Games that opened your eyes about pc gamers, and their behaviour

Games that opened your eyes about pc gamers, and their behaviour

>boo hoo muh pirates
>mfw literally the only reason why the DS sells as well as it does is because its so easy to hack and pirate on

What does that even mean?
Let me guess you're a butthurt underaged kid that can only afford Nintendo consoles.


Yup, that sure is the ONLY reason.

I seriously hope more japanese devs won't release games on pc.
you simply don't deserve them.

you're delusioned boy

Seeing as most of what is considered the best DS titles were mediocre at best and all came out after flashcarts, yeah.


I know this thread is pure falseflagging but it's fun to see that there are people out here genuinely mad about this. If Sup Forums were alive in 2000 during UltraHLE for 64 and Bleem for PS1 we would see shit like that

>pc gamers,
we all know that despite the stinking patreon cancer move, it's sony retards that are spamming threads, because in their eyes, god has answered their prayers.

If the games are so mediocre, why would anyone be buying one just to pirate those mediocre games?
Fucking moron

Because a flashcart cost peanuts. Same thing happened to the Wii to a lesser extent. It's always like this with widespread piracy.

The console itself doesn't cost peanuts

The DS was pretty affordable, especially when you compared it to the PSP. Same with the Wii when piracy hit.

If anything it opened my eyes about Nintendo fans
>before CEMU
>Nintendo and PC bros for life! Fuck Sony lol
>after CEMU
You guys only cared about PC games when you could use it as shitposting ammo against Sony

Then how do you explain the 3DS?

I don't care. If anything I hope it opens their eyes to all the Nintendo games they're missing out on.

It still blows my mind to this day that there are people sharing this board that have never played a Zelda game in their lives.

The minority always become vocal when they feel triggered

Explain what?

3DS is selling well, you can't tell me that's all just pirates as the 3DS is nowhere near as cheap as the original DS was.

I don't recall ever discussing sales, just most of the DS titles praised as the best being mediocre.

Read the comment chain from the start, moron

Well, the guy said the DS only sold as well as it did because of piracy, which is true. Frankly, the 3DS only did well at the start without any games because the Vita was atrocious.

Maybe if PCunts hadnt fucking betrayed us, we wouldn't have seen them for what they are: even worse than Sony

>mfw spent 600 usd on a tablet with 1 game.

>Maybe if PCunts hadnt fucking betrayed us
Is this nigga serious?

>free games


Pretty funny after all the shitflinging between Nintendo and Sony fans about whose game is going to kill the other.

Fuckin bleem I remember being sold in stores. That was fuckin weird

The originator.

It is. Same reason PS2 was so popular all over the world. In most third world countries they would sell it to you already hacked.

Was going to post this.

>Maybe if PCunts hadnt fucking betrayed us

Stop this retarded console war bullshit. Go put a cartridge in your mouth.

>It's another le pc is bad because muh console war

Why does chink moot still allow this? Can't we have /war/ or something? fucking hell.

Nintendo fanboys are mentally ill, user.

uh PS3 was the originator around 2009

and it was because Sonyfans tried teaming up with mustards to shit on nintendofans with PS3 + PC thread spams but that didn't work out too well

But the 3DS is still doing well now

Please for the love of fuck remove yourself from the gene pool asap.

Now that it has games, yes.

I dont get why people seem so upset about the emulation. The game is fucking amazing, I have it on Switch, but it sucks that it's console exclusive. BoTW is pretty much a must play for everyone who has gaming as a hobby, just like OOT is. The more who play it, the merrier.

It's not like it's going to hurt Nintendo. People who emulate are just a load minority on forums.

Discussion of Souls games on Sup Forums went to shit as soon as the PC port was released.

This. Fuck the drones.

you guys were faggots about DaS because xbox lacked demons souls

T-that doesn't count!

>that whole pc+nintendo "partnership" garbage that drones try to spew
Honestly it's just pathetic. And then when their pc counterparts have the ability to play BotW they completely flip that shit on its head and have ruined all emulation threads since.

The moment pctards got the souls series community went to absolute fucking shit


And good luck discussing any other souls game with "babby's first brigade" shitposting them to death while arguing Izalith isn't bad. And all their fucking e-celebs too.

haha no, if botw didn't have the zelda logo it would be average as fuck

If it didn't have the zelda logo and was multiplat, people would rave about it even more as a must-have instant classic

Underground Izalith isn't bad though.

If someone really wanted to play BotW they'd buy the intended platform it was on. I see Bloodborne and NioH moving PS4 consoles because Nintendo gets easily hacked a lot of people don't bother and just emulate or pirate the game.

