>Taxman and the rest of this team replace Dimps as the 2D Sonic devs
Would you be okay with this?
Taxman and the rest of this team replace Dimps as the 2D Sonic devs
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying it's not already happening
sonic mania will sell more than any of the genesis titles
Are you kidding? I'm already wishing they retcon Sonic 4 with this team
Fine by me.
You'd have to be literally retarded to not be okay with this.
>Christian Whitehead's slogan is "Friends to pixels and polygons alike"
>but never does anything with polygons
Considering that Dimps are actual game developers and not fanhackers no I wouldn't be ok.
Mania's special stages, my dude.
I personally loved Dimps 2D games, even if 4 was a little weak I still loved it.
>They consistently make fun and disrespect Sonic Team
>Actually think Nips will let them get away with it and offer them a permanent position
This is some next level delusion.
I'd be cool with it, but can Taxman and his team do these kinds of projects on a regular basis as mandated by corporate deadlines? I'm concerned that Sonic Mania could end up being a one-hit wonder for them.
Thank fuck the Nintendo Switch finally killed them off for good.
Sonic 4 was at least original instead of trying to ride off the coattails of the Genesis era.
>Sonic 4
Which alternate reality did you get shat out from?
Speaking of the literally retarded, there's our little autist, now!
Fuck off Taxman. When the time comes I'll show Sega all the screencaps of you shit talking them.
Knock knock
Who's there?
Oh, this is great, you actually think I'm a talented person.
If I were, I wouldn't be here trying to be the stand-in parent for the one you never had.
Yes, I'm assuming that if this game does well(which it's going to) they will replace Dimps as the 2d sonic guys.
The recent mobile version of Sonic 2 uses polygons for the half-pipe special stages.
>They consistently make fun and disrespect Sonic Team
Are there any fans who don't at this point?
>You mean in Chemical Plant 1.
Nope. There are 7 checkpoints in Emerald Hill
Basically only cucks like these:
Even Sega makes fun of Sega and Sonic Team. That's their whole social media shtick. Not to mention the comics, Sonic Boom's show, and licensed stuff like Lego Dimensions.
Am I the only one who thinks Knuckles' walking animation looks really awkward? I don't know what it is about it but it just doesn't look right.
>I'd be cool with it, but can Taxman and his team do these kinds of projects on a regular basis as mandated by corporate deadlines? I'm concerned that Sonic Mania could end up being a one-hit wonder for them.
They're working with SEGA, the kings of rushing shit out the door before it's even finished.
I'm sure they'll manage just fine.
>Sonic 4 was at least original instead of trying to ride off the coattails of the Genesis era.
>at least original
>Episode 1 alone
>Splash Hill Zone = Green Hill Zone
>Casino Street Zone = Casino Night Zone
>Lost Labyrinth Zone = Labyrinth Zone
>Mad Gear = Metropolis Zone
>Special Stages were just Sonic 1 special stages
>All the boss fights were the same as the originals with the exception of Lost Labyrinth adding one new segment after the chase
tfw didn't buy Sonic the hedgehog 4 and will play mania instead.
And yet, they keep hiring them
No, I've seen other people point it out too. He just kind of flails his arms a bit instead of pushing forward with them like in 3. It's awkward. Hopefully they'll fix it in the final version since Taxman reads the Sonic Retro forum and they pointed it out already.
>They're working with SEGA, the kings of rushing shit out the door before it's even finished.
Hasn't Sega turned around a bit on this mindset, though? Project Sonic 2017 has been in development for close to four years now. Typically Sonic games get half of that time for development, if that.
>Project Sonic 2017 has been in development for close to four years now
Got a source where development started 4 years ago? Because I highly doubt that.
>Start out really great
>Realize you don't have the chops to make it during the 3D transition
>Prevent your cash cow from drying up by making deliberately bad, and thus newsworthy, games in an elaborate multi-decade scheme to sell games by being the "self-aware" dev.
>Not to mention the comics
The ones that are likely ending?
It looks weird because it looks like he's rotating his wrist while he's flailing his arms.
