Least satisfying weapon in the history of vidya

Least satisfying weapon in the history of vidya.

Reload animations thread?

that would be the glock

I actively avoid using it whenever possible


It really doesn't get worse than the assault rifle from Halo Reach.

You mean the assault rifle from Halo CE?

It's accurate and get the job done when you're low on ammo or enemy is far away.

Pick any gun from Wolfenstein TNO


Any gun from Borderlands 2.

Some pistols are great like the M1911, the worst ones are where you practically empty an entire clip at an enemy and they're still alive.

You guys are talking about the Assault Rifle from Halo 3, right?

I seriously don't get this meme.

Wrong, Torgue and Tediore guns are satisfying as fuck.


What sound does this make?


Sounds like a grandpa fart desu


Every gun from Rise of the Tomb Raider fits this bill.

>what is every flamethrower ever

It was ok for a first gun. It drops combine police in one headshot and feels snappy, you can magdump bigger enemies pretty well.

The SMG felt weaker than the pistol IMO. The bullet spread was pretty awful.

Every weapon designed by Treyarch for their call of duty games.

The only exception being the DP28 in world at War

except for the one from Red Orchestra, that thing is moving death.

Every weapon in bioshock


Black ops 2 had some great fucking snipers and handguns.
it was also the best cod

more like least satisfyimg gunplay in vidya. HL1 > 2


The flamethrowers in Day of infamy are also Ok.

Meanwhile the Wex flamethrower in verdun is total garbage.

this and the pistol were so disappointing

>Least satisfying weapon in the history of vidya.
every weapon on every possible counter-strike game are so fucking unsatisfying with the exception of TMP on CS:S
man, I don't understand why every gun feels like shit in CS


No Klobbering time?

Tediore has the only advantage to be thrown in need of free Second Wind.
Best gun? The Bane.

Duel m1911, bo1 and bo2.

pow pow pow

The one from the Call of Duty's is oddly satisfying with the "Purifier" from Blops 3 being insanely devastating


The only game that had satisfying weapons around every category for the CoD franchise which actually made for some well rounded multiplayer.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

I came to post this. The sniper rifle was really underwhelming as well

Even with all the mods

I remember a year ago the Wex was fucking terrifying, everybody would scramble whenever one got in the trench.

No One Lives Forever 1 and 2

fuck, those rocketlaunchers were so not fun

the missile launchers were trash as well

this on the other hand

Paper Clip gun
Staple Shooter

I liked the 1946 assault rifle with punchier sound and slower rate of fire. Marksman also rules, but there's rarely any ammo for it.

Every single weapon in FEAR 2 that wasn't the sniper rifle


really? i like the hl2 pistol.

>blapp blapp blapp

And the shotgun

F.E.A.R and its expansions.

every post-FEAR shotgun

what were they thinking??

The shotgun in Mercenaries for the ps2 since it was permanently bugged and wouldn't make any sound at all when firing.


the only disappointing weapon this game had


Literally every gun in Left 4 Dead

ie it has no use case in its game.

Deagle was somewhat satisfying. Still, the only fun weapons in L4D franchise are the melees from L4D2

Literally any gun besides the flamer in Spacehulk Deathwing, the fuckin storm bolter sounds like a cap gun

Inferior to the Phalanx in every way.

but still an alright pistol in its own right. the thread on the other hand is about completely useless weapons.

M16 and auto shotty in L4D1 were nothing but sublime.

Alright then.

>Deagle was somewhat satisfying
im actually fucking baffled how the same company who made probably the most satisfying Deagle(Counter Strike), made that piece of shit in L4D

Nah, most of them had great sounds and felt good to use except for the SCAR and regular pistols in L4D2.

Especially because it pales in comparison to the others.

Nothing infuriates me than watching someone play this game using the pistol in order to slowly snipe out the enemies and "conserve ammunition".
It's outright heresy and against everything this game stands for.

Speak for yourself, I enjoyed headshoting combine soldiers

Glock is great fun, just have to know how to use it.

>Least satisfying weapon
>Headshot deal a lot of damage
>Really accurate even while firing rapidly

This isn't the SMG1.
>Absurd rate of fire doesn't cover its really low damage
>The only good thing is its alt-fire.

Unless you want to conserve ammo and need to pop off a few accurate long-range shots. It's great for dealing with enemies behind obstructions where grenades aren't helping.

The pistols the wrong way around.

Mad Milk / Jarate
Fan O War
Wrap Assassin
Black Box
Cow Mangler 5000
Air Strike
Reserve Shooter
Iron Bomber
Scottish Resistance
Quickiebomb Launcher
Syringe Gun
Cleaner's Carbine

Genji's shurikens
Sombra's SMG
Bastions rifle
Widowmaker's sniper rifle
D. Va's guns
Roadhog's scrap cannon
Winston's tesla gun
Symmetra's gun

>Not knowing about the word filter



Eridian weapons in borderlands
Actually most of the guns in borderlands were really unsatisfying

>L4D pistols
>Feel weak but did the job right
>Tier 1 and 2 weapons are pretty useful in most situation

>L4D2 pistols
>Feel weak and does a shitty job
>Tier 1 is garbage, Half of Tier 2 is shit.

>Roadhog's scrap cannon
Try unloading it at a reinhard's shield, anyone in a room or near death drops.

>Winston's tesla gun
Try hitting a group of enemies desperately trying to hide behind a shield

>Symmetra's gun
that thing is a disaster at max charge

>implying t b h makes you any less underage

>rawkitt lawnchair as wielded by generic mook enemy

>500 millions damage

>same weapon fully upgraded, with ultra awesome super dmging rawkitts and 100 in big guns and explosives wielded by the player with str 10, per 10

> .1 dmg

>Machina not satisfying
>Classic not satisfying
Gibbing on headshots and wrecking headphones with loud cheering isn't satisfying enough for you?

>Symmetra's gun
That shit melts everything, requires no thought to use, and the DPS is insanse.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Objectivly shit opinion

I remember an user mentioning that this weapon have a bug where without the VATS, it only deal contact damage, and with the VATS, it deal contact + explosion damage.


I liked the shotguns

wow... so this is kind of garbage AAA devs shit out these days

You sure wasted a lot time writing that shit

Every gun in Fallout

Magnums and sniper rifles were pretty satisfying

The "remastered" sniper rifle and shotgun from Halo Aniversary. The satisfying sounds from the original game are replaced by what sound like CS:GO sounds, and the guns themselves look like super soakers.

Fun to use in the campaign, completely worthless in multiplayer with the silencer attached.

Halo guns have always looked like super soakers

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

DOOM 2016

mah negro