>top three
>1 obscure vidya only you played
>1 vidya everyone shits on but you enjoy nevertheless
>top three
>1 obscure vidya only you played
>1 vidya everyone shits on but you enjoy nevertheless
Other urls found in this thread:
Blood Omen is better.
>Megaman Legends
>Oddworld Abe's Exodus
>Blazing Dragons
>Nothing comes to mind, i guess some people don't like ML because of the controls
No it isn't
>No it isn't
Soul Reaver is pretty good when it focuses on exploration and platforming, but the puzzles are a slog and most of the rewards you get for exploration are somewhat worthless. The story is pretty good, even if it shits the bed at the end. It would've been better served by having the original ending planned for it.
Blood Omen is a much more cohesive experience. Exploring is fun and satisfying, the general game design and story beats emphasize and complement the themes surrounding Nosgoth's decay and Kain's vampirism. It's a meatier experience.
I don't dislike Soul Reaver -- I think it's a great game unlike the games in the series that followed it -- but Blood Omen is the bigger triumph.
>playing it on PS1
You're a masochist.
The Playstation version is pretty serviceable. The only real issue is draw distance; I think the grainier textures work well with the art direction.
Damn right.
That would be me.
>everyone shits on
Are you stupid?
That is some fantastic reading comprehension you got there buddy, good job
dunno bout the first two, for the one everyone shits on but you enjoyed literally this. everyone shit on this game when it came out and i loved it, fuck yall
>1 obscure vidya only you played
Vampire bride
>1 vidya everyone shits on but you enjoy nevertheless
Azure dreams because they got destroyed by q clown.
>tfw don't know where to go after the Silent Cathedral
Ariel says some shit about nosgoth behind the pillars but I've went there a couple of times and each time I found a dead end. And I can't find the waypoint with what looks like the pillars. Where the fuck do I go?
>Crash Team Racing
>Abe's Oddysee
>Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf / Sheep Raider
>Super Bub Contest
>Crash Bash
Climb the wall on the Pillars room,follow the path until Raziel mentions some shit about the Tomb of the Sarafan,once the cutscene is over shift to spectral and pass through the gates.
>tfw I played this, KKND2, C&C and Red Alert Retaliation on PS1.
Man, I fucking loved console RTS as a kid.
>Tombi, FF VII and CTR
>FF VII This is due neo-Sup Forums being about muh graphics.
In all honesty I think VII is a pretty ugly game at times. There are far worse on the Playstation though.
Like, the best part about Soul Reaver is how you get a upgrade, and then you go somewhere, and in that place you can progress via the upgrade.
And its always a location you have walked past before.
Hello, I am the greatest PS1 game there is.
>Res Evil 2
>Res Evil
>Command And Conquer: Red Alert
Obscure: Pic related. Never finished it.
Probably Antz, which I bought for my then little niece to play along with Crash Bandicoot and some other child-friendly games.
Jersey Devil
Twisted Metal 3
Drangonball GT
Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2
>fav jrpg: ff9
>fav fightan game:bloody roar 2
>fav adventure: alundra
not really obscure but many ppl haven't played it
>ghost in the shell
>no clue
final bout isn't really obscure
I don't think Koudelka is obscure, but that's probably because I only talk to jrpgfaggots.
Getting ohko'd because you didn't grab an item a cd ago was dumb as hell.
>Spyro 3
>Crash 3
>Tetris Plus and Jersey Devil
Well, you needed to put a spring in your PS1 to play it in America. I got it at a flea market and to my knowledge it wasnt available in stores.
I'm literally the only bloke that I know who's played it apart from one mate who borrowed my copy.
>silent hill
>chrono cross
>Breath of Fire 3
>Road Rash
>NFS High Stakes
>Jade Cocoon
>Street Sk8er
>Wild Arms
>Future Cop: LAPD
>No one
I guess it's because my friends all had awful taste in vidya they all became talesfaggots. I don't talk to them anymore.
muh niggaaa
I feel like Jersey devil is actually surprisingly well-known on Sup Forums. I see it mentioned semiregularly.
Dunno. In the UK mine is the only copy I even saw The shop I bought it from only had one copy in stock, I've never even seen it in second hand charity shops.
>Ape Escape
>Brave Fencer Musashi
>Threads of Fate
>Mega Man Legends
>Buy Legacy of Kain games on Steam
>Controller settings are so fucked can't even play the game properly
This is my problem with Soul Reaver. I never played it, but I already know it's a game I'll love, but he just runs around in circles. I don't want to map the controller to WASD because then there are only eight directions to run in instead of true analog. However, did this game ever even have DualShock support or was it only analog on Dreamcast?
This was one of my favorites.
>Old games on Steam
This doesn't sound all that great of an idea desu.
I couldn't help it, I was eager to play the games.
>I never played it, but I already know it's a game I'll love, but he just runs around in circles.
Right? Don't know what the fuck was up with the controls.
>Press [BUTTON 8] to perform *action*
They're on GOG as well, right?
Think they at least pretend they do something to get them to run on somewhat modern shit.
pic related
I hate re-buying things, even if GoG tends to be cheaper most the time. Hopefully they'll show up during Connect at some point.
Do you have any tips for the cheapest way to make a ps1 emulator machine?
Yeah, buy a used PS1 or PS3.
>Download PS1 emulator
>Dig out old PS1 games
>Plug in PC controller
I meant something like a pc based console running for example Lakka, connected to my tv to be able to play on higher details.
>not using DS4 controller for ps1/ps2 emu's
top pleb
>pic related
damn nice
damn right my afro-american.
