I... Actually enjoy her videos and agree with most of her arguments in regards to the nature and state of the industry.
I... Actually enjoy her videos and agree with most of her arguments in regards to the nature and state of the industry
Other urls found in this thread:
Realistically how many of them did she play?
I don't. I think she's a scam artist and a kike
would still fuck tho
maybe like 5, if that.
She has been caught using gameplay from other youtubers.
I want to fuck Anita.
You should swan dive into a noose
I found her points accurate, but asinine. The damsel in distress has been a trope for centuries and we've only had feminism for half a century I think. Pointing out negative shit is fine if you're trying to improve on the future, not just shit all over the present
the flat earth is what makes this.
jesus christ you are everywhere
It's a shame that in 2017, games do not have more customization, especially for budget tier games that do not have pre-rendered cutscenes.
*nods respectfully towards (you)*
Her first videos were quite on-point about actual issues, for example her video about the portrayal of violence against women in video games, that was quite a good analisis.
But at some point she just started looking for shit to complain about.
Never trust a woman who has dark jewish evil eyes
Sarkeesian's main issues is that she usually focuses in either outdated games or examples so egregious that most the people who disagree with her have already discredited.
Her major failure as a researcher of media is that she only focuses on the product, not the audience response to it.
I think she is really bad at her job and is massively overrated by progressives and is very smug despite refusing to actually her have work challenged by others in a public forum (she only attends events that guarantee overwhelming support and never responds to challenges on social media), but the hate toward her that I've seen is a little overblown.
He choice on execution is not great. The way she names a trope then pulls out examples is not a good way to present this information because what matters is trends in data not specific examples. This especially weakens her points when people pull out something about the specific game she's talking about and say she's doing it wrong. This diminishes the point and allows for easy reductionism from people who just want to distract and stir up shit. Her insight into how these tropes negatively impact our perceived culture was pretty on point though. I applaud her for being able to bring this discussion into the forefront and while what has happened since has been a shitfest I am hopefully that some logical discussions and analysis will eventually occur because of it.
Is she still even remotely relevant? Swear I haven't heard her name or seen her face in like a year now.
Did Anita retire from video game feminism? I haven't heard anything about her in a long time.
I...don't care
I'd have all these games too if I was making bags of money off of gullible people
I think that bringing up the topic is important, but she has an unusually hostile undercurrent towards the audience which makes it difficult to discuss some of the points she brings up. She also cites reasoning and causes which are unsupported and actually contradicted by studies, although I wouldn't blame her for that as the studies might be newer than her oldest videos.
It's a shame that most people don't actually want to discuss the topic, and instead would rather discuss the Youtuber.
I've only seen one video of hers and I didn't really find any of her points valid just based on my own experiences with the games I had played that she was commenting on. I remember her saying that Just Cause 2 encouraged you to kill strippers or something when there was no reward for doing so in the game and getting to them was either a pain in the ass or something that happens extremely late game. What I've heard about her and her views since then really only reinforce my opinion that she has a very shallow understanding of the topics she talks about whether it be games or feminism. Mostly she's just very good at presenting her points. I think she was one of the first if not the first commentators that figured out if you pretend no one disagrees with you in a calm reasonable tone then you can convince people there is a consensus on your ideas no matter how blatantly false or ridiculous they are. I'd say she's a fantastic promoter but not much of a feminist or a critic.
Is this suppose to be the counter to Trump spam? This is significantly more effective in getting me to side with Sup Forums than actual Sup Forums spam.
just as well i stopped reading there
And yet you go into the thread just to wave your implied lack of care.
Nobody cares false flag. Check my 5 nerd
I think she's more or less graduated to mainstream feminism. Shes gotten to the point that people will pay her just to speak on general feminist issues rather than strictly video game related ones. I see a lot of people that seem to think Anita is the Gloria Steinem of our time.
>I remember her saying that Just Cause 2 encouraged you to kill strippers or something when there was no reward for doing so in the game and getting to them was either a pain in the ass or something that happens extremely late game
not only that, you lose points, it even shows it in the footage which she probably stole. i think it was hitman
Why does everyone want to fuck her again?
The best way to convert a subhuman retard to Sup Forums:
Show him Sup Forums strawmen and make his tiny brain believe this is what everyone but Sup Forums is.
You were always a Sup Forumstard, just didn't realize it before.
all that cocaine zoe quinn has been giving her hasn't done her skin any favors
she recently made a video about how white people culturally appropriate and are racist through video games but 90% of her examples were Japanese games
I didn't get it. Then I remembered like a year ago Japs were white on twitter. I guess they still are.
Christ, you are very rude!
I am a pro globalist shill that voted for Hillary, not as a compromise but because her views are pretty identical to mine. After several years of going there I don't see Sup Forums as part of my future
kill yourself
Just very mean spirited person.
