You accept this game developer?

>she is senior developer of Mass Effect

any problems?


Is it pre op or post op?

Makes sense for developers who make games about ugly fantasy creatures

i wonder how much xp will i get if i defeat this monster

Mass Effect is shit, so no.

Don't really care about her as an individual only the work she puts out. She can be a feminiaza SJW crusader for all I care as long as she makes good games.

>this is the lead developer of Mass Effect Andromeda

any problems?

fucking gross

that's xe you fucking racist

Jontron trying to get his lost fans back.

>beating a dead horse, the thread!

Can women grow beards?

Secret op.

thanks doc

Jesus fuck I just want to run him over and beat the rest to shit with a baseball bat, jesus fuck his face looks so god damn beatable.
Yes I am mad, yes this is a power fantasy as I am too poor to travel to the US with the sole purpose of getting arrested for murder.

wow the white fragility is real


I'm not gonna buy that shit, so no, no problem.

I kinda feel for the transgender because they have things like this who just make all trannies look like disgusting freaks

I ain't even "white" though

thanks doc


>look like

You wouldn't become a tranny unless you were a disgusting freak.

>Curry Thunder

>she is senior developer of Mass Effect
This is false, she's not even in BioWare, reverse search only points at ''bearded women''.

>this is the lead developer of Mass Effect Andromeda
This is also false, he is a code monkey, one of hundreds.

Why do people feel the need to straight up lie?

After looking through his online presence, he does not seem to be capable of getting women. That explains a lot.

Why would anyone do that to themselves?

Thanks doc

To get (you)s. I do it all the time. I did it in this post.

they can be transfaggots or muslims for all I care as long as they don't push their political agendas into their games and they make good games
I don't care

Because the manchildren who still care about politics don't have the capacity of convincing anyone with the truth.
In fact, the objective truth is the enemy of politics, even more so of militants.

I just cancelled my preorder. Thanks OP.

What's your problem?

is that even a human anymore?

I didn't know companies hired clowns.

Underrated post

the nose ring clashes with the drag queen shaman thing she's going for

What's fun about this.

Don't give a fuck, just make a good game.

Do you live under a rock?

correct. he got his job position wrong
therefore everything that manveer said should be discounted and ignored because it only matters to man children who care more about politics than gaming.

>xe is a class / game mechanics developer of World of Warcraft

any problems?

She would've made a scarier joker

WHat is that thing? I'm still buying andromeda. Mass effect was always a good laugh.

Whites have always beaten the shit out of people who were different

refer to

not even as a human

And now they are beating themselves.
Fucking retards.

why is a combination of dyeing your hair an unusual anime color, piercings, and tattoos a fad
are people just that desperate for attention?

They want to be noticable, and instead of wearing something interesting and eye-catching like a sensible person decided to get a number of permenant modifications done that will most likely turn them into a social pariah.


It's like someone made a character creation with "randomise"

everyone did, whites just had TECHNOLOGY

Everybody already knows that it's not a real bioware dev and it's just there to berate them. If I have to explain the joke, it's not funny anymore.

if she was capable of developing something good it wouldn't bother me at all.

but we all know she's just going to help create sjw shit so yeah.

Nice strawman bro

Clearly not, considering how gullible Sup Forums is.

>good games

Which they didn't

What's with the pubic hair on xir chin.

shut up manchild
go back to twitter


well they surely have their target audience just not me, nothing wrong with that

If i were to judge the quality of work by their looks and personal opinions, i'd never trust Sup Forums


I fail to see the humor in it. Clearly it was made to start some Sup Forums witchhunt instead of making people laugh

I don't know why this surprises people. Video game programmers have always come from the bottom of the barrel. They're almost all weirdos that can't hold down a job in an industry that actually respects its engineers. The ones that aren't are usually fresh graduates that imagine working on video games to be as fun as playing them.

is this really true? proof?

Its not but they really do hire a bunch of under qualified people to fill their diversity quota.

If they make good games, I dont give a fuck what they look like.
I dont care what the message of the game is, I dont care if the devs are social justice snowflakes, I dont care what their political beliefs are. If the game is good, then I will accept them. Fuck. You guys are worse than high school girls.

black ops

You can see the pain in his eyes.