Shadow of War
they said it will have huge Open world mordor map
so i'm in.
i dont care about lore
MC should be an orc
Can I romance the Orcs?
F, Az-Laar
Where Da Whyte Wizzad At?!
Might be good.
Remember when everyone thought tons of games would copy the nemesis system, then none did? Fun times
would be cool actually.
That actually doesn't sound good. The first game's maps were just big enough with just enough side stuff so that they didn't feel diluted like many open world for the sake of open world -games these days do.
It looks like they took the best parts of the first game and decided to build the entire sequel around them, so I'm cautiously optimistic at the very least.
this game is making me understand how christopher tolkien feels about the movies
The Orcs say even gayer shit this time. Remember in the first one where they'd just make weird noises awkwardly for 10secs?
Well you can befriend them, does that count?
first game does not had many cities this one seems even have minas tirith not to mention morgul city and barad dur
looks cool and all, but there's a $300 Mithril edition, so fuck this game.
replayed the 1st game a couple of days ago
and it was as fun as i remember it
gameplay is a bit clunky but nothing gamebreaking apart from combat being piss easy after a couple of unlocks, satisfying still, killing hordes of orcs with style.
nemesis system is fucking great tho
had this one nig that was basically immune to combat but instakill from stealth
that faggot kept ambushing me mid combat and came back to life like 5-6 times
never felt so satisfying killing an orc
and i forgot to add the second part
if they are improving the great things about the 1st game i am sold
that 16 min gameplay walktrough had me hooked
Has nothing to do with LOTR.
who care?
The first one was fun enough to start with then quickly got pretty repetitive with only the nemesis system keeping me interested enough to continue, if they've gone nuts with adding more traits, personalities and interactions with the nemesis system that's all well and good. I just hope there's a variety of things outside of that to keep the rest interesting or it'll feel like a retread of the first.
They actually did an Az-Laar meme video...
Never see anyone give this game's OST the credit it deserves.
It's so WB marketing dept. in here..
>discussing video games on a video games board
I'm looking forward to it. The nemesis system and locations especially.
I just it's more difficult than the first.
Orcs, names, locations, etc are LotR.
I'm a retard, forgot an entire word. No wonder I'll like this game.
Ah, yes! Finally, another great game in the grreat Mordor series published by EA!
Well, Sup Forums, have you made your pre-order yet? Monolithic production have poured their blood, sweat and tears into this great, great GOTY contender and you STILL haven't pre-ordered on EA origins?
I just pre-ordered! And one for my son too!
Terrible game.
How would you implement it lorewise in other games?
Not many games have you play as an immortal ghost man
Aha, I hear you brother! Monorail Studios have certainly pulled the cat out of the bag with this great and polished game!
-choose from over 5 Orc strongholds to raid
-diverse characters
-cool dlc
and more features in this slammin' game! Wowzas, pre-ordered on EA origin!
It might be fun for one playthrough
Me too user.
It looks too similar to the last, that will hurt it. They needed to make it look new.
Battle for Middle Earth 4 when? When i first heard about this i got mildly excited for getting another LOTR game but apparently it's just another AC clone that has nothing to do with the source material
Press f to pay respects
Jokes asides, I kind of like when devs aren't above joining in a joke
stop trying to force this yimyam
They need to make it tougher than the first one because like other anons have said it became piss easy once you have a couple of unlocks. The only Captain that gave me only trouble was invulnerable to pretty much everything besides ranged attacks and it was more tedious running around trying to find arrows mid battle than hard
This thread is a forced marketing thread and all of Sup Forums can see it
I can't wait for it to have another QTE final boss
>Captain that gave me only trouble
>possess normal orcs
>they beat the shit out of everything
You suck
Dude it's WarnerBros not EA
yeah we are legion dont fucking post in our secret club ;)
About what, Mr. Marketeer?
About Ubisoft-esque collectathon open world game with AC combat and climbing towers to reveal map #849072194871209847190475301598?
If anons were right when they said this like 99% of threads on Sup Forums would be marketing threads. Marketers marketing to other marketers
I will not play this because I refuse to play SJW games.
So literally every modern game?
Maybe as DLC.
I'm pretty hyped for it, but I'm going to pirate.
Day one DLC, and it costing a small fortune? No thanks.
This nigga is like 90% of the reason I'm even interested in this game.
Got fucking goosebumps from that, I will admit.
me too fellow EA marketer
If you unironically cared about your political ideologies you would simply not play videogames at all.
This is like those autismos in Twitter saying they are fighting a revolution by tweeting how offended they are about Trump.
The first game was FUN despite being really easy. It did a really good job of making you feel like a bad ass when you go to town on a bunch of Orcs.
People complain about the Batman type combat but I don't see a problem with it at all. I enjoyed it. The nemesis system was the star of the show of course and was, again, just a lot of fun and gave it a not very deep but at least slightly emergent nature which was very welcome in a game like this.
The story missions were nothing to write home about and the last boss was shitty but running around and wreaking absolute havoc on an orc stronghold and in the process make some new personalized enemies courtesy of the nemesis system was just a blast. It ran like butter on the PC as well.
Basically SoM was a game that did a lot right but you could see where it could all be taken to the next level and that's what SoW looks like at this point. A greatly expanded nemesis system that looks pretty deep, new enemies, better siege battles and the ability to fly a fucking drake in to battle and who knows what else.
It looks like an improvement of an already fun game across the board. I'm getting it. I'm a big Tolkien fan but the lore here doesn't bother me. I just see it as a "what if" scenario and it has no bearing on the books.
