>gtx 1060 6gb
>16 gb ram
>i7 6700 quad core
Why is this game lagging on higher settings? Every other game runs fine.
>gtx 1060 6gb
>16 gb ram
>i7 6700 quad core
Why is this game lagging on higher settings? Every other game runs fine.
Because you don't know shit about computers.
Help me understand? It's only this game that lags
That would be too easy. Today you are going to learn how to use computers, starting with google.
Trust me, it's a life skill you will appreciate.
have you tried turning it on and off again?
also ask Sup Forums
Are you running it on the internal card or something you massive phaggot
This isn't a tech support, this is a videogame forum
The fuck we know what is wrong with your PC
>Still doesn't know how to google
I agree.
Console port. If you don't have quadruple the horsepower of the console it was built around (typically a PS4 The Pro) you can kiss any expectations of high, 120+fps, or 1440+p settings a good bye.
>buh muh master race
A single RX480, master race, does not make you. Thousands of dollars, you need to spend, if you want, a, "superior experience". Terribly sorry, I am not.
>yoda with a shotgun badass
Overwatch is a multiplayer game so it needs to stream all the graphics to your pc, get better internet.
Beyond redemption, this padawan is...
>cocks shotgun
Put down, you must be...
Turn everything on
Look and see what is 100% load
Look at the frame time, high frame rate is not accurate after a point since if it's higher than your refresh rate but the game is laggy and unresponsive, spikes in frame timing mean you can't get used to game.
Are you sure it's really about your PC's performance, and not because you have a shitty connection? I have a 3 times worse PC and it runs the game on high to max in 1080p.
>"hah! This peasant doesn't know ow as much as I do about PC gaming! I am batter!"
PC "Master race" everyone
Must be something you're doing wrong :)
I'm not even that guy but what idiot expects technical help on Sup Forums? Use fucking google like every semi intelligent person. Specially if you had the money for an expensive PC.
>I literally am unable to help anyone with anything ever
Off yourself
>lagging = caused by high internet latency
>stuttering = caused by the physical hardware in your system
burgers will never fucking get the difference
Its an unoptimized piece of shit game built to run on laptops with shitty gpus and amazing cpus.
I have almost your same pc but even worse, yet I can play the game with very high settings without any problem
I'm always the one to help if there is a complex trouble that is not possible to fix in two clicks and two minutes using google.
I never said this before but seriously get the fuck out this site if you want hugs and help.
Same goes to you, off yourself you fucking idiot.
What the fuck are you talking about? It runs on 5 years old toasters. No, I don't mean PC that are 5 years old, I mean they were toasters even 5 years ago.
what are your in game settings
my pc is much worse and i get 90-100 fps all on high
Then you're doing something wrong, because I get 144fps while recording with those specs.
lol i have worse cpu and less ram and it is 60 fps constant on ultra, turn the render scale to 100%, at 150% it will be non 60 fps constant
render scale is probably wrong
Overclock your CPU
I bet everyone is wrong
He probably is getting screen tearing because he's using a 60hz monitor and his games FPS is super high cause his PC is decent enough to do that
I remember having the same issue until I bought a 144hz and I took me years to figure it out lol
screen tearing can be fixed without getting a new monitor, i had it too and not only for overwatch
fullscreen not windowed mode
"fixing" screen tearing by enabling Vsync gives you awful input lag. 144hz is the way to go.