Ghost recon wild land thread
Ubisoft confirmed Sup Forums user
Sup Forums*
>a bunch of basement dwelling retards who can speak their mind freely without the fear of getting backslashes or other forms of punishment
This website is absolute freedom, what else do you want?
Most normies believe Sup Forums is all of Sup Forums.
Apparently who gives the Briefing on this cutscene is a CIA agent
I haven't seen that gif in years.
They still think Sup Forums is some kind of secret hacker group.
>Sup Forums
>anything else than a porn-dumb and shitposting
These motherfuckers are supposed to be the toughest and meanest warfighters? They can't even handle a fucking website.
Who is this Sup Forums guy?
Considering Sup Forums does better intelligence work than fucking CIA yeah
an elite hacker, he's has multiple personality disorder ranging in the thousands.
Yeah, like I didn't know that ubishit employees shitting up this board on daily basis
exploding vans when?
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums finds a video of ISIS training
>through basic analysis of the images and google maps they find the place
>tell russian army
>they confirm it
>bomb the place
It's funny what a bunch of retards can do when they are bored.
Not to mention the entire "Capture the flag" thing Shia LaBeouf or whatever his fucking name is.
>And yes, I have been on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums
Should have just said Sup Forums. This place is a shithole.
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
we wuz hacker and shit amirite xD
Sup Forums le anonymoz xD we're lejioun B-)
delet this
Who the fuck is Sup Forums, I don't follow eceleb news.
Sup Forums did that? Good on them, wish I was there to see it
>Ubishit knowing about Sup Forums
>implying that isn't an indication of their massive balant shilling they do here
People who don't frequent Sup Forums have always thought this place as a spooky, edgy and the "dark side" of the net despite it being rather tame than what they think it is.
It's not a bad thing though, keeps at least most of the retards out. Although, the whole prize for being nasty/edgy is quickly being taken up by twitter and facebook.
This type of shit reminds me of back when i wasn't reading Sup Forums and learned about it from reddit. "Sewer of the internet filled with the dregs of society" they said. So i was like oh boy i'm curious now let's check it out, how bad can it be.
After a few days i realized this is one of the last places with free speech on the internet and pretty cool all things considered. It also opened my eyes to the batshit crazy ideologues that called this place a sewer to begin with.
>tfw I found Sup Forums only because I wanted get porn
>learned about it from reddit.
Just go back.
Remember that reddit is also a massive normie site , it's not the worst you can get but it's like step two or three of how deep you can go on the web out of twenty. Besides , its a massively biased and ecochamber maker, there is a ton of reasons why you can't say it promotes free speech with a straight face
This is pretty much the main impression everyone has on this site. They think all of Sup Forums is just Sup Forums
>learned about it from reddit
should have stayed there.
>Keeps most of the retards out
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
>It's not a bad thing though, keeps at least most of the retards out.
This hasn't been true for eight years.
It doesn't help that this place has basically become ebaumsworld for cripplechan, like with how Sup Forums there stole the flag from Shia LaBeouf's stupid stream
It's not their fault, but journalists saying "channers" and then everyone thinks it's Sup Forums for some reason
Well, you two are right on that. But tell me honestly, with the retardation we have right now, would you want the facebook and twitter retards to come in and infest some more? Have you seen that shit?
I mostly only lurk so don't worry, i'm not "polluting" the culture here.
>Besides , its a massively biased and ecochamber maker
Yeah that's why i like Sup Forums better, no downvoting or shadowbanning going on here afaik.
>no downvoting or shadowbanning going on here afaik.
yeah, just falseflagging, shitposting, shilling and mod control
>learned Sup Forums from a shithole of a forum
>it's exactly the same, just without profanity filter
Somehow I'm not really surprised
Yes, I have seen it. It eventually had to be wordfiltered.
>Hasn't gone on the dark web and watched snuff livestreams
Sup Forums is for babies.
