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I-is this an insect phobia thread?
Not long ago, I discovered the scariest looking monster onnthis very earth; warrior wasp
Of all of God's creations, none make me curse the creator more than those monstrosities. This is why I don't go to church.
Real life boss thread?
Sorry about the shit image I can't find a better one. My skin was crawling on this part, there is fucking nothing in this world worse than centipedes.
It's a worm with legs how are they scary.
You realize you can kill every insect on this planet.
You're a human, stop being scared of crunchy little pests.
tarantulas are fucking horrifying
Of all spiders to be afraid of you pick the teddy bear of spiders.
The fuck man.
I swear to god I've seen these Asian giant hornets in the US, they are terrifying
Here's your controller, bro.
What about the ones that can kill you back?
It looks fucking disgusting. It's fast and unpredictable. You never see or hear it coming, it just kinda shows up from nowhere until it just disappears. Some of them are venomous. It can crawl into you man. Right inside of you when you're sleeping. Man.
Boss: Holy Emperor
no i'm not talking about the birdeaters, you illiterate amerifat (although their hair can be annoying as shit)
The "tarantula" is, originally, the name for a wolf-spider species, native to Eurasian continent.
It's you new-world fuckheads who fucked up the taxonomy (as you tend to do with everything else your dirty hand touches)
They're segmented little fucks in hard shells with enough jaw power to split a mouse in two and on top of that they're fast, small enough to hide in between your mattress, and sometimes even poisonous if that wasn't enough. It's the unseen threat that's the worst. You could be minding your own business, and suddenly it's there, on your leg.
So, is that the super secret final boss after you defeat the pope?
Thread theme:
What is the only non-scary yet cool bug and why is it the scorpion?
Is this a jojo reference
Maybe we are the monstrosities.
Caterpillars are neat.
Is this Dark Souls 3?
Centipedes are fun, cute
Millipedes are awful assholes who exist to destroy
>We will never get a 32-player insect vs game where you can choose from a multitude of buggers to fight with
>Moth healers, ant scouts, spider trap-layers, mantis fighters, etc
>It will never have an ant-invasion variant where 28 players play as defending black ants against larger threats like wolf spiders and wasps
>You will never play a buggy CTF and have fun
I hate playing skyward sword, I'm koloktos intolerant
Probably because it's not a bug.
I think you have that backwards. You can keep a giant millipede as a pet in a terrarium and feed it rotting vegetables. You can play with it and wear it as a mustache. They're adorable.
Why do bedbugs exist and how do we remove all of them? What do they do for the fucking world?
Someone post more moths. I am lacking in pictures
If it's a parasite why's it need to be armored?
>implying bugs = insects
Aren't those toxic
Pillow bugs are alright
the rest are damnable demons
Show me a scary tarantula, you pussy.
This is the spider you should be scared of. Got a dime-sized scar because of this little fuck.
No, no. Millipedes are safe. You're thinking of centipedes. They're mean motherfuckers. Venomous and dangerous. Stay away from them.
>Let me in, I'm a fairy
>Don't you believe in fairies?
You could call that boss fight a real Kolonoscopy
Remember that part in Last Light with the railcar and you have to go to the tunnels with all the scorpion/spider hybrid things?
Not a moth but god damn I laugh everytime I look at it
Millipedes secrete some kind of acid/toxin from their segments though.
I never understood the point of these thing's venom. Why is it so fucking strong? What in the world does it need to kill that fucking hard?
Yup. Pontiff Sulyvahn.
>not maining One Shot Johnny and watching niggas get rekt left and right
Why does that bug look naturally fucked off
Doesn't that just make them stinky?
>tfw too smart to eat
>Show me a scary tarantula
How about "all of them" you fucking quack
also post scar
Millipedes can secrete an irritant if you piss them off, but they're really not dangerous.
There are giant centipedes in Southeast Asia that can literally kill you.
>I know your face now
No, they don't. That's a myth. Again, thinking of centipedes, or some other godforsaken creature.
That is actually terrifying. The thought of Link looking up and seeing a massive spider. A realistic looking one and not a cartoony Gohma.
>FOV 180
sorry, i'm thankfully not living in a middle of nature's warzone to encounter those - i got already scared shitless with stuff we have here
more like
>You drowned the others, but god help me I'll get out of here and fuck your shit up, just you wait
Kill it before it kills you.
All the info you provided was "tarantula" you fucking faggot. Also even if they're poisonous or whatever you're scared of they're some of largest spiders. McFucking kill yourself pussy.
No, it's on my ass. It was hiding in a blanket we took to the beach. At least that's the theory we've run with. It was about 12-13 years ago.
>every so often you get the ability to turn into a super-bug, like a giant tarantula or something
>battlefront but with bugs
I'd play the shit outta that
For some reason I've always loved bosses with religious themes. Sulyvahn is one of my favorite characters in vidya
>zooming in .gif
You fucking dick.
Calm your nuts faggot
Not everyone was that weird quiet kid who sat by himself reading books about different types of bugs
Please post scar. It's not nsfw if it's reeeaally close up
Fucking Hell, this is the first .gif that has actually made me jump
>Wear it as a mustache
>Suddenly it crawls up your nose
spiders are bros. fuck giant hornet. They come in my room during summer if i'm not careful with the window. I that happens, I leave my room to not scare it and I re enter again armed with a pillow to make it go away
Fucking saved
>villain backstory
No way.
This one freaked me the fuck out.
It's a quirk of evolution. It isn't that it's in particular strong, it's that we react very badly to it.
Like the Black Widow, our nervous system (and those of other primates) is very weak to the binding mechanism the poison uses to kill it's target.
>hurr durr not my fault i'm uneducated
how about you go close the tab and get back to private school for re-education. Christ, you can't even spell a single thought without mentioning burgers somewhere in the middle of the sentence.
Harvestmen are cute
Have a cute scorpion instead.
Fun Fact: Moths are attracted to Scorpions due to them glowing under UV lights
Yeah except that's kinda cute looking when compared to disgusting spindly legged ones that are small and incredibly poisonous.
Please post ass scar if you're a girl. It's been a while.
Oh fuck I burst into nervous laughter, that's gold
Drone Tactics for the DS might be the closest you get. It's like Advance Wars with giant robot bugs.
Where do you live? Japan?
God damnit me too
we actually need more videogames about/with insects
no a bug's life shit doesn't count
Why is moth wife so cute?
Hornets and wasps are made of 20% chiten, 40% goo, and 300% rage and hatred.
They exist only to destroy and bring misery to anything they encounter. Fuckers don't even pollinate like bees.
yandere moth wife is fucking cute as a button
>giant hornets are in France now
d'aww what a cutie - it even has a cool tattoo on its back
oh i'm sorry for expecting somebody who opens his mouth to discuss spiders to know some of the most basic trivia on the subject.