Why is it so hard to please Sup Forums when it comes to racing games?
What are you even looking for? No open world? Lots of cars? Variety of locales? Complex courses?
Why is it so hard to please Sup Forums when it comes to racing games?
What are you even looking for? No open world? Lots of cars? Variety of locales? Complex courses?
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The last good racing game was released in 2006
>the only reason he can come up with to call Forza Horizon 3 shit is that it was produced by Microsoft
nfs 2015 was comfy af so something like that but less shit
I can't tell if you actually like the game or not.
Sup Forums is a bunch of simpletons who loves to cry "le racing games are no more le fun ;_;" and proceeds to demand even more casual experiences. There are lots of options if you like sims, street racing, drift games, rally, stock cars and others, but you still pretend the games you played when you had 13 yo are the best shit ever and will never be topped. you'll cowards don't even have a steering wheel, for fucks sake
i liked it but it was quite shit you know what i mean?
I want more arcade racers like burnout, midnight club 3, and even PGR to a degree. Modern racing games either go all-out racing sim, or are whacky kart racers - I miss the middle-ground we used to have in abundance.
I like modding Cars and everything forza has to offer. Also really into tuner scene irl
I hate wheels in games because you have to drive from the in-car perspective. Otherwise there's a delay between you turning the wheel and the car turning on screen, which is disorienting.
>Good controls
>Some degree of car customization
Basically I want Gran Turismo Sport. I mean what the fucking fuck Sony, its been 3 years and your flagship racing game still hasnt made an appearance yet? Xbone has 2 Forza games already now.
FlatOut 4 is coming.
OH, BUT WAIT, you let your opinion of 3 taint this one.
>put all your faith in Wreckfest, which went nowhere
If you're mad that this is console-exclusive, I can empathize with that.
What if I like arcade style racing games?
Any good games to play on g29 and shifter? Already have dirt rally and assetto corsa. Dirt rally is excellent and assetto corsa is fun online. Too bad there are only a few full servers that arent nordschleife
How are the f1 games?
Varies by type of racing game desu
>Track based arcade games
Lots of drifting, great music, lots of visual flair, and really high speed.
>Openworld arcade games
Some degree of tuning/customisation, diverse environments, variety in activities, time of day + weather cycling, and it makes use of verticality in the map design - whether it just be through bumps/hills or actually multi-layered environments. Huge variety in cars and letting me play my own music are also a must.
>Kart racers
Really fucking crazy tracks, minimal rubber banding, either super high amounts of drifting or massive speed, items take some degree of skill to use.
>Track based sim(ish) stuff
Car tuning and customization, a good singleplayer campaign mode, realistic graphics, detailed car interiors and first person camera support, and good physics.
Will it ever be topped?
I don't think that's what he meant.
The latest f1 game is everything you could want out of one and then some.
I've never played a flatout game
I think they're far less impressive than Sup Forums gives them credit for but I'm slowly being less asinine about them.
Rocket League
>Why is it so hard to please Sup Forums
implying anything can please anyone here that isn't 'making anyone else just as miserable, if not more'
Topped on release.
So find out for arcade games, they're still being released.
What is really funny to me is to see people complaining about "all racing games became boring sims" and proceeds to unironically call arcade shit like GRID or PCars as simulators, Papyrus didn't die for this. Hell, there are even some games that resemble the classic Outrun here, and Sega is releasing Daytona USA 3, but i'm sure people won't be satisfied because they want a remake for their specifical and snowflakey tastes.
I like AG racers
Just try to do a perpendicular drift and watch how hard it shouts "NO FUCK YOU"
Because racing games had always been the highest graphically advanced games until we reached the current stalemale where new games aren't as different and the gameplay isn't as good, so there's nothing enticing about them
We are at the point that Driveclub is appraised by their fucking weather effects not gameplay, because everything else isn't that much of a difference from others like CARS
That said, these are good
>Rocket League
>Mario Kart 8
>Project Cars
>Sega Racing
>Asseto Corsa
Also some of the dead racing games make my skin boil
>Trackmania (somewhat alive but never will come back to the ESWC/United era thanks to the massive whoring it's been put out for the little content it actually offers besides delays and flase promises or killing their community)
>Fuel (comfiest game of all fucking time)
I truly need a good comfy racing game, something like Underground 2, Hot Pursuit or Fuel, where I can just jack my music on and disconnect. The Crew handling is utter shit, NFS:World was a microtransaction galore that died as fast as people saw the price on the cars and there's nothing else I see/remember
They keep trying to reinvent the wheel and tack on heaps of unneeded shit. Or fuck up completely and are locked at 30fps.