>watching snuff livestreams
What is this, kindergarten? Come back to me once you've played the game that kills you in real life if you lose.
It's the nickname we unfortunately have to bear.
And speaking of Ebaumsworld, I think the reason why this site started stagnating in terms of creating content from different boards is probably because of facebook, 9gag and reddit basically stealing and attracting retards here. Wojack and Pepe were pretty old memes, but 2016 brought it back. Now even Facebook is posting edgy shit, that what you'd normally see way back then in Sup Forums.
The process used to be a line of shit, now it's a recycling of shit.
>le Sup Forums is le fucked up xP
More like Reddit user.
>everybody has to hide behind anonymous tag
the site has been on OC lockdown for nearly a decade now, ofcourse its a shithole
this will also never ever change either
Exactly, the whole "t b h" and "f a m" shit had to be filtered thanks to, not reddit, but facebook and twitter's influx.
Still better than dealing with faggots on reddit. I expect shit users here that do it for fun , there they are actually serious.
There's a name field, you're free to use it.
>Shia hides HWNDU flag in an undisclosed location telling nobody.
>Sup Forums takes the challenge.
>They use contrail lines, ancient astronomy by tracking the stars according to the position of the earth, and geography by listening to the winds
>They track the flag within less than 48 hours.
>Take the flag down and put an alt-right t-shirt with a Pepe hat in it's stead.
I'm not even Sup Forums, but Sup Forums will NEVER, EVER, be as this bored to the point of shocking the internet with their outrageous intellect. This board is filled to the brim with complete waste of space and shitters. They can't even be fucked to get together to make a single game unlike what Sup Forums did with Katawa Shoujo.
You and all the other faggots are here because "lol everything goes here its for fun".
Kill yourself, and I'm not saying this for fun.
Because it doesn't matter who you are, what your post history looks like or what boards you browse. What matters is the content of your post, that's why being user makes sense in the first place.
Who is this 4-Chan?
You're missing my point.
You seem to be under the impression that they haven't already infested this place. The infestation is a few years old at this point. Any more will be statistically insignificant.
Not that anyone would care, so long as it doesn't interrupt the funposting. That's what they still call it, right?
>Internet Hate Machine will never deliver
I just want to play 2D beat em up that's not pixel art, man
I wouldnt doubt there are a bunch of Ubisoft employees who shitpost here in between working at the Ubi-gulag, but this isnt the nastiest site out there. I've dicked around on Youtube and saw shit which gave me the shivers more than most stuff here, its just weebshit mainly.
>Because it doesn't matter who you are
For you maybe
Look at the demographic growth here during the election, Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums so any liberal tard that sees this site equates the biggest board, with the most media attention (Sup Forums) and assumes the whole site is like that.
Not blaming Sup Forums or crying for its removal just stating facts
Sup Forums couldn't make shit today either, the fact that the only part of the site where people are wasting their efforts in stupid shit is Sup Forums is the saddest part of it.
back in the day CP and gore spam were daily occurrence. I guess the infamous reputation still lingers. New Sup Forums is just a porn board I agree
>no shadowbanning
But shadowbanning would be fucking great.
Imagine having to listen to newfags discuss how bad newfags, newfag.
>Sup Forums
The greatest irony is that any and all forms of social media are so many times worse than this shithole.
>bunch of shitposting faggots
>somehow a nasty website
I don't understand this meme.
>you haven't seen real nasty until you saw youtube
nah, you are just a newfag baby
Hey, at least Sup Forums is trolling the world, a fucking celebrity and a bunch of SJW cucks, Sup Forums is doing absolute fucking SHIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT...
There's literally a name field you stupid cunt. You can even add a tripcode if you want to you utter fuckhead.
So yeah, oh please perpetuate that infamy so more and more 13 year old kids come here to try and be the edgiest meme-master or the trap-pretender who gets the most attention.
