Final boss is other player

>final boss is other player

>Final boss is your best friend

>final boss is you

>Final boss is a mirror of your character and the pattern of moves you used against one of the previous bosses

>final boss is the previous game's protagonist

>Final boss is your love interest

Souls of Cinder? What other game does this?

So, only Demon Souls?
Meh, happens in too many games.
You know that is what killed Prototype right? And it wasn´t all that well done in Drakengard II since you played as a moral faggot.

>final boss is your inability to stop playing vidya and finally start doing something with your life

Is there any game that made you do this other than Splinter Cell's co-op campaign?

Pokemon Red/Blue

Pokemon Gold/Silver

SC: Conviction co-op. You do a ton of missions with your friend then the final level is to hunt and kill the other player inside a cargo plane.

Any good games?

>protagonist's mentor is the protagonist from a previous game

>Final boss is the credits

>playing this with a friend
>spent the past few hours ghosting missions and having a blast
>get to the final level
>hear the objective
>we just look at eachother to make sure if we heard it correctly
>cue the most tense fucking 1v1 of my whole life using every mechanic and tool at my disposal
he managed to nail me in the head and win but that shit was so fucking fun, need more games that do this.

Double Dragon.

Double Dragon and, I believe, also one of the Streets of Rage games.

it would have been fine in prototype if they hadn't made him so cliche evil. If he'd been a sort of morally grey ally and then fought you at the end just for himself it would have been fine

I wish it was that intense for me.
>Played through the entire co-op with some random motherfucker
>Get the final objective.
>"Well it was fun playing with this guy who knew what to do, this should be tough."
>As I'm sneaking around, I see him run around a corner
>I put a couple of good shots into him when his back his turned
>He turns around, sprints at me, and decks me in my fucking face.
All I felt coming out of it was that it was another concept that was wasted potential from a game that was a waste of the splinter cell series.

Red isn't the final boss he's the extra boss. Stop this meme.

He's the toughest trainer in the game, and you only get to face him after you've completed both Johto and Kanto. He's the final boss.

If you can complete the game and see the credits then you've beaten the final boss. People don't say Steven is the final boss of Emerald yet somehow Red is for Gold because people have nostalgiaboner for him.

But he is the final boss of Emerald.

>final boss is cut content

Enter the Gungeon's Co-op mode has the Cultist (player 2) attempt to kill player so he could become the protagonist. Results determined by which of the two players wins the firefight.

Then describe to me what an extra boss is please.

>final boss is god
>you can kill him

then he's not god

>final boss is a girl(male)

>you are the final boss
>you wipe out the hero party and take their healer bitches as your personal brood slaves

Me and a couple of my friends were playing through Operation Raccoon City and we were arguing over who to side with at the end
>Sided with Leon and won 1 v 2

There is no 'other player' protagonist in Pokemon games since it's single-player or just random online battles.