>no Lammy / Parappa 2
Who cares
>no Lammy / Parappa 2
Who cares
What is the Metroid of Sony?
there is none
sony lets its franchises last for 2 generations off then kills them off mercilessly no matter how successful they were in their run
Why is Sony allowed to do this, do they trick their audience into hating their own IP's?
IPs go by current trends with sony, see last of us.
>white dad and daughter
>shitskin wife's son
That's Parappa's son
But Parappa is a white dog
>looks the same as he did 20 years ago but just wearing different clothes in glasses
Locoroco and Patapon coming to PS4? Noice
But which Sony IP suffered the most?
And also a dog
>most of Sony's dead and/or unknown IP's try to be creative,innovative/fun and/or at least have cool characters
>meanwhile most of the more popular and successful ones are creative to the point most characters are just normal brown haired dudes
I call it: the Sony curse
don't forget he's a dog
I know, a dog
ฺbut i still don't have a family.... after years passed
What about Vib Ribbon?
are the jews telling me i should have kids right now if im in my 20s
I seriously hope none of you fucks buy this. Fuck this """"""remasterr""""""" trend for people that are too retarded to emulate a fucking rom
Do you even think normies know how emulators work?
did he get cucked by a thai bull?
Oh yes very diverse, do we see the black gay hustband?
Emulator it is pure shit cause it's already got fucked up timing windows and emulating makes it worse.
It's Jak's fault for being humanoid.
Sly 5 when?
Make it wife(male) for more diversity points.
And that is better otherwise we could have shitposting threads of "why no metroid" or "this metroid is shit" thank god for that
MediEvil 3 when?
Jumping Flash 4 when?