Curing the Genophage
Curing the Genophage
Maybe, I don't know.
No, everyone was in the right to sterilize them.
Absolutely not. Without constant death from war the Krogans would never stop growing and would grow far beyond their means. Curing the Genophage would endanger all life in the Milky Way. The Turians did nothing wrong.
And it's not even complete sterilisation, it just takes their birthrates down to non-insane levels
Can you repeat the question?
Curing the genophage is the only non-retarded move even as renegade. Everyone's desperately trying to survive against the reapers and renegade choice is worrying about what might happen after it.
Not only that it's stupidly risky to risk some political backstabbing move when your entire goal is to unite more armies to your cause. (and it doesn't work with Wrex in charge)
yes, the volus (jew) needes the BKC to make more battletits space porn
>Wrex is alive (as well as Eve)
>Wreave is in charge
You don't backstab your spacebros
krogons got to accept they are not worthy of being cured for being the niggers of the universe.
Would the Krogans be able to beat the Reapers if they werent extinct by the Genophage?
Rework the genophage so it doesn't cause stillbirths but instead limits the amount of eggs that can be fertilized in the first place.
Just like it should have been engineered in the first fucking place.
Krogan's are a force of nature
Given the right technology they could conquer the universe
On the ground, maybe, but there's still the issue of needing enough warships to fight them in space m8.
There is no reason to cure the Genophage to recruit the Krogan. There is no reason to recruit the Krogan to take back a planet being invaded by massive spaceships which are impervious to ground forces or conventional warfare and can only be defeated through building the Crucible. There is no reason to take back a planet being invaded by massive spaceships which are impervious to ground forces or conventional warfare and can only be defeated through building the Crucible to gain help for Earth, a planet being invaded by massive spaceships which are impervious to ground forces or conventional warfare and can only be defeated through building the Crucible. There is no reason to gain help for Earth, a planet being invaded by massive spaceships which are impervious to ground forces or conventional warfare and can only be defeated through building the Crucible, to defeat the Reapers, massive spaceships which are impervious to ground forces or conventional warfare and can only be defeated through building the Crucible.
In short, there is no reason to cure the Genophage. Also Wrex finding out about it if Mordin is dead is absolutely BS
>being more afraid of krogan than reapers
This is why renegade in ME3 is shit
full paragon and destroy or reject ending
I never finished ME 1. Judging from the reactions to the ending in 3 and this new game coming out, my boredom of the game did me a solid.
user for fucks sake, this is exactly the same line of thought that had the salarians uplift the krogan in the first place during the rachni wars. Is this what the krogan are now?
>We need the krogan to defeat ____ threat!
>Oh, shit, the krogan are multiplying and killing everyone, we better release the new genophage!
>Wait, we need the krogan to defeat the _____ threat now!
>Oh, shit, the krogan are multiplying and killing everyone, we better release the new new genophage!
Just let the fuckers die and get someone else to solve the problem, the galaxy is full of species, at least one of them must make for good soldiers without the extreme cockroach-esq expansionism.
ME1: Renegade
ME2: Renegade, give base over to Illusive Man
ME3: Do whatever my party members ask, giving preference to those who were with you in ME1. Turn the game off during the cutscene where you, Anderson, and the Illusive Man are all dying after activating the crucible and pretend the game ended there
Why isn't there a way to implement a less extreme form? One that cuts the birth rate by a certain percent to where they can't overrun everything but also where they aren't in danger of dying out
Decided to play through the series because by the sounds of it its real good, about 9ish hours into ME1 and i like it alot a little outdated by still really fun, Just a question do the games get better from ME1? i heard it was the weakest in the series is this true?
There could in theory, but had it been too weak to start with it could end up being essentially useless, the Turians and Salarians had to be conservative.
How would Wrex even find out? How many moles does he have in STG? How would an STG mole even have access to a private conversation between the Salarian Dalatress and Shepard? It's the same forced shit as the Rachni Queen, Renegades make the smart decision and get punished for it while Paragoncucks get rewarded for being dumbasses.
It's both the weakest and the strongest. Story and RPG elements are the best, but the combat is a mess and the pacing can be slow at points. ME3 has the best combat, but the RPG elements are light and the story can be pants on head retarded at times. ME2 strikes a nice balance though and has the added bonus of the best characters and character development in the series.
