You always hear about Physics Engines in games

Is Zelda the only game that has a Chemistry Engine?

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Far Cry 2 did that years ago.

far cry 2 did this 9 years ago

chemistry is physics you fucking child

Yeah, OP. It's the only game in existence that developed, in all history.
Like - the greatest game ever. It's a miracle of the universe, I'll write "nintendo" with a knife in my chest in tribute to this godly company.
Breath of the Wild is more developed than reality, seriously, literally, actually, desu, really.

The joke is that Far Cry 2 is so utterly forgettable no one remembers doing anything besides shooting dudes and going through the same dozen check points for the fifteenth time.

yeah but it was shit. nothing but childbait

and zelda isn't?

and malaria something something malaria

this is true

Far Cry 2 ruled. If a game allows me to feel like a terrorist, mission accomplished.

Hah no. FC2 has it's issues, but being "kiddie" isn't one. The game is unrelentingly hostile to the player in a great number of ways.


Y'all are wrong. Watch the GDC presentation. The Chemistry engine for the new Zelda contains Water, Fire, Wind, Electricity. These interact with the world, that's why you can electrocute the fish in the pond, the wind affects fire etc.
Far Cry 2 did just 1 thing: fire.

these are physical interactions

oh okay, so it's just Divinity Original Sin.


They consider Physics to be just collision detection + movement. The rest is chemistry.

the joke is that you're a fucking retard with false assumptions

FC2 is patrician

You need to insert Biology in there somewhere, user.

Really fucking stretching there

Except FC2 was a good game

Tell me one other game that lets you fire the grass, which heats up the air, which in turn lets you use the parachute to go up?
The new Zelda is why graphics don't matter. Attention to detail - does.

no it wasn't, 3 was better than 2 and 3 was boring

2 was shit for the same reason the first asscreed was shit

Does Thew new Zelda allows me to use the Roulette Wheel?

none because that's stupid and completely unrealistic

Biology is another form of Chemistry.

>completely unrealistic
>in a fantasy game with fairies, walking skeletons and talking trees

>Pour explosive substance on a rock in Runescape
>It explodes
Runescape wins again.
I wish all the numales and "epik quirky nerds" (basically the only people who like Zelda) would leave.

3 was babby-tier with constant handholding and all the cool systems that made 2 feel like a natural world were discarded, and you have shit taste if you think that's the better game

none of these except fire change the molecular structure of involved substrates
they are not chemical reactions

I can throw artifacts into an anomaly in stalker and make a better artifact.

That's like... heat, magnetism, water and all kinds of other shit.

What the new Zelda does is nothing fucking new, it's just that you don't play more videogames to know better.

>Chemistry Engine
This is calling Conway's Game of Life a Biology Engine.

First off that isn't chemistry, and second ffxv did this. If enemies were standing in water you could freeze them in place with magic, and lightning speed would do more damage. Fire would almost not work at all but if you were in forests the fire would linger a lot longer.

Is Powder Toy Sup Forums?

>Throw electricity near enemy during storm.
>The thunder strikes the enemies.
Zelda wins.

Lmao my man Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood did that with the flying machine. 10 gear old games

How many spells can Link learn?

>kill 40 locals
>drive through 2 minutes later
>same 40 locals need killed
>no crocodiles or cool wildlife
fc2 needed more, the foundation was 10/10
t. someone who hasn't played since fc2

The current intelect of Sup Forums. Read again. Watch the GDC conferenct, then tell that to Nintendo. They call it the Chemistry Engine, and it is build into the new Zelda. Now fuck off, and learn to read.

Water, Fire, Wind, Lighning.... and the fifth element?

How is that even comparable?
I played all the Stalker games, before they even reached the fucking US.
What you described doesn't affect gameplay directly, it just changes some values in the artifact object. Zelda world interactions are far more advanced.

>Fighting Lynel with Thunderblade
>Lynels are immune to elements
>Its starts raining, so were in a shallow pool
>Lynel stuns me and attacks me, only have few hearts left
>It falls into the water
>Get electrocuted and die

Not him but I don't think that's what he meant. As an exampleof the "chemistry engine", you can have a source of electricity (such as a lightning rod or electrical orb in a puzzle), and be able to chain together the current with metal objects and weapons. Then there's fire that'll spread depending on a number of factors, such as the temperature of the environment, the direction and strength of the wind, and whether the grass is dry enough to spread well - as an extension of this, lightning strikes often result in fires, but they're typically extinguished quickly by heavy rainfall.

Alone, these features aren't particularly remarkable, but it's the way they work together in BotW that makes it technically impressive.

Yeah, it was really well integrated to D:OS' combat system and you can mix and match spell effects.

>as an extension of this, lightning strikes often result in fires, but they're typically extinguished quickly by heavy rainfall.
literally minecraft. real amazing.

Yeah, let's just give a bunch of games for particular features of one game. See? It's been done already, nothing amazing.
Now do all that in a single game, you'll find none. Zelda did it first, deal with it.

Not the same thing, for starters minecraft is in cubes, meaning the fire just has to spread to the next block over, and its fire spreading is very basic - there's no wind, no sense of humidity or temperature in its biomes, etc.

>it's the way they work together in BotW
You mean a few easy puzzles and some dicking around that you'll eventually grow bored of in 30 minutes?
How about the rest of the gameplay, did they take time to fix that? Is the combat still babby shit for retards? Does the stamina gauge actually do something like in Demon's Souls or is it just there so they can limit how much you sprint to make the world seem bigger?
Halo confirmed for most amazing and original game of all time

You know, you'd think Horizon Dawn's fans and Zelda's fans would get along.
Like, think about it it

Who likes Zelda
>Epik oh so quirky Nerds xD who want the recognition because of the Zelda oh so nerdy IP
>Retards who base their self worth on a brand (Nintendo)

Who likes Horizon Dawn
>Epik oh so quirky Nerds xD who virtue signal by playing a game with a square jawed female lead
>Retards who base their self worth on a brand (Sony)

Surely there's a lot of overlap.

Of course I was only memeing in the first 2 lines, didn't come off as I would like.
What I meant was zelda's thing isn't really new or revolutionary. If anything it felt sort of tacked on and really gimmicky.

stay mad 3 was better and everyone agrees

Chemistry is another form of physics.
Physics is another form of math.

It's that last point that causes them to fail to get along. You also forgot to put Nostalgiafags under Zelda, they're the sole reason the series is so popular in the west. In Japan it's much less popular due to better contemporary games getting more recognition.

Try looking at the fucking game before shitposting, perhaps?

So Bioshock?

Comfiest Africa simulator to date.

In bioshock it's exclusively for combat and iirc only the player could make use of it. In BotW it's active across the world and can be used by the player and enemies alike, as well as being influenced by climate/weather

>Is the combat still babby shit for retards?
There's literally nothing wrong with Zelda's combat, except maybe in Skyward Sword because of all the motion plus gimmick stuff you had to do. Otherwise the combat in Zelda is near perfect. It's simple and effective.

>light yourself on fire
>jump and grab enemies arm/leg
>enemies arm/leg catches on fire
dragons dogma always wins

It got a 40/40 on Famitsu.


>When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength.

BotW has nothing on No Man's Sky

we need more TUUUUUUBES.

>the quote is true
wow holy shit

I fucking wish

I'm going to need the source of the bullshit you've just pulled out of your ass, mister. Considering we're talking about No Man's Lie.

>throw ice barrage at an enemy player during a fight
>the ice freezes the player
runescape wins

>Far Cry 2
Ok masochist.

yes but nintendo cucks only care about popular games so it doesn't matter


>enemy gets wet
>shoot him with cold, he freezes
>shoot him with electricity, it fucks his shit up
>shoot him with fire, it dries him off and he doesn't catch fire
>get wet yourself
>try to use electricity but hurt yourself instead
Magicka did it literally years ago and way better

No. Also, physics engines aren't actually engines. They would be better classified as "physics libraries". It's why Havok and similar "physics engines" work with multiple game engines (e.g. Unreal, proprietary in-house engines, etc.).

I really hope we aren't going to get a generation of games filled with shitty physic puzzles.

I think FC2 is a pretty great game but that's besides the point. OP asked if Zelda was the only game to do something which is false, doesn't matter how supposedly forgettable FC2 is just because the casual appeasing sequels overshadow it.

