>Now get a load of this!
>You can hold 2 items
>At Once!!!
uhhhh thanks???
is this supposed to make me want to buy MK8 Deluxe Nintendo?
>Now get a load of this!
>You can hold 2 items
>At Once!!!
uhhhh thanks???
is this supposed to make me want to buy MK8 Deluxe Nintendo?
You weren't going to buy it anyways. So why complain?
I assume this is for the majority of people that missed out on the WiiU entry anyways.
that and local 2 player racing anywhere
Gold Mario
>Literally an entire video explaining the new things and changes on the new mario kart
>Cherrypicks one
>"Uuuuhhh lol is this supposed to make me buy it XD, lol nitendo"
Are you people fucking retarded? Jesus fucking christ.
>>You can hold 2 items
I've only played 64 and DS, but didn't Double Dash already have that?
MK8 is the highest selling game on the fucking Wii U, which is a garbage sold system
They are selling it on Switch with all the DLC mainly towards the people who missed out, which is the majority
At the same time, you have real Battle Mode and extra stuff
the overall package is still fuck huge for those who havent bought the game
Im buying it mainly because im still playing it i might as well transition to a better version
while being hunched over a tiny screen that's split down the middle.
oh boy. I can't wait...
>We want the Double Dash audience
It'd be like multiple people trying to play off the wiiu gamepad.
What a horrible fucking idea
>better version
It's the same version on a less powerful machine
Improved handling in 200cc is nice. Purple sparks.
I'll be buying this anyway specifically for the Sup Forumseekends. Anything new they add is a bonus.
It's not less powerful you fucking disgrace to society.
OP may be a fag, but he's right that if you make MK8 with DLC on the Wii U then MK8 Deluxe is a total non-entry. It's a huge game and probably one of the best mario karts but they already released all this stuff.
Will Alice be playing?
double dash is the best mk
ttyd is the beset pm
mele is the best smash
sunshine is the best mario
People said they weren't going to buy a Wii U so now you get all the Wii U versions of games on Switch until you buy them
>liking sunshine
It's supposed to make the 20 million that didn't get a Wii U to buy it while also getting 2.6 million to rebuy.
It's a pretty clear callback to doubledash
you can hold 2 items in all of them except Mario Kart Kart 8 on Wii U retard
Holding a button to hang the item behind the kart doesn't count retard
>mario with a water hose is best mario
Opinion discarded.
>Tables don't exist
How old are you all? How could you be over 10 and still care about Mario and Nintendo?
There's nothing new beside battle mode and I don't think that's enough to buy it again.
Having local multiplayer on one switch doesn't work because the screen is incredibly small, it would only work if you take your switch to a friend who also has it so you can link then together with WiFi.
It's a really good package deal if you haven't played MK8 but I don't think bring able to play MK8 on the train is a big enough selling point to buy it again
Its amazing we have a board dedicated to video games on an 18+ site
>take out features
>add them back in
Woah, so this is the power... Of the Switch..
Nah, the fuck huge content and battle mode options of MK8D make it THE best game in the series
The only thing DD has going for it was Tag Team racing and it's really nothing other than letting your little brother ride with you
>Keeping an item behind you counts as double items
you guys are fucking retards
stay mad toddler. Enjoy your Fisher Price baby toy
>tfw missed out of MK8 for whatever reason
can't wait bruv
having the ultimate edition sounds great, although if you played it before it's probably a kinda underwhelming release
Exactly. An 18+ site.
What would your parents think if they knew you spend your days going BING! BING! WAHOO!
Seriously though MK8 was a huge pile of shit.
They'd be upset if they knew I still had a Nintendo or a Playstation since they are for kids
I didn't have a wiiu so i didn't get to play mk8, so i will be buying mkdeluxe
This is a fake story.