I now realize why so many people defend Rainbow Six for its blatant issues that even the devs are aware of.
God Damnit I fucking hate Ubisoft
I'm probably desensitized with how often people spam rekt threads on Sup Forums, and even then I never click on it and just scroll past them on the catalogue. The only one that was at least unnerving was posts about this german guy's friend legit killing a kid and it being real.
Even then though there's spookier shit, like images that have 0 context, anything done by Shaye saint john, or those creepy singing androids.
>I expect shit users here that do it for fun
As someone that's been around here for a while.
You are the people that fucked this website up.
I use my phone when I want to take a shit because my laptop is dead, I miss playing Icewind Dale while on the crapper
>I look at gore this is the absolute depth of the internet, I'm the first enlightened 15 year old, listen to my teachings
At least you can talk. Who are you?
i can't zooms in on that pic user you got any better
>Sup Forums
And that's how you know someone who doesn't actually browse it typed it.
wake up, Sonny. Sup Forums hasnt been a secret club for more than a decade now. Its pointless to be paranoid about reddit because they have already assimilated here. I dont like it either but unlike you Im not under the delusion that this will somehow change. Enjoy what you have
newfags that do not know that Sup Forums has become what it is to keep normies out of Sup Forums.
This no longer makes any sense on Sup Forums.
Instead of reacting to the content value of posts, people just learned to generalize and assume user-backgrounds based on that content at the drop of a hat, and will engage the person not based on the posts content, but based on which type of fan, which type of shitposter the guy must be based on the words in his post (out of context) that can trigger a reaction
oh you pretending to not be new
everyone who shows up is consumed
I'm here forever
you're here forever
no influx of anyone can change that
You are clearly proud about this shit, just go back to Sup Forums.
Does it matter?
aaaand purchased
Read the rest of the post senpai, I said there's spookier shit like things with 0 context. I'm also curious on what is nasty things in your eyes.
It's a double-edged sword. Because you can't prove otherwise, some people will assume that you be "that kind of faggot" because of what you posted.
But on the other hand, not knowing what someone has posted before means that you can't use anything but assumption to attack them with. And assumption is easily disproven.
In other words say what you want but prepare to be called a fag
that has been a problem since the old days of Sup Forums actually. Or at least got really bad in 2012.
When Sup Forums did a big migration into Sup Forums
>they let you browse Sup Forums
>go to Sup Forums
>it's a fucking LOL thread with some dude spamming Ito or The Bus
I'm ok with this.
>An influx of normies after 2012.
Just thinking about all the stuff that has been happening since 2012 I can sort of see why we have a shitload of fucking newfags and normies rushing into this site. Holy fuck, we're nearly 200 million in just 6 years since 2011 Skyrim time:
>Katawa Shoujo is released.
>Trolling Anita Sarkesian starts in 2012.
>Anita Sarkesian plays the victim by blaming the easy target Sup Forums.
>Gamergate happens.
>Even more spotlight from Faggot of Akkad, Mister Metokur, and MundaneFatt with Sup Forums this, and Sup Forums that.
>The Fappening begins and celebrities/media putting Sup Forums on the spotlight.
>An /r9k/ cumdump shoots up a school, beta uprising.
>Sup Forums trolls the internet, Pepe becomes a meme and hate symbol, elects a meme president, and trolls Shia LeBouf.
>Sup Forums
Who IS this FOUR CHAN guy?
Is wildlands any good? Seems like it will get really old after about 2 hours. Is it more of the same ubishit? Like the division?
This but unironically.
>one of the top active games on steam
>not even counting uplay only numbers
uh huh that must be it
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person, give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth"
Oscars Wilde.
Why does he wear the mask?
Jesus, even with punching gloves on its amazing how Adam Sezzler fails to make himself not look a massive manlet.
Look at his fucking posture.
Honestly at this point, yes i would. Actually i would want a new imageboars that isn't full on autistic but no one is gonna make one.