attack
>hit him again
Then when he's in a crit state, just whack him (if you're not SKL based) or go in for the visceral if you are SKL based
The undead giant with the cannon is the annoying one in FRC dungeons.

The route to Blood Starved Beast is obnoxiously long, fuck dying to him.

>Henriett tanking a boss
>Henriett not dying before the boss
I'm calling bullshit

What? Not even. You must not have opened the gate at the top of the spiraling staircase. That's a shortcut several paces from your spawn point. You just go through the gate, go down the stairs, defeat the guy standing at the bottom of the stairs, defeat the wolf when you walk outside, defeat the other wolf, and then you're literally a few yards from the boss.

>you just ruined one of the best moments of a first playthrough
>le screaming flailing monster
yea there's only ten more bosses like that for him to kill, what a shame

>You must not have opened the gate at the top of the spiraling staircase.
Wait what? The only shortcut I found in Old Yharnam is the ladder leading down at the base of the building where the guy is firing the gun at you, and that only skipped a short area.

You missed one right before the boss, where the werewolf pops through the door

The one reborn?

I decided I want to get a Burial blade before NG+ so I'm doing Nightmare frontier and half the chalice dungeons right after Amelia.

About to do Defiled Pthumeru at lvl 50 with 25 vit and I'm not looking forward to it tbqh

>About to do Defiled Pthumeru at lvl 50 with 25 vit
At that, the watcher will probably be the most difficult. Hot dog and Amy don't really give a shit about your VIT, so will be mostly the same. When I did BL4 run, the watcher gave me more trouble than almost any other chalice boss. (though I STILL haven't killed darkbeast, fuck him, I gave up)

It's the same in dark Souls. You can summon Solaire and Lautrec and they can handle the Bell Gargoyls without you.

I'm actually considering buying the Sinister root chalice and calling it a day...that or just cheesing him with Cocktails. Though to be fair I'm more afraid of abhorrent beast.

Also idk how people do crazy shit like NG+7 and BL 4. I mean godspeed you crazy motherfuckers but I will never git gud enough for that shit.

>NG+7 at BL4

I can't into words at 3am

That fight is like the second "filter" boss after Gascoigne. It's supposed to be there to make sure you have dodge/parry mechanics figured out, or at least that's how I saw it.

I would offer to help with one of my various co-op builds, but honestly; I've not played the game in over 6 months so would probably just be a hindrance now.
no bully pls
Also, I've only done most of the chalices and the main game BL4. I gave up after darkbeast. Never killed the queen and never did the DLC. I took a few shots at ludwig, but was burnt out by that point

Or my twink dickhead


I remember finding a route in the lower area that looped back to near the lantern, but you had to jump out at the top and I didn't see any way back in. Maybe I missed a lever or something.

Thanks for the offer but this is something I feel like I have to solo, maybe if I hit a brick wall.

I should eventually try making a twink....I just got the game this year and this is only my second character so, not quite there yet.

The community is pretty much too dead for twinking now unfortunately. If it ever gets given away with PS+ there will be a resurgence, but I doubt it will.

In the streets before the boss there's a building where a werewolf breaks through a door to come at you. Enter that building and there's a door at the top of the spiral staircase that leads up to the entrance lantern.

I've done it at level 29 dude, you can do it. Use the DLC Brain gems if you can.

Really? I got up to 99 insight earlier in the week farming Cathedral Ward and the Forest on my bl43.

Are the transparent specters I keep seeing players who are in the game right then and there? Because there are quite a lot of those no matter where I go so it still seems fairly lively. If I ever ring my bell to help someone it usually just takes less than a minute to get a response too.

I know I missed the glory days of this one but it feels far from dead.

>Use the DLC Brain gems
Not worth it. Just use mensis gems. Trying to kill Maria and Ludwig for the tiny extra % from cursed gems is just a pain in the ass. If he wants the burial blade early, he would probably want to kill these with it anyway.

I stopped twinking ages ago, would take upwards of 45 minutes to get anyone. I'm glad you get some invasions though. Here's a fun little thing I liked to do: