Isn't this a slightly disturbing environment for a children's game?

Isn't this a slightly disturbing environment for a children's game?

Isn't this a slightly disturbing environment for an underage poster?

children shoot prostitutes in games to get their money back after a blowjob.

Are you retarded? It's inside a stupid whale-looking monster.
Just like Pinocchio or something

Sure didn't bother me when I was a kid.

>a fucking cathedral of flesh

And what did you expect a fish to be made from? Marshmallows?

If you don't play Masterquest in this order


You're a scrub

nigga please
being stuck inside giant monsters is the best levels when youre a kid

I only ever played the original LoZ: Ocarina of Time on N64 and, as a kid, I thought the natural order of progression was Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit.

i played this back before everyone believed if children saw anything other than sunshine & rainbows they'd be ruined forever.

plus its only disturbing if you're a fucking faggot.

It is, but he's talking about Master Quest.

>Doesn't even post the fucking rape dungeon.
That being said OoT and MM are not for children, they're for everyone who can handle a controller.

Didn't you also go inside a whale in Kingdom Hearts for the Pinocchio bit.

Shadow Temple and Bottom of the Well are disturbing, but it's always the damnable wallmasters dropping from the ceiling that scared me the most.

It's a biblical reference, for back when games still had positive messages to teach children.

So what's OoT's positive message for children? If you run around saving the world literally every woman you meet will try and jump on your dick?

But children have just got out of a whale tum

Are you implying that's wrong?

>he hasn't seen the Forest Temple, the Bottom of the Well, and the Shadow Temple yet

shadow temple is the last one

>OoT is a children's game
Lol. Both N64 Zeldas are some of the most mature and somber video games out there.

You can do Shadow Temple and Spirit Temple in any order, but people typically do Spirit last.

>he doesn't skip everything and only plays a small part of the spirit and shadow temple before also skipping ganon's trials in the castle

Most parts of the bible are outdated and barbaric.

Which order do you prefer and why?

Wrong in the sense it's incorrect to say it's a positive biblical reference.

Spirit last because that's the way I did it the first time I played.

My first "fetish" was in kindergarten, my neighbors were Mexicans and one day over there I saw my friends sister eating. I then had tons of mouth obsessions after, such as in cartoons where a character eats another or nature shows where snake swallows something whole. My first boner ever is when Lord Jabu Jabu sucks you in its mouth

So yes I was disturbed by it

but officially shadow temple it's the last one, they messed up and released the game with a bug that allows you to enter the shadow temple before doing the spirit temple

was hoping they would fix in 3ds remake but they messed up again

It's wrong to be rewarded and bless the world with your offspring?


Pinocchio was quite brutal tho.

Yeah, but it's still a children's book.

only for the retarded current ones

Evidently the point we're missing is that the stories we give children today are far too tame compared to in the past. Compare the versions of half of the Grimm fairy tailes to what we're accustomed to and we'd also call them brutal.

shadow temple disturbed me more as a kid

You say that like kids can't handle being slightly disturbed.

When I was a kid I found the Barinade fight so much fun I actually deleted my save and restarted the game so I could fight him again

The only one that even hinted at having feelings for Link was Ruto. All the others only thought of him as a friend.