So did Nintendoges. Point is that Zelda doesn't sell in Japan. Zelda obsession is a western thing.

The joke is that without the Zelda label it would just be another forgettable mediocre open-world game no one would remember aside from a shark husbando

D:OS also had the fantastic pyramid teleporting on top of that.

No, without the zelda label it'd be regarded as one of the best videogames of all time

>A collection of several old PC games no one gives a fuck anymore from ma y hears individually does one or two things of the several things you can do in BOTW! That means Zelda is shit!

Every time. Is it so hard to admit it's a good game with a lot of neat stuff in it?

>enemy wizard casting lightning spell
>shoot him with water to fizzle it
>starts casting an earth spell instead
>put up shield
>the boulder bounces off at an angle and rolls away
magicka was lit tbqh

Granpa, famitsu scores stopped mattering a decade ago.

This. PC fags would masgurbate all over this game if it didn't have the nintendo label

>omg you can do everything! GOAT!

I really hope we see a recurrence of games specifically about physics puzzles
I agree they're out of place in many games but games centered around them are rad

>There's literally nothing wrong with Zelda's combat
Sure, aside from barely meeting the bare minimum requirement to be called "functional"
So did FFXIII, Famitsu is widely known to be paid off, and not "paid off" like a lot of people think Western reviewers are, Famitsu literally has been caught taking bribes. Zelda games generally do get favorable reviews regardless because they're not bad for casual babbies' first action game.

It's impressive how these few things were incorporated in various ways in the game without feeling forced or like contextual one offs
sometimes I try to replay it but it just feels like such a slog to play, everything in the game is busywork

Yeah I remember finding the hang glider and thinking it would be awesome but there was almost nothing you could do with it.

You swing the sword and it hits the enemy and the enemy takes damage. the enemy swings its weapon and if it hits you you take damage. If either of you have a shield up in front you won't take damage. I'm not going to sit here and type out every scenario having to do with magic or weapons or all that stuff, but it is easily far beyond just "barely meeting the bare minimum requirement to be called "functional"."

There's almost nothing about it that doesn't work but should or shouldn't work but does, it all actually makes sense and is intuitive.

But that's a lie

>one of the best videogames of all time

Ahahaha wtf lmao

>gets informed that it's not a chemistry engine

Physics is just applied math innit


Again, the current intellect of Sup Forums. Reading comprehension is below 0 for you, so kys, you're useless anyway.

No, physicists use mathematics but it's not the mathematics that forms the study of physics, it's the natural phenomena that physicists attempt to investigate and describe, maths is just a tool. For instance if you fire an electron beam through a magnetic field and observe the beam splitting, you've done no mathematics but you have observed and, if you write it down, described a physical phenomenon and have therefore participated in the study of physics.

The fact that Nintendo calls it a "chemistry" engine is irrelevant. Yes it's nice that they've been thoughtful enough with this stuff but it's not like the capacity is in the game for there to be a simulated heat engine that produces an electric current which, when passed through a body of water can generate hydrogen and oxygen gas that is capable of combustion. It's not simulating chemistry, thus it's not a "chemistry" engine regardless of what nintendo calls it.

I see. That was an interesting read, thanks for the info.

>It's not simulating chemistry, thus it's not a "chemistry" engine regardless of what nintendo calls it.
And physics engines arguably aren't simulating physics, it's just a shorthand name for it - what else would you call it?

Doesn't mean Nintendo are correct though. It's just a name of an engine. It's just like how Frostbite doesn't actually give you frostbite.

I never said that. More than likely it's just another marketing term. However, they use Havok for everything everybody else uses it, and their new "chemistry engine" for state interactions between elements.

>physics engines aren't arguably simulating physics
>mass, velocity and other laws of physics are calculated with math to SIMULATE the laws of physics of the real world
You are an idiot.

The reason why it can't be called a chemistry engine is because it involves no real chemical reactions. The only things it does is make fire burn stuff (degenerate textures) and create an air stream above it.

It doesn't literally change the composition of atoms or do anything "chemistry". Physics engines at least use constants that appear in the real world to actually make them work like in real life, thus simulating real life physics.

it's true