The fact they use "master race" to describe themselves is sickening in itself.

Who the fuck compares themselves willingly, to a Nazi ideology?

Either Nazis or edgy 12 year olds.

daily reminder, pirate fags are ruining the industry and is the literal reason for preorder culture and excessive DLC

Underage people don't care about Nintendo. They survive solely on the manchild demographic.

Hasn't Bloodborne only sold like 2M copies? Hardly sounds like a system seller?

>It's not like it's going to hurt Nintendo
Why do people always say this bullshit? Piracy might not hurt the console maker but all teh games that end up being pirated hurt the developers, do you cunts believe that games exist in some sort of vacuum and periodically appear out of nothing? This is the reason we will never have Ghost Trick 2,no more Dept Heaven after the PSP fucked everything up and other franchises that got killed because of piracy.

Who gives a shit if the console maker doesn't get hurt by piracy, what about the ones who actually make the games? What incentive do they have develop anything for a console that no one is goingto buy their games?

You obviously haven't played, I hope you can soon with the emulator and all that.

Came to post this.

I agree, but as always it's relative. Pirating an indie game is obviously worse than pirating a game from one of the biggest developers around.

Not to mention the people who pirate are a minority. I bet there are people on Sup Forums right now who are just claiming to pirate Zelda in order to shitpost, and not actually doing it.

I'm gonna have to disagree. It's too casual, too much disgusting sex fanservice, it's too cinematic, and locking a hard mode behind DLC makes me sick to my stomach.

I'd frankly rather play Gone Home on principle alone.

>too much disgusting sex fanservice

....? I don't follow OP are you going to post a game?



It's a crutch used by bad games to hide their shortcomings. Think of it like having too much story, or realistic graphics.

What sex fanservice is there in BOTW?

Sup Forums thinks they're the only ones that play videogames. So if a game is popular on here they assume it's popular everywhere. It's gotten to the point that I do the exact opposite of Sup Forums now. If they say a game is shit I assume it's pretty good and vice versa.

All the great fairies, Zelda herself, the gerudo, etc.

What the fuck happened between PC and nintendo. i thought the wii u was the least hated console for pc gamers.

>It's gotten to the point that I do the exact opposite of Sup Forums now. If they say a game is shit I assume it's pretty good and vice versa.
You must have a lot of fun paying for western shovelware over and over, but hey, at least you're sticking it to the anonymous imageboard.

idorts report in
feels good being above the children

>600$ for a tablet with 1 game
>a tablet that can't even do a steady 30 fps for a 900p shitty graphics game
>Nintendo charging for online
>game full of DLCs both in amiibos and actual DLCs (season pass woohoo)
>waah waah pcfags are bad they pirated our game
>nintendo also bash EVERY modding from the community
>they are literally the reason we don't have TLoZ:OOT 2D nor Metroid 2 with better graphics.
>instead they release some kind of shitty metroid cooperative shooter or some shit liek that with joke superdeformed characters.


Not him, but I take the "if Sup Forums likes it, it's a bad game" approach. it's definitely helped me avoid alot of stinkers.

>Sup Forums likes Bayonetta
>it's mediocre cinematic garbage

>Sup Forums likes Dragon's Crown
>it's a repetitive button masher liked only for its sexy characters

>Sup Forums likes Metal Gear
>it's not even a game, it's a damn movie

>Sup Forums likes Splatoon
>it's a console shooter so casual that makes Call of Duty look like Unreal Tournament

Every single time. Sup Forums just cannot get good taste.

>Sup Forums is every pc gamer

You're right about Splatoon, I'll give you that.

why is he facing the wrong direction?

>betrayed us,
What did he mean by this?

...there's no way this is what it actually looks like on the WiiU right?...Right???

That's 720p stretched to 4k, so yeah.

>tfw PC master race
>mfw I bought a launch switch at retail and digitally bought BOTW

I also got nier and Firis on steam will be buying estival vs when it's out too. Come at me.

I can't even tell who's falseflagging who anymore

Because that's what this all is, falseflagging, baiting and shitposting. I've never seen anyone caring about emulation so much until it became a thing for Wii U games, because that opened up a new potential topic for X to troll Y. Same would be if PS3/4 became emulateable

It's just the usual shitposting, no PC fag betrayed Nintendo nor there are Switch owners crying because they bought a product legally

Jesus fucking Christ, Sup Forums is always the worst around big releases. Emulation is a damn good thing that can make old consoles live forever and now you're ruining the possible discussions to make it all about shitting on people that bought a Switch, especially since mods are starting to ban these threads (rightly so)

>stretched to 4k
I'll admit I got a chuckle out of it now.

>falseflagging responses to falseflagging