Any fans of Wipeout?

Any fans of Wipeout?

Haven't seen a single person talk about the Omega Collection for PS4 even since it was announced.

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Wipeout threads are usually shit as people always bring up fzero and a shitfest begins

FZero is better

>mediocre racing franchise
Thats why. Talk about gran turismo sport

I played Wipeout Pure and Wipeout HD Fury. I don't really think I understand the gameplay that well.

Surely this is bait.

And the first post was quickly proven right. Let's see if we can steer the thread away from that topic.

How the hell did Wipeout 64 get made? Psygnosis was a Sony subsidiary for a couple of years by the time it came out.


Because the collection isn't anything new, it's just wipeout HD and 2048. I've had HD for five years and played it enough, 2048 never really interested me that much

Which is better

pulse or pure?

The zone mode on 2048 is visually amazing

can't see shit on the tiny vita screen and at 540p

What about a new game, Sony?

Sony killed Studio Liverpool. Fuck them. Why would I get excited for them trying to cash in on a good series once again?

>endless remakes and rehashes
All you need is Wipeout HD + Fury and that's it.

It looked neat in HD too

What is there to talk about? It's getting a remake. You could just play Ballistic NG

I was gonna say this will probably run better but then I remembered you can't use your own music on ps4 so it's actually inferior

It does but I think it looks better in 2048

Because everything around it is shitty, the devs were canned and moved on to make Redout and Sony is just cashing in on Fast and Redout now.

wipeout hd zone mode > any other pod racer to date by a very large margin

A new Wipeout game is in the work apparently

oh fuck, this will be on ps4? Guess I will finally have to buy a ps4 then.

Are you alright user

Yes, and it will probably be 60fps too, which was 2048's only real flaw


Pulse has something really weird in it's handling and artistically it looks like shit.

>the devs [...] moved on to make Redout

oh fuck, I'm watching the trailer now. Fucking hell if I can get this track in zone mode (fuck handhelds) I'll get this day 1

Shut up retard. Wipeout hasn't made sony a profit in ages. This is what you call a loss leader. You spend money in a studio that creates a unique product that sets your console apart from the rest. Saying that wipeout earns sony money is highly retarded. It's about recouping money and trying to give the ps4 another 'unique' title without having to spend millions into keeping a bloated studio (rip psychnosis) up.

Wipeout 3 had the best music

All I know about wipeout is that it seems to attract some weirdo furry porn artists who like to various ships from it as wind up toys and draw the team logos as designs for stockings or shirts for big tittied girls. I'm scared to play the game if it will make me into a legit autist.

>designs for stockings or shirts for big tittied girls
Now I'm curious

Good thing the studio that made Wipeout still exists and the people who made those games still work there!

It's free on Steam and it's called BallistcNG

Worst racing game I've ever played. The later levels are impossible if you're on multiplayer and the other players have good aim, they'll just shoot you on every jump and prevent you from completing the level.

Sure, but they just announced a new game yesterday that's not Wipeout so I'm worried.

I want a new Wipeout, not a Wipeout 3 knockoff

You're going to be waiting a long time

Formula Fusion exists and the people making it sold it based on them allegedly being ex-wipeout devs and wanting to make a "spiritual successor" but the game is awful and in their own words isn't going to be like Wipeout, it's just an AG racer

Can't believe I fell for their kikestarter meme

Wipeouts are fun, but I haven't played them in a long time. I like Redout.

>You're going to be waiting a long time
I don't know about that

The collection is going to keep me busy enough anyway.

I bought 2048 for the vita recently and I'm quite enjoying it. I'd only played pulse before that.

Also anons is the version of hd fury you can get for the vita a full game or is it just dlc stuff for 2048?

If you own HD and Fury you can download all the tracks and stuff for it for the Vita version. It's shit on the vita though with it only being 30fps and the framerate dips