I just want a faithful remake of Extreme G with modern graphics and physics. Just watching these youtube vids, I get hype and want to play it again.
Also Driveclub is supremely "okay" to the max. I find it irksome people call it an amazing exclusive when it feels so flavorless.
Can't wait for the next Wipeout
What is it
Fantasy sports.
Like Quidditch.
I like F1 2016. Also eagerly waiting for the new Gran Turismo.
>Daytona USA 3
Oh shit, I didn't even know this was a thing.
F1 cars handle weird.
What the hell went so goddamn RIGHT ???????
if its a track racer it has to have bathurst. hopefully gt sport has it considering they put a lot of effort into the gt6 version
This who game looks like piss (literally) and I hate it.
>NFS MW 2012 is awful even though it did basically everything Burnout Paradise did
Does finding cars parked in the world annoy you or something?
It's because it's an exclusive, it gets heaped with praise to justify buying a console. All exclusives are treated the same way.
>look at the minimap instead of the game: The Game
I don't play like that actually.
>stop dead in my tracks
>look at the map
>plan route
But yeah, fair point. The map is a mess and because everything looks similar it's hard to learn. Except the mountain parts, those are simple as fuck.
Burnout Paradise's biggest fault is not having a navigational system. You need something pointing you to where you're going.
NFS Most Wanted 2012 fixes that, despite not being quite as good as Burnout Paradise.
git gud
what the fuck is the sonic font doing in a burnout game
If you use the 'third person' camera option in racing games you deserve to be tarred and feathered.
I hate you.
I quite like playing wipeout on my vita but I don't really care much for racing games in general.
That particular Burnout wasn't made by Criterion, it's one of the spin offs.
>Only available on Xbox One and Microsoft Store
To me, it's like it doesn't exists
Don't the street names in the top of the HUD flash to tell you when you should turn?
>customize your car
>never get to enjoy it because you drive from the bumper
just make a new SASRT, SASRT's driving mechanics were perfect.
Only during a race. If you want to get from point A to point B just in the open world you're on your own.
Are you perplexed by their ability to turn in multiple directions? Do things that turn left as well as right confuse you? Maybe if I drew you a diagram using hamburgers you'd eat it... I mean understand it. Yes?
>Wheels barely fucking work
>Windows 10 only
I want a new Outrun game.
nigger there are signposts at the top of the screen and everywhere is a fucking grid
I fucking hate you even more now.
I spent a ton of time in tdu2. Having a character, collecting roads one by one, just enough quest variety, and drive anywhere is what kept me in for so long. Discovering the busted multiplayer would keep me from ever hitting all the achievements and an unreliable server is what eventually took me out
>Burnout Paradise's biggest fault is not having a navigational system
haha you fucking idiot
Arcade stuff was more popular in the 90s than it is now. The largest part of racing games are racing sims now. Hell, software like Assetto Corsa is now used by professionnals in order to simulate real life car handling instead of testing everything on a track.
You look at arcade stuff, kart games, or antigrav racers, they've mostly faded out of existence. Sure, Mario Kart is still going strong, but F-Zero is dead, WipEout is dead, Sega Rally and Daytona USA are dead, Burnout is dead, NFS is dead in spirit, etc. It's now up to indie devs to make these games because they're just too niche nowadays, as proven by Redout, the Fast Racing series, the new antigrav project from the original WipEout devs, all the promising "80s/90s racing game" kickstarter videos and whatnot. It just does not appeal to many people anymore and the same goes for many arcade-style games.
And I know the follow-up to this was the crew, but that map is uncomfortably huge, there's too many of the quests, I missed the get out of the car stuff ( a good wardrobe option/character creator goes a long way for me) and having to level up cars didn't work for me. At least with the huge map you discovered chunks instead of just roads, but my city wasn't represented and I missed the comfy island setting.
The Crew is a bit too big for its britches. I mean there are literal two-hour races in that game.
Does anyone have time for that?
Oh boy I sure do love driving empty fucking streets for 90% of races because everyone scatters in different directions. Great job removing aftertouch as well, it was way too much gameplay when I could just relax for the half hour cutscene you get when you so much as clip a railing.
>Fuel (comfiest game of all fucking time)
Fuel was Missed Opportunities: The Game. They give you a huge open world to explore but it is completely empty, the racing is an exercise in blocking rubber-banding AI and all the cars feel slow
People who like racing. Lots of sims have servers with endurance races. They won't play The Crew though.
