Introducing the Read a book movement!

If you're like me, you are sick of fags coming on Sup Forums and acting as if works like Mass Effect, Witcher 3, and TLOU are worth playing because of their story in spite of their lackluster gameplay. To me, if all you care about in a game is the story, you really should just read a book.

As a result, I've decided to introduce the Read a Book movement, in which I recommend interesting books that far surpass the best cinematic gaming has to offer. There is simply no reason to play something like the Witcher 3 when better fantasy stories are out there in another format.

i recommend naked lunch but it might not be gay enough for y'all

Kill yourself.

Have a (you)

I can't believe they made a book based on that film.


Isn't the Witcher series' story based on a bunch of books?

I sure hope you have preordered your copy

I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.

Non-fiction only, please.

>muh realism

Fucking nerd lmao

okay recommend us some then. No meme books please.


>stream anime
>read science fiction
>play video games
>watch television

So what does that make me?

a normie

Are meme books even a thing?

Anyway, my plan for the Read a Book movement in the future is to track down books with similar concepts and ideas to popular story driven cinematic experiences and talk in depth about why the books are more worthy of your time.

What game should I start with? I'm thinking The Last of Us would be a good start.


It's impossible to enjoy books and videogames because

Eat a bullet dipshit

It is. Also, God of War is based on ancient literary heritage.

>a novel based on the epic miniseries


I'm reading this.

It's pretty good.

>Read a book
>When you could see a play
There's a reason the best literature has to offer are theatre scripts from Homer and Shakespear lel

Is this literally a thread about reading and suggesting books on the video game board? Just because retards go offtopic with eceleb shit, doesn't mean you can just anchor your stupid shit here.

>talk in depth about why the books are more worthy of your time.

but they're different experiences. Horizon Zero Dawn and Terminal World are both post-apocalyptic science fiction stories, but one showcases its setting through gameplay, while the other drops narrative clues throughout the novel. Both were good, but excelled at different things.

There are good narratives in video games, and there are shit books, and vice versa

Are videogames art?

>go see a play
I bet you've never sat around a fire, listening to your tribe elder's tales, newfag.

Bt video games stories are largely unique in that you can influence how they play out. But I guess you're too much of a retard to see why people like something you don't

The most efficient way to read a book is listening to it read to you on tape while driving in your car.

Time is money, and I won't waste mine doing something that requires my undivided attention.

Reading is dead. Paper is an outdated storage medium. Get with the times.

>not absorbing the stories of the world through photosynthesis