Does this look awesome or does it look awesome?
Mass Effect Andromeda
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I cant do it
I cant forgive them
even if this game turns out to be a redemption i just cant bring myself to want it no matter the improvements
and i havent really seen anything that is an improvement yet
well see when real gameplay comes out and not some vague shit
Don't waste money EA, won't work this time.
Maybe after a couple of good games
>8 threads cpu with 16 gb ram to reach 1080@30
poorfags btfo
$10 says that the evil aliens are an allegory for evil white men not wanting to accept millions of refugees.
i would take that bet if i was not so fucking sure you were right.
why do all the planets they've shown look like no man's sky procedural stuff with small bases consisting of small building +walls/crate
do they even have proper hubs for each of the [six?] main planets in this one?
Safe bet, I'd up the ante
i dont like those odds user
almost a damn guarantee
If not that, they'll pull a Dragon Age Mage style dindu nuffin' and pull a pathetic guilt trip on you for opposing them.
Sup Forums is just tsundere about this game, at least half of has has it already preordered and the rest will play regardless
Its fucking mass effect
Close, but no cigar.
Thats enough for me not to buy another bioware game
Guys don't support an openly anti-white commie agenda.
it doesn't
>In Andromeda there are over a hundred planets to discover, and a handful of beautifully crafted worlds can be landed on
>they can't even do bullshots right
Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw promo material out of Bioware that didn't have at least a few issues with them. Hell, even the casual audience is poking fun at their quality now.
Yeah every time I think to myself I dunno I might just get it rather than waiting for the crack l I think of paying that Curry Thunder guy and think fuck no.
nope and i am a former hardcore biodrone
they can go fuck themselves
It's shit
the launch trailers music was the final insult
my gf gifted me the game via preorder but i had her cancel it today and rather spend it on a dinner with her
I think it looks dope.
I don't care what you philistines have to say about it.
This is some next level bullshit.
You guys told me this game was made by an Indian man with a grudge against whites and a bunch of SJWs. You lied to me. I just watched the full Pax panel they look like a bunch of regular joes and the girl who designed the Temptest and space is a cutie.
I'm even more hype than I was before. No matter how hard Sup Forums tries to paint this game as some shit filled SJW agenda game whenever I end up watching footage or interviews about it it seems like its just more of what I like: Mass Effect.
This guy is not involved with the actual game on any level. this is the team who made the game. Listen to them talk. They're average people and there's no sign that they have any intention of cramming some agenda into the game.
Manveers job prevents him from doing so aswell
damn must be true.
i love how serious she's about it too
>This guy is not involved with the actual game on any level
>worked on Mass Effect: Andromeda
Choose one and only one.
Do u think EA would allow him to be on the panel after all that shit he was talking on twitter? They'll receive some terrible PR right b4 the game launches. Dont be a fuking idiot. This game sucks ass and wont hold up to the trilogy, ur just another newfag bioware drone
Because they're just single zones very much like in DAI.
dude hes shiki, hes bro-tier.
Bioware devs are THE poster children for why studios have community managers, they just either hide it really well in public or they get the sanest people to give interviews. If you look at their Twitter accounts and formerly BSN that's where they reveal their true selves.
So wait, he was fired? Did EA finally catch on to his racist tweets or something?
You can think that. I don't think that.
These are not community managers and if they're truly the sanest people then good. Based on they're positions like, creative director, it means the sanest people had the most influence on the game.
Nah, I think he's still at BioWare -- just on another project.
No. He got deported.
to be fair bsn was as cesspool ever since, I don't know, nwnw1 or so. it only got worse over time.
>in realtime! (outside the ship)
>a handful of beautifully crafted worlds
>today we are visiting the "we want the No Man's Sky audience" planet
Yeah, whatever.
>confirmed bioware PR shills
>Trudeau's governement
>doing anything bad to a brown person
it says right in the top left of the picture where his twitter profile is that he is game play designer for mass effect Andromeda. you blind fuck
Wow gameplay designer, its not like he can cram his ideology into the controls or something.
Come on user don't be a dumb fuck. I'm all for shitting on ME:A but you NEVER take the recommended specs as fact, it's just corporate bullshit to cover their asses when a toaster user tries to play. Battlefront runs flawlessly even on shit rigs and Metal Gear Rising required an i7 but people with i3's were running it perfectly to name a few.
if they didnt fire him for his racist bull shit you can damn well bet that the same attitude is shared among the other shitheads on the project
But hes brown he's not racist. Prejudiced for sure but racism is prejudice + power. Since hes a minority he lacks the power part making his assertions about white people more of a bias than anything.
