Does anyone else get a strong urge to wear a dress while playing this game?

Does anyone else get a strong urge to wear a dress while playing this game?

I only ever play video games while wearing dresses

no just closet faggots

Im sure there are plenty of faggots like you on Sup Forums.

c-can i see

No, just you

I get the strong urge to wear black shorts and black socks and kill all machines.

well i didn't until now

thanks a lot OP

We can dress up and play together if it makes you feel better :3

>not fucking a girl (female) while wearing a dress
It's like you homos don't want to feel beautiful while fucking.

pls be a fuccboi

>Not grinding against a girl (male) until you both cum just from your pretty dresses rubbing together
This is true enlightenment.


toobi is cute

I want to BE__ 9S!

Can you stop making these threads you shit-eating attention whore?

No but i do get the urge to play some h-game where i can slut myself.

No but I have to pause in order to fap every 35 minutes give or take.

Hey I only made it once yesterday and it got deleted

Such a waste of a good picture, her ass should've been more visible just like the real 2B.

>tfw you have a massive leg and legware fetish but everyone only talks about her butt
the good thing is that almost every picture shows her perfect legs

>that fleshy lewdness squeezing into those tights