Why is PS4 so strong...

Why is PS4 so strong? I never planned on even considering buying a PS4 but that platform has so many damn good exclusives that I want to play so bad.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yakuza Zero
>Crash remake
>Ratchet and Clank
>early Nier: Automata

I have a great PC (i7 7700k & gtx 1070) and have been primarily playing PC games... but I've been thinking about gettting a PS4 Pro for these games.

Anyone else have any thoughts about the PS4?

>Anyone else have any thoughts about the PS4?
Sony is the only company investing in new games

Spider-Man, Days Gone and typical JRPGs and Yakuza.
Next year Shenmue 3 and FF7

Because the others fucked up spectacularly. And Sony must put effort in the gaming section because it's its only one that isn't going bankrupt.

I have a great PC and just bought a Pro for earl Automata and some of that other shit down the line.

30fps gaming is dogshit, I had no idea people suffered through this kind of shit. Sup Forums sucks the cock of Gravity Rush 2 while its a seizure inducing experience.
We'll see if bloodborne is worth a shit, so far its a crappy weak ass console that can't run its games in any proper quality - and this is the supercharged version kek.

Its getting all these games because the competition quit, nothing more.

Try to be a little subtle with the shilling next time, its damn obvious.

Have a pro and i am having a goddamn blast with this thing.
Also the graphics are fucking phenomenal.

I thought all it did was increase resolution so trees in the background are slightly less blurry but doesnt do anything useful like increasing framerates

I'm in the same boat, but I'm waiting for my birthday to get it. No point in just mindlessly buying it for no reason.

I say go for it.

Xbros are in life support and Nintenfags have only 1 game. PC+PS4 = win

>nier automata is coming to PC next week
>horizon is shit
so you can scratch those off your list
but you could add nioh, dragon quest builders, odin sphere leifthrasir, gravity rush 2 and the last guardian

>bashing horizon while recommending the last guardian

Neck yourself.

>Why is PS4 so strong?

It was granded eyes.

sorry, i should have added a trigger warning

>horizon is shit
>but you could add

pckeks are the biggest suckers for jap cock in the universe.

>Bashing generic open world #245 and praising genuine art piece
Open your fucking eyes, man

it does all 3 things depending on the game.

>Persona 5
Thank you Japan.

Feels fucking good having a PS4 Pro. :^)

nier runs like complete shit on base ps4 fyi

>nier runs like complete shit on base ps4 fyi
>people going on the internet and telling lies.

I've got a high-end PC too and was thinking of getting a PS4 Pro but there are only a few exclusives I care about, from that list only Yakuza looks kind of interesting.

I got a PS3 back when it became possible to pirate PS3 games, that was a solid decision, it had way more games that were interesting to me at that time than PS4 does now, so I think I'll keep waiting for now.


Swap Ratchet and Trash with Nioh and congratulations, you listed the only PS4 games worth owning.

That's it.


>$250 to play 3 or 5 games

i mean it's your money i guess

>nier runs like complete shit on base ps4 fyi
It runs at 60 fps with the occasional load stutter.
What's wrong with you?