Rasperry PI is your best bet
castlevania sotn
ff viii
resident evil 2
bust a groove 2 or koudelka
dragon ball final bout controls are clunky but i love it
She looks like a cockroachirl mlao
WHYWHYWHY this game is so underrated? I mean, i honestly think it's better than Crash and Spyro, and even Super Mario 64. Controls were revolutionary at the time, and i think it set the trend of using both sticks in gameplay. Why it's so forgotten? It's amazing!
What makes you think it's underrated? A mental illness?
Ok, maybe underrated was a wrong word, but definitely forgotten. Everyone always remember Crash and Spyro when it's talk about PS1 platformers, nobody remember AE when it blows those two out of the water.
Because the other 2 keep getting new games and remasters?
AE was VERY late. Spyro and Crash were what people remember most, and they both had 3 games. Ape Escape had 1 that only some people played, and some sequels nobody did.
The controls were fucking dogshit. Why do I have to keep spinning to go fast? It was the waggle of the PS1.
>Twisted metal 2
>Crash team racing
>Nascar Rumble
Loved the minigames in that
Suikoden II
Space Griffon VF-9 (try it, game is great if you look past the clunkiness and get into the plot)
Resident Evil: Survivor maybe? Can't remember it being well received but I didn't mind it
Vagrant Story, Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics
Project Overkill, must have rented this four times from Blockbuster, felt like DOOM.
Mega Man X6
Trick with Koudelka is that it's actually pretty fucking bad. Like someone said a long time it's like they merged the worst aspects of survival horror and JRPG. It has a good story and actually surprisingly quality VA, not to mention you can probably count how many horror JRPGs are out there on one hand, but it has not aged well.
>>top three
Suikoden 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Valkyrie Profile
obscure vidya only you played
Well, hardly but Guardian's Crusade. Even among JRPG fans you never hear it mentioned.
vidya everyone shits on but you enjoy nevertheless
Digimon World 2. Now that I think about it DW2 was probably my gateway into dungeon crawlers on consoles. Also, that fucking OST.
Hello fellas, manchild here
I'm trying to give my old modded psx a second life with a good arcade or any kind of fun quick-playing games collection. I mean, fighting, shoot 'em ups, 2D, platforms, etc...
I had only mainstream games that now I find boring to play.
Iv'e got some already but can you people point me some interesting games of your like, to play very occasionally but have instant fun on them?
Also can i play ntsc in my modded pal console? Dint I need a special cable for that or what? or is there a way to convert games?
Vagrant Story, Thousand Arms, Vanguard Bandits
KKND2 Crossfire loved the soundtrack on that one
>Guardian's Crusade
I was not ready for the feels. I still have no idea how I found so many of those Toys back in the day.
Zanac X Zanac
Harmful Park
Raiden DX
N2O: Nitrous Oxide
Should be fine. It'll play in 60Hz instead of 50Hz though.
You need the Road Rash games in your life, perfect to just jump into and start cracking skulls
Crash Bandicoot 2
Tekken 2
Megaman Legends
Machine Hunter - even I forgot I played this, but seeing a video of that first level brought back a lot of memories.
Megaman 8 - I had fun with this one but everyone I've ever spoken to about it thinks it sucks hard.
>1 obscure vidya only you played
It's probably not actually that obscure, but I fucking love this game. The minigames are great. The Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra soundtrack is great. Taneo yelling UWEEH a million times is great. It's great. Giant teddy jet fight minigame is my favourite.
Nah, it wasn't pretty fucking bad. It was absolutely fucking awful. My mate that borrowed it printed off a walkthrough because it made so little sense. Actual example of one his questions at the time "What the fuck is 'Fire poison'?"
I thought the premise of the story was pretty good, but the story itself was just a tangled mess of nonsense.
I rented Final Bout when I was a kid. It did have a NA release.
WHO /Legend of Mana/ HERE?
Digimon World 2 has some insane grinding on it.
>Crash Warped
>Idk, i guess Crash Bash or TR1
>1 obscure vidya only you played
anyone Devil Dice here?
>Tekken 3
>Crash Bandicoot
>Monster Rancher 2
>Crash Bash
Why no one ever talks about this game?
>that soundtrack
Man, Krossfire was fucking bomb, splitscreen RTS action if I remember correctly. Probably the only game to have such shit going on.
Did anyone else play this? It's such a fun puzzle game.
Crash 2
Ghost in the Shell
Pic related
Bushido Blade 2. Anyone who tried to play it seriously shit on it and for good reasons, but it's still super fun as a party game. It's one of the most salt-inducing game I know. Just don't pick gunmen + Castle Rooftop, because that's gay as fuck.
Awww yisssss
>RE3, Ace Combat 2, Parasite Eve
>King's Field my dad bought it when I was 7, he used to play video games before his hands started cramping up whenever he held a controller
MGS1, Castlevania SOTN, Megaman X4
I'm going to deviate from OP's template and post 2 games I loved back in the day, that don't hold up today: Mortal Kombat Triology, and Syphon Filter 1.
That game was fucking horrible. Literally my first ever experience of buyer's remorse.
Yeah, it was on some demo disc or something, as a kid who just wanted to kill monsters and shit with a big sword it seemed pretty gay. But I suppose it's a cool gimmick, they should make another one of these and put it on Steam.
As far as obscure games go I'd say Echo Night, it's a spooky horror game and it's sort of clumsy and shitty but it's one of the eeriest games I've ever played.
Devil Dice was the shit.
CTR, crash bandicoot in general, tekken series