>3 and 4 are b ad, so 1 must be
You are so fucking retarded, no wonder you didnt finish the best ME.
Learn to read. He's saying 1 bored him and then afterwords he found out that people hated 3 so he dodged a bullet by not getting invested in it
>One that cuts the birth rate by a certain percent to where they can't overrun everything but also where they aren't in danger of dying out
That's exactly what it's supposed to do. However the Krogan are such violent niggers and too many are dying, so the ratio is way off.
1 is like a space adventure
2 is like an edgy cyberpunk adventure within the universe 1 set up with one of the best final missions ever
3 is a weird mixture of 1 and 2 but replace cyberpunk with war
You kind of have to account for a spieces birth vs death rate when making this kind of shit. If you make something that causes an inverse growth instead of a steady one then YOU fucked up not the Krogans. Plus like said making them stillborns was just retarded. Reduce the sperm count in the males or something so that they have to fuck a lot more to get babies instead of the babies all being born dead
>Curing the genophage will help against the reapers
Not even Krogans mature fast enough to matter during the timespan of ME2-ME3-END.
It doesn't matter because Shepard makes everyone into glowing green abominations after ME3's over anyway.
Why did Wrex go from acknowledging that his people would stop dying off if they stopped being spaceniggers in 1 to CURE THE GENOPHAGE RACE WAR NOW in 3?
u wot
Curing the genophage isn't instantly going to generate you an entire krogan army you nigger.
It could be argued it gives you the loyalty of the current clans but you can get that outcome even if you don't cure the genophage.
Because he became their leader.
Because the original writer had a more nuanced approach to fictional space politics, then came the other lead writer who was all about THE EPIC CURE FOR THE GENOPHAGE, KROGAN LIVES MATTER
To be fair, Wrex did chimpout on Virmire in the first game at the first sight of a potential cure
During the Reaper invasion is just a really bad time to decide to chimpout
Back then there was only one race of synthetics trying to wipe out all life in the galaxy, and they could be brought down with assualt rifles. The only threat the Krogan really had was themselves.
Reapers have fuck off thermomagnetic nuclear cannon eyeballs and have already landed on his planet. Wrex was prepared to fight in the reaper war for potentially centuaries if need be.
>trying to wipe out all life in the galaxy
They literally weren't
harbinger pls go
I know you feel this.
Wrex is my boy, but the genophage was the right thing. Krogan are space niggers.
>reducing sperm count reduces the rate of birth
have to reduce eggs, not sperm, dummie
Not until they learn to behave.
I'd kill all Krogans if that'd be possible. Peace, order and prosperity. Krogans make all those things impossible. Turians should have ended the war with a genocide after the genophage.
>Rework the genophage so it doesn't cause stillbirths but instead limits the amount of eggs that can be fertilized in the first place.
>Just like it should have been engineered in the first fucking place.
That's how it worked in ME1. In ME2 they wanted us to sympathize with Mordin so they retconned it
They are all the same shallow shit for retards
I said that backwards, meant to say sympathize with the cure Genophage people more
God no. The Krogan are a blight on the galaxy. I always let Ashley put Wrex down so I can convince Mordin that the genophage was right
If Wrex and Eve are alive - yes. If not then no.
I did it because of the Reaper invasion. Otherwise no fucking way. The krogan did nothing to prove themselves anything other than assholes even with their long lives that should have given them some perspective. Wrex was a diamond in the rough, but even intelligent krogan like Grunt delighted in violence.
Being the best doesn't mean it's not shit. It's a clunky cringey mess with C tier sci-fi fanfic writing, terrible art direction and unpolished barren visuals, awful "alpha version of a shitty late 00s TPS" gameplay and the funniest attempts at """""rpg mechanics""""" I've seen from a supposed triple A developer.
It's fine if you enjoy it, but the fact that some people actually think that they seem sophisticated and incredibly intelligent by liking the best of the worst is just hilarious
>shoot wrex
>pretending to cure genophage
>shoot Moronin
>fool wrev
feels good man
getting all of this from one sentence where none of that was said is just sad.
I don't think that's the worst of ME3's character changes. Wrex was willing to die for a cure in ME1 despite his derision of krogan attitudes.
