Are Slavs literally the only ones who haven't surrendered to the AAA marketing jews?

Are Slavs literally the only ones who haven't surrendered to the AAA marketing jews?

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I am so weary about this game. Seems too good to be true so I expect everything to be lies.

Pic unrelated? Another shitty open world game that's controller focused with shit combat?

I was totally against it until For Honor came along and made me OK with "lock on" systems.
Looking forward to it now.

There is similar games like this one? the only i know is mount and blade but there is already one that is open world on the 15th century?

>lock on combat

M&B is in no way similar; no armies to command, completely different combat system, more of a story-telling RPG, etc.

I remember when we were making fun of For Honor a year ago. It's alright.

this one?

>mp only
I don't know man, but this might fail. Look at WoTR and Of Kings and Men

That one looks great too but is only MP

>What is Chivalry

What makes knights so appealing to autists?
The anonymity?

americans are yuroboos

Away with you, vile normie!

The desire to cleanse filthy subhumans.

>haven't surrendered to the AAA marketing jews

what are you even trying say you dumbfuck

>episodic release
what were you saying about jews?

Aren't the devs Czechoslovakians? I don't think those are slavs.

People in the beta, is the game fun?

They're Czech, like the Arma3 devs.
And the Bohemians are indeed Slavs, despite their Imperial connections.

>thinks Czechoslovakia is still a thing
>thinks they aren't slavs
>american education

nigger don't you follow morhau

Yeah, good luck selling your game when it needs two SLI Titans to run at 60fps in 1080p.

Kickstarted it. It's in alpha stage and near unplayable. It looks great but the combat system needs a lot of work. It lacks impact and feels very unnatural.

That game have SP too?

oh nvm

Wow, didn't think I'd have a topical reason to post this so soon.

Learn your slavs, anons.

Witcher 3 was cookie cutter AAA game though, only it was worse than a lot of them.

I was excited when I first heard about the game and looked over at the features.

Then I started seeing gameplay, and all the crowdfunding, and the devs repeatedly cutting corners and content for deadlines...

It looks pretty shitty. It's pretty with neat combat, but everything else looks incomplete and garbage. Especially since it's historical, meaning no alchemy, magic, monsters... Just the same combat over and over and poorly written, tacked-on 'quests'.

Shame, really. First person RPG's could really use something super immersive and comfy.

>Just the same combat over and over and poorly written, tacked-on 'quests'.

sure sounds like Witcher 3 to me

Its going to cater to M&B and other historical game fans. The premise of these games is to enjoy reenacting medieval life and wanting to murder the shit out of people who belong to a country that you hate today, i.e. kebabs, frenchies, and etc.


i just want to roam near towns with peasants in the 15th century, is that too much?

Story takes place somewhat close to where I live, so I will buy it because I am interested in the setting and I'm glad a game like this is being made.

I'm prepared to find the gameplay to be mediocre, but I don't think you'll have to endure it for very long anyway


Release when?

Slavs are a microcosm of their own that no one else seems to get it because it's just overgrown tribes and shit.

They have the right idea.