Library of great games

>Library of great games
>Better build quality
>Free online
>Comparatively decent specs
>Also has Breath of the Wild

Isn't it kind of pathetic that Nintendo had to kill this console so quickly because it's actually a genuine threat towards the Switch.

Switch will sell better because marketing always wins.

>Switch will sell better because marketing always wins.

Also because almost nobody sell Wii U's anymore.

>>Comparatively decent specs
It struggled to run special olympics-tier ports of ancient games like ME3 and DXHR, the PS3 and 360 absolutely clowned it when it came to specs. Nintendo develops in a bubble, and has no idea that they'll always get fucked when it comes time for multiplats if they use weird/underpowered hardware in comparison to the competition

>PS3 and 360 absolutely clowned it when it came to specs
Factually incorrect.

The Switch is basically a portable Wii U with slightly more friendly architecture, and it's not like that matters when exclusive games is the only thing you'll want to play.

I mean total sales (in the same timespan) not current sales.

Honestly there is no reason to not port their next games to Wii U too because it's fundamentally a similar thing.

I'm so mad that Breath of the Wild doesn't make any use of the U gamepad, the concept of Sheikah tablet was definitely built to take advantage of it and they fucking scrapped it to further dig the Wii U's grave. The console should be renamed Wii Fuck U.

It blows my mind how after what Nintendo pulled out the 4 or so last years people are still trusting them with the Switch.

Literally the best system of gen.

>small but good library so easy to collect
>good production on Nintendo games
>backwards compatible with wii hardware and software
>gamepad controls your TV
>off screen play
>small, low energy use, quiet, doesn't heat up
>symmetrical top analog sticks
>can be hacked to play tons of consoles

I'm glad they scrapped the gamepad stuff for BotW, as otherwise I'd be killed all the time due to looking down at the map/item screen so often.

Wait a little bit for the hype train to fade. Currently people who bought a Switch are die hard Nintendo fans and those hipster cucks that think video games are trendy.

Let's see how it does next Christmas when the hype for a new product and a new Zelda isn't there anymore and people realize that it is overpriced and has no games.

>Also because almost nobody sell Wii U's anymore.
Because Nintendo recalled them

He's right.

t. someone who never played Xenoblade X or Breath of the Wild discs

Pausing the game constantly to look at the map isnt any better

Wouldn't there be hype for Odyssey by then?

but user, NEW IS BETTER and we need NEW POWERFUL GRAPHICS EVERY YEAR, otherwise we won't have fun!

There's a minimap tho, but I was mainly referring to item management.

i wouldn't even mind this if their new consoles were actually powerful

This. My frinds who cant differ wiiu and wii all aware of switch.

Ninty have time until Christmas to do something with all the current shortcomings. Tbh, I expect it to have price cut and hardware revision next year. They know they can get away with it, you know, early access in hardware form.

>12 exclusive games worth owning
>0 definitive multiplats
that's not a library that's a magazine rack


You can't kill what's already dead.

I'm happy I bought a Wii U. To this day it still has more worthwhile exclusives then PS4 or Xbone, which is actually kinda sad.

Switch is definitely gonna sell a lot more though.

Not quiet.

The CPU of the Wii U was worse than the X360 and PS3 ones but the Wii U had a way better GPU, at least get your facts straight

The Switch is unironically less powerful than the Wii U.

>The CPU of the Wii U was worse than the X360 and PS3 ones

Incorrect, unless you are a literal idiot with NeoGAF-tier computer hardware literacy levels.

>Library of great games
Literally a smash bros machine and nothing else.

Tell me why does Nintendo hate people who play video games for the story? It seems like they are completely allergic to actually putting good games on their consoles. Everything is platformer bullshit or fighting games

If they had used the Wii U pad we could have made marks on the map with hand written notes to completely avoid the need for quest markers. It would have potentially added a lot to the experience. I thought the Game pad was annoying for most games because it moved important information out of your view, but this would have been one of the games that would be ideal for it.

They could easily re-brand it, release "slim" version, even rename it. But no, you take some rushed shitty titles and go fuck yourself with your Wii U and we'll act like it was newer released. Because Nintendo allowed. Imo Switch was not worth it.

>only story games are good games
Also what the fuck do you have against platformers, nigga?

No it's not.
There's not a single game that runs better on WiiU than it runs on the switch and in some cases the jump is dramatic.

MK8 jumps from 720p/59 fps on the WiiU to 1080p/60 fps on the switch.
Fast RMX goes from 640x720p to 1600x900 / 1920x1080p on the switch, and gains several extra lighting effects, AND still manages to run smoother.

Even shitty jobs like zelda jumps from 720p to 900p with less slowdowns.

I actually like my Wii U alot, and I don't understand why it did so poorly.

It owns because it has FULL backward Wii compatibility, but if we just facing off the Wii library to the Wii U library I would argue the Wii U has more worthwhile exclusives.

I didn't buy it until a couple years in, but I don't consider it a bad decision.

Devil's Third is fucking great by the way, how did this game score so low? Are consolecucks really one to knock off points for framerate issues like what the fuck?

They really don't make mid-tier brawlers like this anymore (of course you've got Bayo 2 on their as well if you need top tier shit) if this was a PS2 game people would be riding its dick.

To me they are the only good games. Platformers may be fine as entertainment for 5 or 10 minutes or whatever, but they aren't going to keep my attention. I need something more cerebral that makes me think.