>ME2 Mordin
>Has some regrets about what he did, but can properly justify his actions if you try to pontificate moralfaggotry at him. Krogan may one day be ready but not today
>ME3 Mordin
>Time for my by-the-numbers redemption arc! So sorry krogan very sorry.
>ME2 Legion
>Totally alien, bizarre interest in Shepard, wants isolationist geth. At war over math.
>ME3 Legion
>Pls Blue Fairy make me a real boy
Anything for my kroganbros.
Yes, always.
Wrex was my best partner, of course I would help him, every time.
The Renegade route could have made sense, but they stupidly didn't plan around the fact that you can save Wrex in ME1. Renegade gets completely fucked for playing the game well. So in order for things to work out for Renegade players, they need Wreav.
On the other hand I bet Taro games are masterpieces to you.
shooting wrex in me1 is playing the game well, you should have foreseen someone that doesn't respect your authority is a loose cannon
Curing the Genophage is the most retarded thing you could possibly do. By doing so you are effectively shitting on the graves of everyone who died in the Krogan Rebellions and setting the galaxy up for another inevitable rebellion.
I could go on and on about how destructive Krogan culture and their mindset is, but it doesn't really matter at all. The simple fact of the matter is that Krogan live too long and breed too fast to co-exist with the rest of the galaxy.
Krogan can live to be 1500+ (there has been no recorded time where a krogan has died of old age) and a single female can produce up to 1000 fertilized eggs per year. Their population growth without Tuchanka regulating it by murdering them wholesale is just too high.
No matter what you do, without artificially limiting their birthrate Krogan will over populate and will then be forced to encroach on the homes of other races.
It's simple: The Krogan birthrate greatly exceeds the rate at which we can create new homes. They're just not sustainable. If left unchecked the Krogan will push out every other race in the galaxy.
>One that cuts the birth rate by a certain percent to where they can't overrun everything but also where they aren't in danger of dying out
That is exactly what the genophage does. The genophage SHOULD keep the Krogan population at similar levels as the rest of the races (taking their extremely long lifespans into the equation). The only reason it doesn't is because the Krogans won't calm down and stop fighting anything that moves.
>But then they should adjust the genophage so that it takes the Krogan dying by the space truck load into account
Why? So that they have even more of an incentive to be increasingly reckless, violent, and a general blight on the galaxy? Cultural and Societal reform is what will save the Krogan. Not bleeding hearts trying to uplift the noble savage while he strangles them in return
Krogans will just be tools of the Space Jews.
Your not the boss of me now.
True dat, krogan are the niggers of the milky way galaxy.
They even have pyramids to symbolize their we wuz kangz mentality.
Wrong. Everything in the games up to this point has been completely binary. Solutions have been offered for both sides. If they wanted to do Witcher style choices where there are right and wrong times to be compassionate or ruthless, they should have lead with that. This completely contradicts how the games were designed up to this point. In the ME3 Tuchanka quest, you are made to fail because you succeeded two games ago.
>endanger all life in the Milky Way
Taking ME3 endings in consideration nothing of value will most likely be lost.
64% of players never encountered Wrex in ME3, because the default Shep kills Wrex on Virmire. Everyone who started the series with ME2 or ME3 therefore had no problem with the renegade option.
In general Bioware tries to act like ME1 never happened.
>64% of players never got to experience Wrex
What a bunch of faggots.
But I don't think the number is that high. They had those dlc comics for people who didn't play ME1, so while 64% didn't play the first one they might've still had Wrex.
In game? Sure, because we get told it all ends in sunshine and roses. gg best option.
In reality? Hell no. At best, tweak it slightly so the krogan won't completely die out. An unchecked krogan population is just asking for trouble.
people should shoot wrex on principle
Question about this.. Since they put ME1 on ps3 does that mean you can import your save now into 2 or do you have to do the comic still?
Yes, for the lulz
My point still stands, that Bioware doesn't give a fuck about ME1. And who should fucking stop them? There's nobody left from the ME1 days who could remind them what the original game was about.
Even when they still had some of the original staff they did a soft reboot with ME2. And doesn't the cover of the ME3 copy state that ME3 is the perfect game to start the trilogy?
So why should they think about some desicion made in ME1, when they barely remember its existence?
I guess I'm just living in the past man.