This, basically. Her videos are tend to be shallow, the few I've seen. A list of damsels in distress one after another is neither interesting nor enlightening.
Literally who?
She's a feminist so it's pretty low hanging fruit desu.
The woman who killed gamers. Gamers are dead now don't you know?
>key voice
>leigh alexander
Who? No seriously, literally who?
is she our gal?
>her views are pretty identical to mine
You mean that white males are evil and women should rule the world?
You forgot the LOL.
Daily reminder that she is literally a prostitute
>human being
The Y chromosome is required for higher brain functions.
Anything without the Y chromosome is at best an ape.
People always forget that having a penis does not make you automatically a man.
What in particular?
Not before I kill you
>read that as 'human beans'
Yeah user that is what I meant when I said I am globalist shill.
Literally a female jack thompson
if she was a man no one would put up with her
You should consider suicide
her rates were fucking ridiculous
800 dollars an hour is 799 dollars and 59 cents too much.
Good posts. I need the occasional reminder that there are some people here who aren't screeching autists/MRAs.
>she thinks MRAs post here
stop samefagging
Who is this guy anyway?
I only recognize him from shitty memes Sup Forumstards were reposting over and over due to lack of creativity orders of magnitude stronger than one in loss threads.
she needs sugar daddies you know
Am i wrong?
*tips respectfully towards you*
and not just about that
I think he was on around Jon Stewart'd bracket
nu-Sup Forums, everyone.
John Oliver. He used to be a Daily Show correspondent but now he's got his own show. He's famous for hysterically screeching "IT'S [current year] PEOPLE!" whenever anything he doesn't like happens.
>Sup Forums says to ignore her and she'll go away
>proceeds to donate to her Kickstarter or whatever the fuck and shill her content FOR FREE
Thank Christ for filters or 2012-2013 would've been fucking awful
fucking neofag cancer leave
some random British cocksucker that decided to come to America and preach marxist ideals and pretend like he knows more about US politics than any American.
Was she the editor of Gamasutra? Maybe? I used to read it about 14 years ago. Their post-mortems and design articles were really good, but I think they might have taken the Opinion Piece suicide pill now.
None protectionist ideology.
A sane East Asia policy that involves developing relations with SEA nations in a critical time when China hostility is driving SEA to seek alliance with others.
A Russian policy that doesn't involve rewarding bad behavior that will drag us into border drawing with a USSR wannabe, as if that is a road to peace.
Maintaining good stable relations with European allies.
Maintaining a credible federal effort to combat AGW.
Advancing social issues where possible.
A general repudiation of populist movements in the left and right.
Neckbeards then?
Is it just me or Anita hasn't been as relevant as last time when Jonathan McIntosh was still working for Feminist Frequency?
I know the latter has hit rock bottom now that Anita's not there to prop his views up.
>helps conman sell pick up advice for thirsty betas
>crowdfunds project to sell indignation to leftover women
gotta love a con who knows how to pick and choose their mark desu
But a Y is just a fucked up X user.
Anita is just living the life off her funds now she doesn't need a rich sugar daddy to fund her,
Her last trope video didn't even break 100k views
This cancer thread needs to be deleted and unsefurable faggot OP needs banned
she already has all the money she needs
Autistic people aren't supposed to be that witty John.
>Advancing social issues where possible.
What kind and how?
>Her last trope video didn't even break 100k views
Oh wow..
You mean that white males are evil and women should rule the world?
You mean that jew males are evil and white males should rule the world?
You mean that jap males are evil and chinese men should rule the world?
You mean that west euro males are evil and east euro should rule the world?
You mean that black males are evil and jews should rule the world?
You mean that gay males are evil and straight males should rule the world?
You mean that straight males are evil and gay should rule the world?
You mean that all males are evil and dykes should rule the world?
You mean that lesbos are evil and men should rule the world?
It's always some big bad monster out to get your poor widdle gwoup.
The best part is how she managed to con an actual male feminist cuck into doing all of her material, AND get away with it without said cuck able to talk back.
I wonder how Jonathan McIntosh feels these days?
Mcintosh has all the money he's ever going to need. His daddy's loaded enough for 10 lifetimes. Which makes it all the more hilarious that the kid is a communist.
she doesn't even look that bad there
she needs some sense fucked into her whoever she is with right now is not correcting her properly
This world doesn't need any more of these clownish media critics trying to convince you that the media you consume is problematic.
It's a fucking tragedy how you'll see kids asking if it's okay to be into something that some feminist blogger has deemed problematic for not representing some victim group according to how they want you to.
It also betrays a complete misunderstanding of what most people indulge in media for. which is escapism, not social commentary.
how desperate can you be to find her attractive?