Cringey af. Sounds like another talentless hack. Only reason he got that job was through affirmitive action
Now before I request to be in the screenshot too, what's the context here? is it really a monumental fuck up or is she offering the pistol to Ryder in the most edgy way possible?
Game gone gold,user.
why would I want to lose ten bucks?
oh my god. please tell me this is trolling.
RACISM has nothing to do with power. racism by definition is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race"
retarded liberals have altered the definition so that they can play their white hate narrative from a false moral high ground.
It really shouldn't bother you because he doesn't have the power to do anything to you.
These are the white guys who take the majority of the money. The underpaid poo-in-loos (who can't properly speak english anyway, thus aren't in that picutre) are still probably working on the game.
>You guys told me this game was made by an Indian man
He got canned.
its the idea thats the problem. if he gets a pass then others will get a pass and before long the problem is big enough that it will cause problems.
your thought process is a large part of a great social problem.
This game is a threat to the gaming industry. If fucking idiots will give it a 10 from 10, we are doomed.
Every single developer will see this and they will release shit because it was enough for andromeda, so it will be enough for them too.
im still waiting for proof of this. so far all we have seen is his current twatter profile saying that he "previously worked on mass effect andromeda" which could mean any number of things
this will get a 9.2 at best
I'm betting closer to 8.8
By that logic you're saying that everyone is racist one way or another because people give them the power to be racist through attention, anger and praise. Yet if people ignore them they're apparently not racist despite racism is general discrimination or prejudice towards another race.
Why not stop being a shithead and only worry about yourself instead of other people?
And before that it said "Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay designer." Why would he remove that before the game was even released?
Thats the commie definition. Racism means one race is great than the other. which is true.
'Release shit and then pay for good reviews' isn't a new thing, user.
For real? Proof please i have the champagne ready.
It'll get 9's. Heck EA has lowered their expectations. They expect to ship or sell 3m. I cant remember. There putting all their eggs on DLC. They know Bioware fans are dum as rocks, there gonna buy any expansion they put out.
>implying politics should EVER play a part in definitions of words
weather your a commie or a nazi, racism's definition is the same.
and no, no race is better than another race, CULTURES are better than other cultures.
moved on to another project but still in bioware? once the game play is done, there is no work left on the project for him
I was secretly midly hyped after seeing the exploration vid, but this has set me straight.
Thanks user.
You fell for the memes user, every living being in the planet is (((racist))), it's a natural phenomena to protect you and yours from strangers/potential dangers.
Plus hominids are territorrial as fuck.
Curious what Mass Effect you liked tbqh.
Because I'm fairly sure you're one of those suckers who enjoyed ME3.
In that case, have fun.
user that's like betting on a match that you already watched.
She's shooting a robutt behind him
T. Self hating white boi
Then why are blacks always athletically superior?
Do you have a source for where it comes from? I need to see this in action.
I could finally play as a cross-eyed bimbo?
>Then why are blacks always athletically superior?
this is a lovely straw man. look at beggie smalls or fat albert. were they athletically superior? now look at Brock Lesner or Arnold Schwarzenegger, were they athletically inferior?
each race has a full spectrum. the only thing that divides us is some minor genetic variations in appearance and propensity for certain deseases.
Fuck it, goty for this image alone.
Instead of play as one of the wonder twins they should have made the dad the main character he seem like a more interesting character than anybody fucking shown.
Cora's butt is perfect
There are 7 fully explorable planets with some other small but land-able ones. Seems like enough for me?
They get deported all the time over here
That's the real bit that's telling.
After all the shit they got for ME3, the ONE place they ought to put all their work into is convincing people to give them another chance.
And they can't even do that
I did This atmosphere in ME3 was god tier and the final 20 minuets of the game weren't bad enough to spoiler it for me. I only played through once and it was after the extended cut so I never saw how similar the endings were. I picked destroy and felt like it was a suitable ending to my Shepards story.
pics or it didn't happen, faggot
Nah I want unlimited random generated planets!
its almost like this whole thing is a joke now. like videogame companies are seeing just how shit a game/console can be made before people wont buy it.
Where the fuck have you been?
That's been the standard for fucking years. The only mercy we've had is that the most obnoxious of the shills recently got hit by a piledriver and had to go to more fertile ground.
My guess is like fallout 4 or other games where you turn off or put it to low/medium in some settings it will work.
Eat shit u fagt. Arnie was a body builder and Brock is a fake wrestler and shitty hw champ in some shitty organization who got his ass kicked by a spic and the ufc was dominated by two black guys at the time.
Tell me one sport where blacks dont dominate other than swimming.