This is Sup Forums though so tons of screeching autists will hate it because it's a mainstream big budget mass appeal game.
>Sup Forums are "screeching autists"
hmm that's a good one from the playbook there my fellow EA marketer, I'll write that one down for usage later on ;)
the devs made this video?
welp im buying this game
>been ironically shilling and posting non- stop in Shadow of War threads since announcement
Tell us, which of the WB employees fucked your mom?
>hmm that's a good one from the playbook there my fellow EA marketer, I'll write that one down for usage later on ;)
Why would a EA marketer be shilling a WB game? Hmmm?
Dark souls?
*steals ring*
Just how much of a fat as fuck redditor are you, redditor?
>racism hurts my tumblr feewees! we are all equal after all! why cant you white males just accept blacks must be forced into all your culture?
go back
I don't care about your beliefs or whatever you have to say, it's a fact only redditors such as yourself unironically use asterisks instead of greentexting.
So go be a redditor somewhere else, reddit redditor.
>We cant have a discussion about any positive feelins towards the game without retards spamming WE WUZ KINGS XD
Lurk more, learn what greentexting is, and don't use asterisks, reddit.
What is this, 2006?
Are you from 2006?
Can you, for once, type something unlike a redditor, reddit redditor?
because that's exactly what this game is: "WE WUZ KANGS" pandering rehashed trash that will likely flop like DA2 did
>"WE WUZ KANGS" pandering rehashed trash that will likely flop like DA2 did
Hey Sup Forums, remember when you said Battlefield 1 would flop because it was pandering to niggers and le WE and whatever, and then you had to pretend the game didn't exist because everyone bought it?
Which one is your favourite subreddit?
nobody said BF1 would flop because it had actual hype behind it and is a big entry in a AAA multiplayer shooter franchise, so guaranteed success
and it didn't succeed as much as previous entries- look at the current playercount
Sup Forums
>iframes 24/7
power fantasy for casual faggots
>nobody said BF1 would flop because
Yes, you did, you kept saying that no one would buy a game that panders to niggers and that no one would buy a game about WWI with niggers.
The same went for Overwatch, because people ''clearly don't fall for SJW tactics''.
>it didn't succeed as much as previous entries
>look at the current playercount
What about it?
40k on both PC and XBONE, and 80k on PS4.
lol look at the little white supremacist edge lord. Did Tyrone fuck the girl you had a crush on in high school? Kek.
>"you" said
are you going to provide sources for your claims? no? because none of that happened and I was in many of those threads
>muh first week sales
>muh tiny population when in the same timeframe from release bf4 had at least double the playercount on all platforms
>he has to live around blacks
must suck to be poor
I loved the first game but after some time it became pretty repetitive and there wasnt much things to do.
This one might have the same problem but it looks really fucking great and seems to have a lot more content with levels, gear and shit.
Definitely will buy the game when it's on sale at one point.
>"cinematic" combat with press X for 4 second long animation
>because none of that happened
It's fucking happening now with Mass Effect.
>muh first week sales
What about them, they don't count?
>muh tiny population when in the same timeframe from release bf4 had at least double the playercount on all platforms
And the sources of these claims is of course, your own ass.
>devs said they're adding hard difficulty
>shows invincible mode in gameplay demo
LOL. im passing this game
You can be poor AND not live around blacks!
t. Slav
Looks like garbage which isn't a surprise, the first game was shit as well.
>deflects to mass effect
>dont first week sales count
first week sales are "how many braindead 'lol xD im a gamurr' retards can we swindle into purchasing our trash", retard
my source is actually playing the games with my friends, idk if there are graphs you can look it up. the games were way more populated back then, even BF3 was
slavs are just white black people though
>Pre-ordering games
Looks fun, might buy after release.
Yes because it's the same procedure.
You claim all SJW games flop and then pretend they don't exist when they don't.
>first week sales are "how many braindead 'lol xD im a gamurr' retards can we swindle into purchasing our trash", retard
They are sales.
>my source is actually playing the games with
AKA, you have no sources.
>Slavs are just white black people though
>white black people
user, I...
You're the one that has an inherent problem with black people you seething autist so clearly you're projecting in some way. Did you get cucked by Tyrone?
Bounjoure my Fellow Gamers on Sup Forums! It has come to my attention that a new and very good Lord of the Rings game is coming out, made by monolift in conjunction with EA!
Who else here /hype/ and /preordered/? Can't wait to share all my epic orc-slaying adventures with my buds over EA Origin!
I sure hope my new Alienware(tm) PC Computer can handle the new Lord of the Rings(tm) rpg game. Shadows of War!
make not every defeat = dead. it can means slavery, stat loss, money loss... those kind of thing.
>you're reddit!
>white black people
Holy shit are you a retard? Does someone know you're unsupervised on the internet right now?
You would really just have to be a complete stick in the mud to not have fun with this action packed game!
>it's the same procedure
Better write a thesis on this and post it on gamerghazi then
>they're sales xDDDD!
>you have no sources
i'm right tho, kinda like how I was right in the election ;)
>people have an inherent problem with black people
who knew
That's right fellow 4hcanner, this game was like watching the original LOTR films with a bunch of old buddies,and when Talion comes around you know it's the height of the summer video game season!
Don't forget to pre-order on EA Origin, gamers!
Shoadow of War is a game where you can relax, have a good time and enjoy the ride!
Im worried that youll be too OP in it. Everything looks like "hit X to watch kill cutscene".
They ought to do combat like Ninja Gaiden 2, just without jumping. More focus on slicing limbs off and less on insta-damage cutscenes.