Spider webs

Approximately 9 months ago I found a 3rd gtav spider web. I was gonna post it on Reddit but didn't want the youtubers to profit from my find, so I looked into setting up my own channel but realised I could never get enough subscribers to profit before the tubers steal.

How can I share this without some Jew tubers profiting?

Shove it up your ass

Stupid ass mothafucka. Upload it to your channel. Post it on reddit

That way only the rapists will see it, I want everyone to see

Did you even read the op you shit-sniffing nigger-lover

Post it on Sup Forums. Use a tripcode.

Henceforth, we shall honor thy name.

Jewtubers will steal

How the fuck are you going to profit from something so asinine?

This thread again?
Are you so retarded that you can't post in the actual one that is having discussion rather than being a fucking faggot snowflake to make your own thread twice in the same time period the main one, which youve posted in, is still up?

You are an attentionwhore who is not only retarded but deluded into thinking you'll get any fame for this.'
Contribute if you have concrete findings but fuck off if youre looking for fame off of trivial shit as this.

I don't want fame or money anons. But the youtubers will steal and gain millions of views and subscribers (so money) and if anyone should gain it should be me. But I can't cos don't have channel or subscribers.

My question was how can I share my find without anyone profiting from it?

make a video about it, but make it unlisted, so that you have proof for when someone eventually find it

You're genuinely retarded
You should try hanging yourself, that'll get you the views you want

If you really think ou have any way of stopping ANYONE from making their own video or whatever you're way past being deluded
And it's not like you're trying to show people anything of any importance, just some fucking video game easter egg

Jesus christ.

You don't and won't.
Put a tripcode on, post your information with concrete evidence and leave it. If its legit, people will thank you and remember your name for the whole 5 minutes they put your information to use.
You cannot stop people from making money on knowledge. People have been doing this since the dawn of time and for someone who has supposed findings of a ingame secret, I find it incredibly hard to believe that you didnt know this already and thus are using it to aid your so called 'inability' to post said information.

Delete this thread, contribute to the thread on the topic that already has 100+ posts that you already posted in but this time use a tripcode and post your conclusive findings. Its not that hard.

>being this triggered

Still not as triggered as some cunt afraid of getting his """"" content""""" stolen

You are literally posting the same shit as last thread you made.
Fuck off faggot. You have nothing to contribute but shitty reaction images from tumblr.

You have 1 piece to the 9999999 piece puzzle they have making videos on for 3 years and want a cut of the already dismal profits.
release the information or just fuck off

Whoa calm down!

I decided to just not share it yet Mr schizo.

Here have some corns to calm your nerves :)

Speak privately to a well known youtuber and tell him everything and ask him for share. There's no way no way would disagree. The chiliad mystery has a big community

I didn't realise a thread from 12 hours ago would still be active (I'm from Sup Forums)

I reposted it to ask anons that were asleep when I posted it the first time

I guess if youre not gonna post it here, reddit or youtube, you could probably just kill yourself you massive faggot

I don't think this information is worth that much attention to be honest, you're all way overvaluing how important this discovery is.

There aren't any assets for a third spider web.

Thank you I will do this, that's actually the best idea ever

>poast it to 3 of the most cuckiest jewist places ever or kill yourself

Thanks for the advice you brainwashed cock-sniffer

>This much defensiveness over the location of fucking nothing

Sorry did you forget what the thread was about?

no seriously
>1507.081, 6565.075, 8.681923, cs1_09_props_elec_spider1, cs1_09_props_elec_spider1, 0, cs1_09_props_wire, cs1_09_strm_2.ymap
>1507.081, 6565.075, 8.639186, cs1_09_props_elec_spider01, cs1_09_props_elec_spider01, 0, cs1_09_props_wire, cs1_09_strm_2.ymap
>455.7852, 5586.104, 779.4382, cs1_10_elec_spider_spline052b, cs1_10_elec_spider_spline052b, 0, 28418148, cs1_10_strm_4.ymap
that's it

Was it about how little love and support your parents show you, despite them going all out on your brother?

There is a reason you are not their favorite. I can tell you why. You just need to lie down and let me rest my balls on your chin then await further instructions.


Do you not think I've spent hundreds of hours in open IV?

The ufo's aren't in the same folder, why would anything else of significance be?

the 3rd spider web in yankton has already been found m8.

you're nothing special.

well no but people have manually sifted through every model in the game
if there was a third one we'd know about it

Then mine is the 4th cos its not in north yankton

I'm not here to make you believe me, just to ask, hypertheticaly if you like