I'm thinking of getting into the Souls series

I'm thinking of getting into the Souls series.
Where do I start?
Assume I have no consoles or decent pc. Where do I start, what should I buy?

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Don't start, you'll either be eternally butthurt or you will be unable to enjoy video games.

>I want to play vidya yet I have nothing to play vidya on
Get a fucking job

Preferably Demon's Souls, the original. Still the best game.

If you only got PC, then you got no choice: DaS1.

dark souls 1 runs okay on toasters

get a controller because unless you're autistic, kbm controls will not get you a good time with these games

the easiest way for you to start would be Dark Souls 3, the typical way for you to start would be Dark Souls, and the best way to start would be Demons Souls

DkS3 would be an easy start but you'd have trouble going back and playing the other, better games, DkS would be a good middle ground and let you branch out pretty well, DeS would give you the first game to start with and let your opinion of the series develop with it

probably play on a console if you literally have zero material possessions to your name, then a PC later. go get a used PS3 for like $100 and pick up DeS, DkS, and DkS2

PS3 for DeS.
PC for DaS and DaS3.
PS4 for BB.

In that order, although BB could be played before DaS3.

>I have no gaming system, how do I play video games

Dark Souls 1 or maybe DeS if you want to
Also play DaS on PC if you want high fidelity

Dark Souls is just fine on sub-optimal builds and desu you're not going to miss anything important by starting there except for a bit of creepypasta.

ideal way
>dark 1
>dark 2
>dark 3

'I'm poor' way:
>dark 1
>dark 2
>get a job in the mean time and acquire some relevant hardware

You only need 2 consoles
>Demons, DKS1 on PS3
>SOTFS, Bloodborne, DKS3 on PS4

Or if you have a PC you can get 1, SOTFS, and 3 on that

A PS3 would certainly be cheaper than a PC. On the PS3 you could play DeS, DaS and DaS 2. If you want to go for the Bloodborne route, you'll have to shell out on a PS4. You could also get DaS 3 on the PS4 too. Might be easier than going down the PC route.


This the OG captures the feels best. The first one you play will be the one you learn on and the rest will feel less special and maybe a little frustrating. They're all similar enough that you can jump right in but not similar enough that 1:1 muscle memory actually works and your timing will be off when jumping from game to game.

Yep. DeS is first and best.

Nah, only need PS3. Dark Souls 3 is boring and bland and Bloodborne is overrated unless you are an easily amused simpleton who tries to make sense of the mess of the plot both games have.

Start with Demon's so you realize how great Dark Souls is when you get to it. Demon's is nowhere near as good and anyone who says it is is just a hipster.

b-but muh atmosphere, music, and level design

>half a game
>slow as balls
>"open" world
>soulless rehash

I'll give it the atmosphere. I really loved the atmosphere in DeS, but nothing else is as good.
>half a game
Demon's is like a beta for Dark. Not to mention how short most areas were after X-1.
>other stuff
I don't agree with any of it, but whatever, you do you man.



Ps3 + ps4

Demons, dark, dark 2, sotfs, bloodborne, dark 3, ni-oh

The ideal way is to ignore any direct sequels, they just aren't worth it as the series is at it's absolute best when trying new things in a unique world, the intrigue of exploring a new world is crucial in these games and all the Dark Souls sequels do is drag out a world that had no business being dragged out.
So go with
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls

King's Field, bitchboy.

Square 1 or bust.

Also starting at King's Field will thoroughly prevent you from falling into the trap of thinking Souls lore matters half a fuck and isn't just a bunch of references.

Armored Core and Tenchu are also worth checking out.

>mom won't buy me a PS4

DeS has Atmosphere
DaS has the map
BB has the DLC and weapons

Can't comment on DaS2 and 3

DaS2 has the best PvP and DLCs.

DaS3 has ????????????

Your first Souls game should ABSOLUTELY be Bloodborne. It's specifically designed to be newcomer friendly. The level design doesn't hate you, you don't need to worry about your equipment other than what weapon you want to use, stats and gameplay systems are streamlined instead of obtuse, other players can't come in and ruin your fun, and the combat is far better than Dark Souls.

If you start with any other game in the series, there's a good chance you'll end up hating the games. It took me until after Bloodborne's release to begin tolerating Demon's Souls. If you want to enjoy yourself with these gamrs, DEFINITELY start with Bloodborne.


