Is this game worth playing?



Emulate GameCube version. The PC edition was iffy last time i checked.

If you want more VA, play the PC/PS2 version.

Otherwise GameCube hands down for graphics/framerate.

Have fun, user.

It's the best tales of game, but you have to have pretty low standards to fully enjoy tales of games.

Depends on if you are 12 years old

Depends. It's semi-non linear, and the antagonist is definitely interesting, but the main antagonist is also a whiny bitch. Well you can say he's interesting because he's a whiny bitch.

They also force the worst party member(in terms of stats and playstyle) to be in your party for the lion's share of the boss fights, and then force you to play as said worst party member in a 1v1 where she can't heal or use items

If you like cool characters, you'll enjoy it.
If you expect a mind-blowing story, you'll not enjoy it.

Also the fighting system takes some getting used to. But it features a lot of replayability with new game plus

They fixed it apparently, so it's the best version now.

did thay fix the game pad thing if so ill have to up date it haveing to ues other software to re map game pad is a game killer for me by the time iv set up the game pan i dont feel like playing any more

Sorry I don't understand, but gamepad works fine. At least with my xbox 360 it works.

this is what a have evey pc game i have it works with but not TFOS

i gess it what i get for not wasting 60$s on a game pad and paying for my games >< o well

Brace yourself for the Berseria and Vesperia fanatics, user.

There is mod that fixes literally everything except 30fps.

id love to see a pc port of this sadddy i live in the us and i had a bs3 not a x box

If you're old enough to be here, you've seen the "quest to do four things related to the elements doesn't actually solve our problems" plot twist before.
You've also probably seen it done better.

It's considered a classic for a reason. Play it, but understand that it's pretty old, so don't expect the combo crazy gameplay from recent Tales games.

apparently it can get the FPS to like 40 or 50 or something, but full 60 is either impossible or fucks the physics and game timing too hard

golden sun my nia

delicious ninja tiddies

>in-game models are all chibified



>can't use the shitpost B emoji

>Play if for the first time back in 2004
>Like every character, but like Sheena the best
>Bummed that Collete is the main heroine
>Go to Gamefaqs to look for guides on how to unlock costumes
>Find a guide about affection points
>Find out that you make Sheena the main heroine

I never got caught by surprise like that by a JRPG ever again. It blew my mind how every character could be the heroine, even the dudes.

I'd say yes, it's the quintessential generic JRPG. It uses every cliche, but does it competently. And the combat system has more going for it than regular turn-based stuff, but later games(and arguably older 2D ones too) play much better. Symphonia is kind of awkward transitory game.
In Gamecube version you could map Artes to C-stick. The right analog has gone un-used in all the other console releases, is it actually usable in PC version?

Except Raine.
The fact that they still haven't ported the PS3 version to PC amazes me. The graphic would scale up pretty well, and people have been asking for it fucking forever.

I've ust finished a playthrough of Vesperia on the PS3 thanks to the english patch, and jesus christ, that game is amazing.

THere's so much fucking content, that my first playthrough went to 120 hours, 40 of those just finishing stuff n the post-game. It also looks great, despite the shitty sub-720P resolution.

How a game so old, with such a terrible resolution can look better than all Tales games that came after it, I'll never know. The enemy models, towns, dungeons, everything looks so vibrant, beautiful and slick.

I feel like going pseudo "open world" in Xillia and afterwards was a huge mistake.

Pirate it first to see what you think and if you like it just buy the pc version.

>How a game so old, with such a terrible resolution can look better than all Tales games that came after it, I'll never know. The enemy models, towns, dungeons, everything looks so vibrant, beautiful and slick.

They had to look good, BECAUSE of the shit resolution.

>How a game so old, with such a terrible resolution can look better than all Tales games that came after it
Art style. Vesperia uses cell-shading on character models really well to get the pseudo-anime look, all the Tales games after it go very heavy with the shading, which I never really found to benefit the series too much.
Not really fan of the many character designs in later Tales either. Lots of characters look really shoujo, if that makes sense.


It deserves all the praise it gets.

>The fact that they still haven't ported the PS3 version to PC amazes me

THis is me just pulling stuff out of my ass, but I really think that the reason they'll never remaster or re-release Vesperia is because it would showcase how bad all their modern games really are.

Vesperia has a shit-ton of in-game non-DLC content, has 9 playable characters, looks and runs better than all modern Tales games (except for Berseria who also rns at 60FPS), the battle system is great, the characters are great.

It was a great send-off for the Symphonia team, but with Hideo Baba saying that they'll never make anything like it again because "It as too hard to make", I think everyone at Namco is fine with the series just being seen as a low budget mediocre series.

Which is too bad, because Vesperia was truly something special, and it might be the best ARPG ever made by Japan.

I wouldn't say Lloyd is a whiny bitch but he is definitely one of the dumbest protags in tales history
>Party "Lloyd don't do the thing"
Lloyd "imma do the thing"
>Party "Lloyd no"
Lloyd "Lloyd yes"

I doubt Bamco is that proud. If there was money in it, they'd port it.

While Sheena is shit when controlled by the AI, and not nearly as flashy as everyone else, she can be downright broken if you know what you're doing. I managed to Solo Abyssion with her on Mania by abusing SC

You're a retard who doesn't know what the word "antagonist" means.

I found it funny how Berseria completey recycled Symphonia's villain and motives, right down to losing a loved one and trying to save the world by turning everyone into emotionless robots.

>by abusing SC
Everyone can solo with SC, except for those who don't have spells, naturally. Even Raine can get the eternity combo with SC fairly easily, and her physical combo is meant to be shit because she's a caster.

SC is by its nature completely broken, so saying "Constitution of wet paper and strength of a wet noodle" Sheena is good with it is sort of moot. Meanwhile Colette, who actually IS the most broken character in the game, can literally beat Abyssion at level 6 solo by tossing a squeaky green hammer at him.

Yeah one of my favorite rpgs

Would a Vesperia style Symphonia remake with more content, revamped movesets, and a playable Yuan (with Judith style aerial focused artes) be the best Tales game ever?

What makes Artorious work better than Mithos is how the party doesn't buy his shit for a second. Velvet knows why Artorious did what he did but thinks he's a giant fucking faggot for it.

Mithos meanwhile tags along in your party and Lloyd and friends are just oblivious to how obviously up to no good he is, except for Genis who doesn't tell anyone until it's far too late. Artorious's final form is metal as fuck, while Mithos's is just silly, despite the aesthetic being a good idea(the intention was probably to make Mithos look like actual Bible Angel i.e. horrifying monstrosity, but the end result looks like him in a mech ala Dr. Wily)

>Judith style air combat


That's Rita, not Judy.

You doofus.

Kek, I know.

How do you go from a badass as fuck Wolf like Repede as a mascot to fucking Teepo and Bienfu?

The mascot of Berseria was obviously Laphicet

because of shit like Mieu and those fucking otters from Legendia

There's a mod pack for Steam version that fixes nearly all issues. It's very simple to use.

The Steam version is a port of the PS3 version which had far more content than the original GC game.

It kind of pissed me off how some of the best new costumes were locked away behind specific character routes.

Doing a 15 hour playthrough for a costume wasn't fun.

huh, can't you just get the costumes after the scene in the ice town but before Zelos betrays the party for his own shitty reasons?

Stuff like Sheena's biker outfit and Lloyd and Kratos' samurai outfits could only be unlocked by getting specific character scenes in Flanoir.
