This triggers the CEMU customer

>this triggers the CEMU customer

>Mario riding a lion

Wow, I can already see the first gimmick.

I hate society

Was riding Yoshi a gimmick?

>yet ANOTHER 64 clone
If I wanted to play Super Mario 64, I would emulate it. Sage.

What is CEMU and why has there been a million threads about it in the last few days?

t r i g g e r e d

The devs shill it here

Wii U emulator that's progressing pretty quickly, making it fuel for inane console-war shitposting

Everything is a gimmick you retard. Although, there are good gimmicks and bad gimmicks.


Why does this trigger someone using a free emulator exactly?

It's an emulator that is going to let people play BotW with better visuals and performance for free, and it's passing off Nintendo fans since BotW was the only justification for their Wii U/switch purchases.


But snipperclips

Yeah let's come back to this in 3 years when it actually comes out.

cemu won't be able to run this

You do know its coming out this year user

>better visuals and performance
>but can't complete the game


Why are emulatorfags and piratefags so obnoxious?

Poorly coded Mario Odyssey Emulator

It won't be out on Wii U

Isnt the point of emulation that you dont have to pay for it?


It's just a buzzword at this point right?

>PC Moe

what did he mean by this?

It started as one, and proved to be an enjoyable addition to the formula. FLUDD aside, Mario has a good track record of making its gimmicks work

Only when it's not referring to Nintendo.

you had 7 poor follow-ups and clones to Galaxy

piss off m8

Why is there a Shishi in the Mexico level?

>Nintenshills already latching onto Mario
Leave it out of shitposting you soulless fuck.

>Mario Theft Auto
>instead of being a black guy terrorizing the city hes a weird little mario character in a real human city
>he steals egyptian statues instead of cars

this game is going to be so bad