Comfy Elder Scrolls
>current build
>Greentext stories
Comfy Elder Scrolls
>current build
>Greentext stories
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Awww man, I wish I still had my 15 GB modded oblivion installed.
>Oblivion and Xbox 360s just came out
>Go to local LAN place in the mall with my friends.
>Place has a lot of gaming PCs and consoles. You pay by the hour.
>They say they just got in the new xboxes if I want to try them
>say I want to try out Oblivion and they hand me the disk
>walk over to xboxes. It was standing up right.
>I click to open the disk tray.
>I sit there crouched for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to insert the disk
>i kept trying to put it in on the opposite side of where you put the risk for some reason
>Never crossed my mind to look on the other side of the tray where I'd find a perfectly circular spot for the disk
>mfw I was autistically rubbing the back of the disk against the wrong side of the disk tray for 5 minutes before it dawned on me
I remember trying to play it off cool, but god I know I must've looked like the biggest fucking idiot.
Anyway Oblivion blew my tits off.
i haven't played oblivion since 2013. redpill me on the current state of the modding community
>play Skyrim again on PS4 Pro
>can't wait to install all the old mods to make it look amazing
>spend weeks getting the achievements out of the way since mods disable them
>finally look at the mod store
>there's almost nothing on there because Sony doesn't allow PS4 mods to replace textures or some bullshit like that
>the few mods on there that try to work around this actually make the Special Edition look worse
>a modded Skyrim on PS3 actually looks better than a vanilla Skyrim on PS4
My current build is a mace/shield paladin with restoration in skyrim. He hates daedra worshippers and anything to do with them.
I'm running Requiem as the base overhaul mod which makes mixing play styles MUCH more difficult, especially heavy armor + magic, so it's been a genuinely tough build to get going. Many funs though.
>a modded Skyrim on PS3
>tfw you know too much
You can create qt vampire girls and rape the women of Cyrodil
why were morrowind argonians so cute
Oblivion was literally my first proper "video game", not counting sapphire and the sacred stones on GBA.
Saved up all my moneys to buy a 360 at launch, went to get a game too and realised I had not at all prepared for this - just randomly picked oblivion cause I liked how the case looked like parchment.
12 hours of non-stop play later I was fuckingn hooked, still the only video game I've put 600+ hours into, and that was before I ever got a PC powerful enough to run it and mod it.
I did A LOT of roleplaying in vanilla as a ranger that would patrol the great forest from the fort north of Chorrol, down to leyawinn and over to Skingrad/Anvil in the west. Child-me would just wander this area, destroying all unnatural creatures I may come across and clearing the caves and ruins on the way time and time again.
What I would have given for a player-owned innawoods cabin, or just the ability to "live" in preestablished villages like Brindle Home, but my imagination had to make do.
Oblivion is definitely a big part of my childhood
>dfw you will never step out of the sewer for the first time again and get hit by all the good feels
>when you fuck up your animation replacer and your character is permanently stuck with his fist up his ass
If only it actually felt like this pic. The NPCs have more "life" in this image than the whole of skyrim.
Spooky shrine
Can't wait for TES VI: Hammerfell
wtf that looks so good, never played oblivion before, how can I mod it to look like that?
Really accurate description of Skyrim. Every NPC feels so lifeless, just a tool of the game to send you in a direction, on a quest, or server as some other game mechanic.
The guilds and the sidequests in oblivion were so good. That, and the amazing cities and locales made it a truly unforgettable experience. Skyrim feels boring and underwhelming compared to this gem.
Yup, oblivions NPCs felt much more alive.
>install oblivion
>mod it heavily following a guide
>looks great
>run around for a little bit
>crashes frequently
>give up
Just reinstalled and might go for light modding this time, I just want to play it again.
Tes has the comfiest villages
I'm gonna try and run a homecooked TES P&P RPG in a few hours.
Oblivion has the comfiest everything.
Which is fucking weird since the graphics are liquid shit.
>install morrowind
>mod it heavily with a one size fits all overhaul
>update some mods from it that were broken
>run around for a little bit
>runs great
>keep playing
>have a blast playing top tier comfycore
It's a shame there aren't any mods that expand the idle animations and schedules in towns.
Most of them just add 400 trees and new unfitting NPC that makes everything laggy.
>install the Overhaul
>errors and missing models out the ass
>game runs like shit, loading times are long, the high-def textures look awful compared to the low quality models
>reinstall game
>install some of the must have mods like better faces but leave most graphics intact
>have a much better experience
Oblivion has my favorite mage guild halls
Wonder how many are getting the urge to reinstall because of this thread. I'm just waiting on a new PC before going through the process
The longer I remain on this site, the more I see people refering to Oblivion as "best". It's truly an age thing. In 10 years, the majority of people will claim Skyrim is the best.