That's the last race in tdu2, but that's after all the tournaments and reaching the top of each license and it's a comfy race all the way around the island. Doing it once was great, especially because it was easy to hold a strong lead. I didn't get fat enough in the crew to realize they did it a bunch. That sounds annoying.
>Grand Autismo has shitload of cars but 60% are various versions of GTR, Miata or NSX, missing european and US essential cars
>Forza Motosport has a more varied carpark but alot cars behind a DLC paywall
>Horizon is just floaty arcade shit, thank god for the free demo
>PCars' carpark is just desperate
>Assetto Corsa mods are broken every patch, if they work properly to begin with, little customization on most cars and absolutely zero classes or any semblance of balance
I just want a game I can run on PC with a wheel that has decent physics, 600+ unique real world cars from different brands to collect from the get-go, some GT/Forza-style tuning with powerpoint balancing and a good track editor/mod support. I would even fucking pay for it.
Me too. New Ridge Racer also.
>>Horizon is just floaty arcade shit, thank god for the free demo
You need a lot more precision in Horizon to win than playing it like NFS. You can't just slide around every turn and not give a fuck, it still rewards proper cornering technique.
Eh, I appreciate that option being there since they're completely optional and just give you a wad of cash. The game has a whole bunch of more serious flaws, like not being able to plug in your custom music (the "custom radio" is a fucking joke), anything related to the incredibly bad story and the unbelievably annoying player character you're forced to play as, the bizarre limitations of the customization system (each wheel model has a different variant for each color instead of just letting you paint them, zero vinyl customization etc), the goddamn headlights making it completely impossible to night drive anywhere that isn't completely lit up by street lights, THE FUCKING NETCODE and the list just goes on.
Reportedly the new expansion brought a whole host of extra issues that didn't exist before, but I never got around to trying it.
>the unbelievably annoying player character you're forced to play as
Really? He seemed harmless to me.
The game's story is corny but I didn't really find Alex abrasive.
>What are you even looking for?
A new F-Zero
Ride 2 seems a solid title even though is a bike game.
You're probably right, it's been a while since I played the campaign mode and all I remember is being annoyed at the story being so bad. I do recall that he did get a tad whiny towards the later parts though.
>not knowing the whole fucking race
Someone needs invisible walls and a pacifier.
Play wipeout, redout, or the FAST Racing series
Why are Europeans so butthurt all the time? Gets tiring. I feel like your fucking stepdad.
definitely no open world, so that you can learn tracks and master them. Lots of shortcuts with high risk/reward, car stats that actually mean something and a reason to pick X car vs Y car
It's actually very easy. OutRun 3. There you go.
Post good racing games
Forza Horizon 3
Needed to be in japan though
FAST Racing League is hot garbage, don't recommend that.
Neo took its mechanics and made them far less annoying.
Crash Team Racing
Mario Kart Double Dash/DS/8
Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing Transformed
Jak X
Wipeout 3: Special Edition/HD (plus the upcoming Omega collection)
Daytona USA
F-Zero GX
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
Ridge Racer Type 4/V
Hydro Thunder/Hurricane
Fast Racing RMX
Motorstorm Pacific Rift/Apocalypse
Gran Turismo 3/4/5
Dirt 3 + Rally
Need for Speed 3 + Underground 2+ Most Wanted
Burnout 3: Takedown + Vengeance + Paradise
Driver: San Francisco
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
Forza Horizon 3
Crazy Taxi 1/2/3
I just like racing/car games with insane customization (name the ones that do this best desu). Just racing gets fucking boring if there's no real variance aside from maps.
>Daytona 3
Wipeout and Redout are not even comparable to F-Zero outside of it being futuristic and having hover vehicles.
gt5 has 24hr races
Does GT5 still have B-Spec mode? You can just set it and forget it, theoretically.
ridge racer type 4
king of atmosphere
yeah, but it was fun with me and a mate switching the controller every couple of pitstops
My nigga. Shame the only good extreme g is the first one
Not much, split-screen in racing game is basic feature, this one lacks it.
Sega Rally Revo
NFS High Stakes
Both games have excellent simcade handling/physics that is detailed and demanding but leans more toward the arcade side, and both games have challenging, vibrant and entertaining tracks/courses
>Want to play Gran Turismo 6
>For some reason it just cuts off the download in the middle of updating every time
>FAST Racing League
I meant the vastly superior sequel, FAST racing NEO and RMX
I want more non-kart racers that have Characters. The whole "car porn with mystery driver" thing got old, and really only belongs in pure sims.
I would buy ps4 for Burnout 3 remake.
You said "series", that includes League.
>Not playing rFactor the autismo modding game