Someone actually pick this sjw feminist turd over Zelda BofW

>someone actually pick this sjw feminist turd over Zelda BofW


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i dont think anyone did. everyone picked nioh and nier instead.

How bad is the voice acting?

VA for major characters ranges from fine to good. Only the irrelevant quest NPCs tend to have weak VA.

that's indeed what I did

not sure if I'll ever bother with either the other two, maybe when real cheap and even then it'll probably just sit in the back of my backlog

I got horizon, nier and nioh so im enjoying life momentarily.

Can't you see I need time to THINK

It outsold those games combined, maybe even double

Tried to pick up a Switch, failed, so whatever. I picked up Nier & am having a blast. Awesome game.

>60 euroshekels instead of 450 europesos

I like Horizon, platted it and now I wait warily how they are going to ruin or stagnate it in sequel (because it needs several gameplay improvements for sequel).

I would probably enjoy Zelda too but I'm not falling to Switch meme. Not to mention that only retards buy consoles on launch anyway.

Explain specifically how the game is SJW or Feminist.

I bought it after I traded in nioh

>that head turn at 2:37

Except you neglect to mention that Aloy is voiced by Ashley fucking Burch, who is a far cry from "good" or even "fine".

This. She's perfect!

well it should, considering they had massive marketing campaigns and paid reviews. but wheres your source for its sales?

excellent thread OP. Just how do you do it?

Beat Nioh even though it was only available for 1 day in 1 country

>ooga booga me strong trans feminist womyn
>ooga booga me kill dem whiteys

Shit like this is why I've grown to hate most games.

I feel embarrassed just watching it.

wait,they didn't remove this scene from the final version?

How is this game any different than far cry primal with robot skins?

Is this the worst or is there even worse?

It has very good gameplay, interesting art style, actually good graphics, a good unique world and robot dinosaurs.

it says its fine to have different culture and wrong to stereotype people. not like thats been said since the 80's