So I have a flight scheduled in the next couple weeks and naturally I was thinking of ways to fuck with people...

So I have a flight scheduled in the next couple weeks and naturally I was thinking of ways to fuck with people, and guys, I may have come up with the perfect prank.

Step 1: Load up GTA V on your laptop mid-flight.

Step 2: Repeatedly crash the jumbo jet into buildings over and over, constantly making sure the people sitting around you are watching.

Step 3: Profit

1. source your quotes

2. if you're not brown, nobody will give a fuck.

Did you com up with that plan yourself?

Buddy, it's 2017.
That would have been funny in 2003 or 2004 Sup Forums but not in this time.

Come on guys, I finally thought I came up with something original and you come and rain on my parade

better plan

bring your Nintendo Switch


Also who the fuck used laptops on planes in 2003/2004? As if they even had wifi on planes back then to give any reason to bringing a laptop on board. You fuckin weeb ass idiot

If you really want to fuck with them user say you have a bomb haha

Look at this retard. You think people only started to use laptops on planes once wifi started to appear?

Yeah my bad you're right, your average passenger back yonder in 2004 usually had a laptop loaded up with San Andreas ready to go

>Its just a prank bro

Sure showed them ,OP. I can already imagine a scrawny nerd smirking while crashing the planes in a video game, truly terrifying

Jesus christ this board is full of the most cynical and insecure people I've ever seen

How about you read a fucking book or something instead and try to grow a brain cell or two you stupid faggot

I have a really hilarious idea user:

1. 3d print a gun
2. smuggle it on board the plane
3. hijack the plane and fly it into a real building

what a hilarious prank! nobody will see it coming
make sure to shout aloha snackbar to make it extra authentic

How Sup Forums responds to shitposting

You're on a Sup Forums board centered around video games and you say some nigger shit like that, go hang yourself you self righteous douche

They're not taking it well, I guess I'll just resort to posting some gay ass anime shit to get everyone to like me again

Just do what everyone else does and release silent farts that no one knows who to blame the stench on.

Fucking hate airplane people.

i played gta sa on a 2004 laptop

Cool, it probably ran like ass on your 2004 laptop too considering San Andreas didn't even come out on pc until June 2005


No, your idea was shit

ITT: things that are going to get you violently fisted and then imprisoned.

>guy buys laptop in 2004
>plays game from 2005 on it
>somehow this is impossible

Are you clinically retarded

I didn't say it wouldn't run, I said it probably ran like ass. Learn how to read you dumb cunt. Gaming laptops were just as big of a joke in 2004 as they are now you tool

I laughed at this one. Good show, lad.

You're smalltime

Best answer

OP is a faggot

Better yet, bring your PSP

"pata pata pata PON, PON pata PON pata, pata pata pata PON, PON PON pata PON..."

and dont forget your 8hr battery pack.

OP is gonna be put in a no fly list

this but be careful while the plane is turning

Holy shit how can someone be this retarded and mad?

Because your plan has all the genius of a 15 year old.

Is this cringe thread ?

Or op you are just pathetic and want attention so bad, kill yourself kid

People who work, you mindless dweeb.