Conan exiles

Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict?

Other urls found in this thread:

The game is about combat and crafting.
The combat and crafting is shit.

You sound like a mad rust fanboi

i really like the penis editor

Rust is way better than this, and it has penis randomizer, adding more value to game play.

I like how the black guy has the largest dick by default.

Is the penis hit box yet in? Or the penis amulet crafting?

It really breaks the deal whether I am going to buy this.

Castration and penis jewelry are confirmed for being planned.


post webms

No official date as of yet, but they are absolutely going to happen.

>inb4 funcom shill

From an interview

Does it do anything better than Ark?

There are a fuckton of balance and exploit issues right now, the official servers are also a pile of shit. Just to name a few

>the whole shitshow around offline raiding, cliff bases, jump boosting and avatars
>basic functionality on things sometimes break in patches (waterskins couldn't be refilled for a full week)
>the way weapons are "balanced" and work mechanically, you can get infinite knocked down by sledges and ancient kopesh massively outclasses every other weapon in DPS, not even close
>many mobs are completely harmless, while others like spiders will fuck your shit, especially the spider hyena combo which sets your movement speed to 0 until you kill one. Not really related to their stats or the area, just their attack mechanics

Best concept for the shit "survival crafting" genre, but still plagued by early access. Might be decent in a year, but I doubt anyone will still be playing by then.

its a joke

Don't have a webm but you can see it here
watch from 11:10

You sound like a desperate conan shill.

So, it's basically unplayable at the moment?

not so far just a different flavor of the same food just like rust

>early access survival crafting

when will you people learn


I would also like to roleplay as a black tranny? Ia that possible?

No it's true

Which one is better,
or conan

Somehow I couldn't even join any server without crashing when I tried out ARK. Is this better?

it's early access AKA shit buggy unbalanced mess, so about the same as any survival game with a Conan skin slapped on

might be worth playing with friends in 12+ months

Rust is most playable right now
Ark has the most bells and whistles
Conan is kind of bad right now but will probably be miles better than the other ones after a year or so.

rust by far

do you have downs syndrome

No, I have an R9 390.

>playing early access simulators of any kind

>t. buttmad switch fanboi

This is worse than Ark and Ark sucks so fucking bad. This whole genre is a mess, it makes me disgusted that I ever wanted to enjoy the open world survival crafting games.

Why's that ? Heard ark is awesome with the mods and all that shit floating around