Oh well.
Are there any modded oblivion games available for download so that I don't have to deal with downloading, installing and configuring the mods?
I remember having a huge load-order list for my game, and I don't want to deal with that shit again.
>implying I ever uninstall the TES games
Seriously. The last time I installed Oblivion was like 10 year ago.
I still see people saying Morrowind is the best, Oblivion is good and Skyrim is shit. Itll be like this forever
Well, Morrowind is really old and most people don't remember much of it. The memories of Oblivion are still (relatively) fresh.
Considering how shitty the guilds, sidequests, and cities/locations in skyrim are, Oblivion looks even better in comparison.
Sounds like your PC is shit and you managed to fuck up a three step process.
It has one missing model that takes one mod to fix.
It should not run any worse than a compilation of mods after installing the newer version of MGEXE and getting the script improvements mod.
Overall far fewer steps than any other guides out there and just about the only collection of higher res textures out there that doesn't look like a bunch of retards went out with their cameras and took pictures of the ground without thought to the colors of the original ones.
Started with daggerfall. Oblivion is my favourite TES experience when modded.
It has the best "living world" feeling that morrowind and skyrim simply can't match.
It's certainly not the best. But it is the one I feel the most emotional for, being my first. Well, apart from playing a few hours of Morrowind on the Xbox.
Morrowind is 14 years old
Oblivion is 11 years old
That's not much of a difference
please kill yourself if you really thought console modding was ever going to be anything
Well I mean it's not like I was getting 30 fps or anything. Just that it made the game run worse overall. As seen by the loading screens.
>It has one missing model that takes one mod to fix.
Maybe you've played a newer version. The one I played even had a bug where you couldn't finish a quest without the console.
>It should not run any worse than a compilation of mods
It's more that any compilation of mods make the game run worse.
>and just about the only collection of higher res textures out there that doesn't look like a bunch of retards went out with their cameras and took pictures of the ground without thought to the colors of the original ones.
Did we use a different overhaul or something?
I think the fancy texture packs ruin the art style of Morrowind. I stay away from most graphical mods. Some extra draw distance is nice though.
Oblivion is more popular though. It was the first (semi?) mainstream TES.
>Did we use a different overhaul or something?
Sounds like it. It's the only texture overhaul I've installed where the area immediately outside Seyda Neen didn't look like complete mismatched shit.
And again, load screens should not be an issue unless your CPU is bottlenecking. A basic modern hard drive should have zero issues instantly loading everything in this game even fully modded.
If there's a quest bug I didn't run into it and I have beaten the game.
>you have my ear, citizen
Whoops, forgot a screenshot.
That it is. I always use MGE.
But I guess it's also just a lot to do with me. I've always preferred the more simpler neater looking graphics and find most modern games to look pretty messy and unkempt. With layers of blurry effects and and bumpmapping that makes everything look like it's made of clay.
>And again, load screens should not be an issue unless your CPU is bottlenecking.
Guess it is.
>A basic modern hard drive should have zero issues instantly loading everything in this game even fully modded.
Mine didn't. Takes like 10 seconds before my save is loaded. Granted walking in and out of a door is fast.
>If there's a quest bug I didn't run into it and I have beaten the game.
I think it was an issue with the Imperial faction. Or it might have been Redoran. For some a door was missing from the game so the only way you could reach him was through a COC command. Even was a fix on the Nexus, but it didn't do anything.
Also. I don't know if it's your lighting that is fucked up but those textures seem to change to look and tone of the city a fuckload.
This is how it looks vanilla.
>I think it was an issue with the Imperial faction. Or it might have been Redoran. For some a door was missing from the game so the only way you could reach him was through a COC command.
Ah. Yeah the broken doors and missing table mesh are all fixed by a fan fix mod. I mentioned it a bit earlier in this thread.
>It has one missing model that takes one mod to fix.
^That mod.
All texture mods change the tone of the game to some degree. The overhaul is the only collection that, to me, doesn't look like a mismatched hodgepodge on top of what is usually an even greater tonal shift.
It didn't for me. Granted that have been because I was already mid game and mods have a tendency to remain unchanged unless you load a save before you explored the cell.
It also had a slew of texture errors. Some unnoticeable, some annoying where it will pop up a box every time you walk to a specific area. Some blank models.
Fair enough. Not saying it doesn't make Morrowind look damn good for it's age. Just that to me the experience seem to be the opposite to yours.
>It also had a slew of texture errors. Some unnoticeable, some annoying where it will pop up a box every time you walk to a specific area. Some blank models.