>assume i have no consoles or PC

Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are exclusive to PS3 and PS4, respectively, so if you wanted to play every game in the series your best bet would be to buy a second hand/refurbished PS3 to play Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, then get a PS4 to play Dark Souls 2 SOTFS, Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne. If you finish all of those, Nioh on PS4 scratches a similar itch but has many differences.

Get PS3 and play:
Demon's souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2

Then get PS4 and play
Dark Souls 3

Actually play bloodborne before Dark souls 3

>Preferably Demon's Souls, the original.
If Bloodborne is considered Souls then so are Kings Fields.

wtf is this shitty dark souls ripoff?

>be 12
>shitposting on Sup Forums as usual
>see lots of this "demon's souls" game threads hyping the shit out of it
>some anons even imported the asian version before the US release
>"hardest game ever"
>everyone making inside jokes that only players would get, "git gud" still didn't exist (that was a dark souls 1 thing)
>decide to stop playing modern warfare and give this game a chance
>get a used copy and played it through
>found it mediocre at best, went back to FPSs

>be 18
>huge Souls turbonerd
>shilled the fuck out of Bloodborne because I bought a PS4 at release
>Got Dark Souls II and III as well
>I need to pretend I loved Demon's Souls because if I said what I really thought of it back then I'd be ridiculed
>Can't play it because I sold my ps3 and all its games when I got a ps4


From the beginning of course, emulate Ocarina of Time

>asian version had english text
the fucking dream, i don't know why i waited all those years for the EU version

i fell for the demon souls meme, its such a bad game

go for ds1, then ds3 and bloodborne if u have a ps4

also nioh looks cool

I think DaS3 is a fun game

you guys are alright, don't go to old monk tomorrow


>play DeS
>live the shit out of it
>DaS is released
>everything but the wold map feels like a downgrade
>pvp is mlg trash instead of scrapping spears and storm rulers
>git gud is born
I played through DaS2 once before giving up on souls games.

Play Dark Souls 1 first.
Then you play Demon's Souls in order to sage yourself from the trouble of playing through the shitty 2nd Dark Souls game, a little longer.
Then you Play Dark Souls 2 so that you are done with it and can finally leave this piece of crap behind.
By this point the (Dark) Souls Gameplay might get stale - so freshen it up with playing Bloodborne next and finally Dark Souls 3.
If you are desperatly thirsting for more you might give lords of the fallen a try.

DeS = BB > DaS > DaS3 >> DaS2

>I have no consoles or a decent PC
I guess you could start by buying those.

Get a ps4 and play bloodborne, and don't waste your time with the rest

wait 3 hours for rpcs3 and start with demon souls

>Preferably Demon's Souls

This. Just buy a second hand PS3 and get Demon's souls.

And now that you have a PS3 play Guns of the Patriots because it's the shit.

Play them in the order they came out
Figure out the console or pc shit on your own

Why are the souls games so scary? I tried playing them but all the enemies are creepy and they come at you running and screaming and i have to quit every time...

Well DeS was originally just a tech demo for a 3rd-person King's Field before Miyazaki was like "please let me turn this into a full game".

Which is good, because the turn speed on King's Field makes it really hard to recommend to people. Whereas any idiot can play Demon's.

>be 30
>Demon's Souls is released, buy it
>love the shit out of it like no other game released around that time, sink hundreds of hours into it
>still own PS3

Maybe 12 year olds just have shit taste in everything.

What's different about the Black Phantom Edition? As far as I know Demon's Souls never got any DLC.

>not playing in the dark, headset on, sitting in front of the monitor, volume up, with a playlist crafted specifically for Dark Souls ready to start


Too much for me. If there was a souls-like game with anime graphics it'd be perfect.

play das2 so you have nowhere to go but up and it's still alright outside of the main game

you get physical stuff like an artbook and soundtrack CD with it

it was just throwing a bone to EU since they got it last

I played Dark Souls 1 first, it was my first ever souls game, and i can say with 100% certainty that i liked Demon's Souls better

Get a PS3 and play demon's souls. if you like that, get dark souls. if you like that get Dark Souls 2 : scholar of the first sin on PC if possible. You have now seen everything souls has to offer.

dark souls 2.
the rest are for pussies.