It's shit. Give me an entertaining story or something to think about and I'll spend hours on the game.

>less slowdowns.

more slowdown outside of towns

What did they mean by this?

>Library of great games
You are either misinterpreting the word "library" or "great."

Did you actually checked the digital foundry stress video?
According to em, its the same shit the "travel slowdowns", but the city runs like shit on the WiiU.

>gamepad loses signal just by simply walking into another room with it

>if we just facing off the Wii library to the Wii U library I would argue the Wii U has more worthwhile exclusives.
Nah Wii has way more good games than Wii U, especially since Wii has so many great hidden gems

yeah I did and the second video was deliberately compiled to find the worst parts of where the wii u fucks up

if you add the two videos together its obvious that the switch version suffers from more travel slowdown overall

Devil's Third is a really bad cover-shooter straight outta 2006, nothing to brag about really

>I need something more cerebral that makes me think.
A challenging platformer can't make you think? I bet you haven't even tried Tropical Freeze.
I think you just have absolute pleb tastes. If you want a story go watch a movie like The Last of Us or something

Are you autistically counting how many times did they showed slowdown on a system or another?

I dunno. Lots of people who are non diehards seem to be buying it too.

People seem to be way more aware of the Switch too.

If they can get a killer game out by Crimbo I think the Switch could do alright.

I agreed with you up until you started talking about Devil's Third, that game is absolute trash.
Bayonetta 2 is great but its a real shame its held back by the Wii U's 2005 hardware. It drops to 45 fps whenever there's more than one enemy on screen. Hopefully Switch gets a stable 60 fps port of the game.

Platformers literally just come down to pressing buttons at the right times. It may be challenging from time to time, but it doesn't make you think. It's very shallow surface-level stuff when it comes down to it.

Also I'm not interested in overhyped hipster crap like Undertale or western games at all, really, so screw the last of us.

Mind educating me? I saw that wii games is playable using wii u pad, but we cant use the controller in the pad? Is that true?

W-well... they made BotW for WiiU too r-right?

>held back by the Wii U's 2005 hardware
Since it's more powerful than 360 and PS3 I think it's only fair to call it 2007 level hardware.

Obviously in 2007 they couldn't fab decent CPU and GPU MCMs yet, so the technology is even better than that.

Yeah it basically has a whole Wii in there, with the home menu and all that. You can't use the gamepad controls however since Nintendo is paranoid as fuck about security and therefore walled the whole thing off from Wii U periphery.

Correct. You basically use the gamepad as a mini screen. I think it can be used as a sensor bar as well, but I'm not entirely sure.
And as others have said there's basically a whole Wii within the Wii U, so you can play Gamecube ISOs with a homebrew app

What games do you like then?

>>symmetrical top analog sticks
Objectively the worst layout since it completely prevents claw grip

nep-nep games

>literally just come down to pressing buttons at the right times
Like any videogame?

>less that fifteen games worth playing
>worthless to a single console owner
>overpriced as fuck for the entire lifespan
>games are still fucking 60 bucks
>no storage
>gimmicky controller that adds little to gameplay if it's used at all

You can love your nintendo games if you want, but regardless of which company you want to fanboy, you cannot objectively say this console was good in comparison to the other two beyond simply "I liked it."

You can objectively say it had a stronger exclusive lineup

>but the Wii U had a way better GPU
This means absolutely nothing if a CPU bottleneck is preventing it from running Human Revolution smoothly AND maxed, as that should be an absolutely trivial job for a baby Radeon 4000 on a single spec

>CPU bottleneck
But the Wii U has no such bottleneck

>>less that fifteen games worth playing

Compared to what? 6 on PS4?

I just hate poor niggers without a gaming PC who buy multiplats on PS4 and shit on wii u for "not having games" when it easily had most exclusives

>Library of great games
everything but that is objectively true. I've never had a problem with it save for lack of interest in the games.
>tfw you spent 400 USD to play smash

And this matters exactly zero to someone looking for a console that will allow them to play a lot of good games.

Literally no one cares about muh exclusives but people who buy multiple consoles. I guarantee you the average household doesn't buy more than one console. Wiius limited the gaming experience considerably for anyone who owned one. The days of exclusives being a thing are coming to an end for the average casual gamer and the average casual gamer is the who drives sales.

I am one of those people that has all three, and I played all of the good games (except botw and color splash) and haven't touched it since. Dead console that wasn't supported when it was alive and severely limited choices.

>I'm glad they scrapped the gamepad stuff for BotW, as otherwise I'd be killed all the time due to looking down at the map/item screen so often.
You're a dumbass. The game would be a lot better if you could map and inventory manage on a second screen. The Wii U game would be better than the Switch version so that's why they axed it.

Guess what you can play on xbox and ps4? Multiplats. Guess what you can't play on the wiiu? Multiplats. Guess what doesn't make a game shit automatically? Being a multiplat.

So they other two objectively had more and better games. And no one cares about your gaymen pc shit. We're talking about consoles.

You cocksucker. I already sic of managing two hit breaking weapons, food and map from menu. Fuck you! Fuck Nintendo! What an assholes.

>Literally no one cares about muh exclusives but people who buy multiple consoles
So most of Sup Forums?

It'd be far worse if you had to slide weapons into your inventory like WWHD/TPHD due to how large your inventory gets in BotW