Jesus. I revert back to "you somehow botched a three step process".
None of that should be happening.
It's not even the Overhauls fault. Even the actual texture mods comes with a lot of those issues. It's them messing up something in the nif file or a bad DDS export. I.E, nothing really to do with the person installing the mods.
Well I guess you could go and edit them manually. But fuck that.
>install some of the must have mods like better faces but leave most graphics intact
Better faces is shit and makes everyone look too clean. Graphics mods in general are cancer.
Best way to increase the draw distance is with Morrowind FPS Optimizer. Let's you get increased draw distance, high resolution, wide screen aspect ratios, and fov settings without altering the vanilla lighting or water effects like MGE does.
>lifts cup to move it an inch
SE looks good
>claims to catch his meat fresh from the wilds every day
>never leaves the city gates
Never trust a knife ear
Every time I see Seyda Neen's lighthouse, it reminds me warmly of the first seriousmod I made for the game. I wish I hadn't come so late to the game.
>tfw brown redguard tiddies
>Greentext stories
sure i'll hit you up fäm:
>Install Oblivion
>Play for like half an hour
>"Wow, this game is awful."
The first time I fell for Todd's lies.
Knew whey it was going to be before clicking.
Despite this BS demo, oblivion still did have the best AI in terms of freedom/what they could do/scheduling
They generally had week long, much more detailed schedules, while skyrim has basic 24 hour loops. Oblivion had AI features such as responsibility, they could commit crime (theft), could actively loot from corpses, would check their inventory for food items, lots of little things that got stripped out of skyrim that left it feeling much more robotic.
Morrowind's NPCs were actually incredibly flat by comparison, but the game still felt like it had more life. It's pretty clear that trying to give every NPC in the game unique dialogue and a schedule is actually a problem, and reduces immersion.
In Morrowind, the NPCs are less "single people" and moreso just representations of the populace. When you talk to most of them, hardly any have unique dialogue, and most of them just tell you about the lore and world. It makes the world feel bigger than it is, because it's always easy to assume that there are more NPCs than there are.
Basically I think it was a mistake to try to make NPCs so "real" in Oblivion (and then Skyrim) because the amount of NPCs is drastically reduced, and the cities feel much smaller. In the Imperial City, almost every character has unique dialogue, which sounds cool, until you realize that its actually an incredibly small amount for such a large city. In reality most people wouldnt tell you shit
Oblivion gas my favourite NPC AI in pretty much any game.
It's true there wasn't enough in vanilla, but there was a few good mods for oblivion that expanded settlements and ones that added more generic NPCs to the world to fill it up, travelling merchants, adventures out exploring etc.
wtf even the voice acting was better
>Oblivion was literally my first proper "video game"
Fuck off underage
>mfw Todd lies to us
I wouldn't say it was stripped from skyrim, I'd say they didn't have the time to write more complex AI
why is this game's coloration so comfy?
there was non-scheduling features related to AI that got completely stripped out of skyrim, such as responsibility. Others such as disposition and aggression where simplified and made less dynamic in their implementation.
So much comfy had in this game. Good times.
>The fucking hamlets in Witcher 3 are bigger than the capital cities of Oblivion and Skyrim combined
Nice "game" you got there, faggots.
Eh, the cities (or towns really) are decently sized, even if their designs don't make a lick of sense.
Too bad the witcher 3 was probably the most disappointing AAA piece of shit in years. >muh waifus
In Oblivion*
>feel like playing Oblivion again
>install modpack
>missed a line in the install instruction
>everything is fucked up
Oh well guess I wont. I would probably just play it an hour before getting bored anyway.
Sure, if TW3 is the only AAA game you have played in years.
Just want to share some music instead
I was too young to know much about programming but a year after that I did some work on Neverwinter Nights AI
I tried to mimic what Todd was doing and the game engine almost committed suicide when I gave that many detailed schedules to NPCs
I imagine the same thing would still happen if you tried to gave AI complex routines today in a very large world
Post some Aela please
yeah TW3 has large cities
>full of NPCs with next to zero actual AI, just cardboard cutouts
>can't enter half the buildings
>can't loot everything under the sun if you want
>enter tavern, can't even sit on a chair
get back in the ocean, TW3 is a great STORY driven game but doesn't come close to TES in terms of sandbox, do what ever you want gameplay
Oblivion is so comfy because it has a life-affirming feel. Jeremy Soule was in a car accident before this game and it inspired him to make the soundtrack really beautiful and positive sounding. And the game in general kind of has that imagery, the meadows and the colors are really joyful. And even the NPCs have a bright gleam in their eyes
Jesus what year were you born? 2001?