>first game treats the genophage as a morally gray area
>sequels basically outright say OMG YOU'RE LITERALLY SPACE HITLER if you agree with the genophage
Curing the genophage is the epitome of putting feels over logic. All the fucking genophage does is stabilize their reproduction rate. Remember, the krogans evolved in a planet where, natively, only 1:1000 offspring even survived because everything was out to kill them. When they became space-faring, they were able to overcome this barrier, but it led to them breeding out of control like space rabbits. If it weren't for the genophage, they'd keep breeding until there were hundreds of billions or trillions of them, and of course they would end up conquering the whole galaxy. The genophage was a compromise. The krogans werne't wiped out, but their fertility rates were adjusted to account for their environment, allowing for a stable population.
Only reason to cure the genophage is if you're a masochistic cuckold who wants to get Krogans are the niggers of Mass Effect, constantly bitching and moaning that they're not allowed to reproduce until they literally blot out every star in the galaxy.
krogans are muslims
both outbreed every other race
both are dumb savages
both are a threat to every other race
both need a genophage to cut their offspring numbers
bioware are seen as sjw, but the krogan dilemma was unintentionally the most red pilled story
You don't even need to do that much. In 2 Mordin flat-out says the genophage adjusted krogan birthrates to be ideal and that if they'd actually focus on breeding and peaceful colonization instead of running around being space orcs they'd have no problems with their population.
I don't own a PS3, but the wikia says that it's possible since they released the trilogy pack.
>In 2 Mordin flat-out says the genophage adjusted krogan birthrates to be ideal and that if they'd actually focus on breeding and peaceful colonization instead of running around being space orcs they'd have no problems with their population
To be fair, it was pretty dumb to not factor basic Krogan nature into the genophage
ME2 still had Mordin defending the genophage with proper reasoning. I'm glad they cut the argument between Mordin and Grunt, since I either one not understanding the other's position would seem out of character for them.
The council could have at least given them a more reasonable planet to live on.
And like someone else said in this thread, the genophage should have discouraged that behavior. If they balanced the genophage around krogan nature, they'd still be a terror to the galaxy, not as bad as they'd be normally, but worse than batarians.
Probably the births post-not cure resulting in many dead babies.
That's true. ME2 still was able to understand the rational arguments behind the genophage, but it still treated you as an evil renegade dickhead for saying "hey, I agree that we shouldn't allow krogans to breed out of control and anschluss the entire galaxy for lebensraum"
ME3 is where they really went full fucking retard with it.
There's a lot of parallels like that
Humans are America (egotistic, cocky, and think they should be in charge of everyone for no apparent reason)
Turians are Britbongs (used to be the top dogs until America showed up, still ass-blasted about losing a war to them despite being allies now)
Volus are Jews (they're all bankers and merchants and fucking look at them for god's sake)
Batarians are Arabs (America came in and stomped all over their picnic and now they're a fucking joke filled with impotent rage)
Since the genophage gives them an infant mortality rate of 999 per 1000 live births, now they fight over the women.
Yes. The genophage was a temporary solution even at best.
At worst, it guarantees future strife in the galaxy.
Besides, it presents the worst aspects of bleeding heart liberalism and wingnut thinking.
Yes if Wrex+Eve
No if Wreav
That's not the salarians' fault. They put the krogan in a position where it would be possible for them to coexist with the rest of the galaxy, and the krogan chose to chimp out about MUH WARLORDS, MUH HORDE, MUH FEMALES instead of taking advantage of it.
That's a stupid attitude to take. Wrex isn't going to live forever, and the kind of krogan who share his worldview AND have the strength/charisma to lead are going to be few and far between, especially compared to the ones who just want to take a big steamy dump all over the galaxy.
Salarians were never at fault for the Genophage being implemented, It was created as a solution to their overpopulation, Using it as a fuck you for the Krogan Rebellions..that was all Turians.
I agree and That's why you don't cure the Genophage if it's just Wrex.
Eve and the other females matter. Considering how they lived with the Genophage harder than NIGNOG Males I doubt they'd want to risk going back to that at all.
Ideals of a better future are passed down to their children and changes start from there. With them the Krogan who share that worldview dramatically increase.
They should make so if you post on Sup Forums your locked out of posting on any other boards for a while
>you will never be a fertile krogan female abusing her unique position to collect an army krogan fucktoys
butthurt arab detected
go shit out another kid you turdmultiplier
take this suggestion to qa