Quick! Post your gunfu from any video game before some other user gets their filthy commie hands all over it!
Quick! Post your gunfu from any video game before some other user gets their filthy commie hands all over it!
Insurgency made me like this little slav pistol.
Solid choice
MG34. MG42cunts can stop using up my ammo anytime.
armor piercing memes
I honestly don't think there is a video game weapon with a higher skillcap than the good old car muffler.
Basic bolt action hunting rifle.
This along with the battle rifle were my fucking combo in this game
When the Flood was around, this baby was your best most reliable friend.
...You need to be shot. You and the "comfy" faggots.
But that said, the SCAR from the first Crysis is my shit.
And you deserve the wheel treatment.
Forever my raifu.
>not getting comfy by forcibly expelling the childhood memories from your foes skulls with your gunfu
I shiggy my niggy.
Shit dude, I love Heckler and Cock guns
That and Fuckboys trying to lunge me with the sword
heck of a shotgun!
Where my NATO bros at
Not even the best small arm in her game, pretty sad desu.
Dis user, dis user my nigga right here.
Us insurgents right?
>entire childhood summed up in a single pic
I like the SA58 OSW and the FAL paratrooper better.
Fuck off.
>left handed
I'm a sucker for revolver.
My knee grows
>not glorious EPG
My secondary is EPG.
But the Flatline has been the most fun and different AR ive used in a long time.
>Nobody makes a retro AR upper or even just a receiver in .50 Beowulf
/k/ has been trying to make a clone of that based mans gun for years to no avail.
oh baby
It's a desert eagle, but I'm specifically claiming the Handcannon in Killing Floor
M870 in most videogames, really
>load up any WW2 game
>immediately find a BAR
Does it trigger anybody else's autism when fictional weapons get posted in these threads?
I feel like there should be a distinction between threads disscusing "your favorite gun to use in games across games" for guns that exist IRL vs threads about your favorite fictional gun
Should've just specified firearms
No, gunfu threads are the same as planefu or shipfu threads.
USS Iowa has just as much love as the Kestrel and it should be kept to one thread.
what game lets me put an underrail shotgun on a shotgun?
Picking up this little shitter was the turning point of SoC for me, went from a wonky Russian acid trip to full on Military Murder Simulator
Probably MGSV on PC with the glitched custom gun designer
Dead Space 3
not worth it
Worth every penny.
I just figured it was guns in vidya in general that you really really like, Fictional and/or non-fictional.
This little bastard made BFBC2 a better game
Any shotgun from any videogame.
M1 Garands in service roles way after their lifespan has its own unique charm, certainly worked well in Fallout New Vegas as well. Kind of a shame the M14 ended up being a chunky unmanageable bother
Not just New Vegas. I just love Tommy Guns in general. Especially if it has a foregrip and a Drum Mag. Hoo baby I'm painting the town red.
The Garand in BFBC2 was just a shittier M14 anyway.
I fucking love shotguns.
Are railguns the most kino vidya gun?
I hope the last DLC for BF1 is in the same vein as the last DLC for BF4's and adds shit that was made for the war but never saw it like the Thompson
>its a "flatten Zargabad with HE rounds" episode
My man, I used to dominate with it in Rush mode.
It's a shame that reproduction BARs cost $4500.
Also, they make this fucking abortion now.
Super shot--
Alright, BFG9000 then. Best ultimate weapon ever.
>wanting the shitty pre-A1 Thompson
Say that to my face and not online motherfucker.
I don't mind not having steak sauce
The gun is suppose to be very old and baked in the sun and with mismatched parts from lots of scavenging
>Posting Memelands.
Hello, Reddit!
Does this count?
The HERETIC weapons do, though.
Do you enjoy your steaks uncooked and infected with mad cow as well?
Early thompsons were just terrible in battlefield conditions man, soldiers loved them because they were automatic and the brass at the time still had their heads up their ass over "EVERY SOLDIER A RIFLEMAN" but they weren't really doing much better than the grease gun that eventually replaced them.
t. Fought in World War II
that doesn't change the fact that it was made for World War I but the war ended before any could actually get shipped
World War I was a meme war. Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you, this isn't /k/.
no the 2016 Presidential Election was a Meme War