Honestly, most of Knuckles animations are a bit disappointing. They removed his smirk, his glide animation doesn't look anywhere as cool and half the time they don't seem to know what to do with his fist.
The sprite work is incredible. When they model it off the original animations and improve on it. When they deviate and try to do their own thing or make something entirely new, it looks off and amateur like.
Don't forget the rehashed enemies. Mania's Studiopolis has more originality than the entirety of Sonic 4.
I pirated that failed abortion and still feel ripped off.
>Don't forget the rehashed enemies
I've been trying to
Yeah, I'd be down.
Sega really needs to let Taxman and co. make games with completely original levels, though.
I think Knuckles' sprite in this game was actually inspired more by his Knuckles Chaotix one
I hope I'm not the only user on this site having a hell of a time with this glorious super replay
>When they deviate and try to do their own thing or make something entirely new, it looks off and amateur like.
Maybe in color palette, but certainly not in animations.
Bigger scale is easier to work with than smaller scale sprites. PagodaWest showed they're certainly talented when it comes to traditional animation with Sonic 2 HD and Major Magnet
It's Knuckles.
"Knuckles" who?
Knuckles, the bloat thrower
Independent flower, Magical Emerald holder
*laugh track*
Who and who and who?
>The guy who ported and improved Sonics 1, 2, and CD for mobile/steam
>The other guys working on Sonic Mania
>The team that made Sonic Advance, Rush, Sonic 4, and the other modern Sonic handheld games.
>>The guy who ported
>The other guys working on Sonic Mania
Why? Last news I heard was Sonic Mania having a launch/release date.
hating on sonic mania will be the next target after BotW, then?
Why is he called the Taxman if he doesn't do my taxes?
Go ask him.
What about it?
>hurr dimps sux cuz sanic four
They also made colors on DS and lost world on 3ds. Neck yourselves
Dimps make shitty games though, who cares whether or not they're a "real" developer.
Taxman actually understands how to make a Sonic game with momentum-based physics, which neither Dimps nor modern Sonic Team are competent enough to do.
Did this nigga just imply Lost World 3DS was good?
>lost world on 3ds
Which was fucking dogshit and their worst game SINCE Sonic 4.
>lost world on 3ds
That was atrocious as well as Generations 3DS and Unwiished. Follow your own example, pleb.
>Hang-gliding mechanics being this slow
I'm worried.
. git gud
You need momentum to go fast on them.
git gud taste fgt
They were slow because he wasn't moving fast when he jumped into them
t. butthurt n00b
Not an argument.
They already are.
People weren't even splooging their pants this hard when sonic 4 was being hinted at and announced.
People have seen what sonic mania will play and look like, it's the classic sonic gameplay that old fans have been begging for for literally twenty years that sonic 4 disappointed on.
It's gonna sell gangbusters and blow the current sonic team the fuck out.
Retardation at it's prime
Sonic 1 sold like 15 million copies.
That bit just looks terrible.
They should have added a U-turn that keeps, and adds to, your momentum.
>Why is he called the Taxman if he doesn't do my taxes?
Cause he's taxman, yeeeah, he's the taxmaaan.
They probably aren't aware. But if someones points it out to them they will probably take action. You don't talk shit about your boss behind their back.
They're momentum based.
So is this gonna be a full priced retail game because there's no way in hell I'm paying more than 15 dollars for it.
Probably. I've noticed Overrated Indie devs love to charge full price $60 for download only games because they think they are that good.
All I want is another 2D Sonic game that uses the acceleration/boost mechanic from Sonic Advance 2. Is that too much to ask? I found the time attack mode in that game more compelling than the time attack mode in any racing game.
Will this mean Sonic Team stops shoving those garbage fucking 2D sections and making 2D games since Colors?
Skip them.
Project 2017 is already confirmed to have 2D sections with classic Sonic.
>implying he isn't the Taxman (he's got the master plan)
I know. I dont mind the 2D sections if they are balanced right. Its just that everything after Sonic Unleashed is 70%+ 2D sprinkled with 3D, rather than the opposite. Sonic Colors was the last Sonic game I bought.
>Its just that everything after Sonic Unleashed is 70%+ 2D sprinkled with 3D, rather than the opposite.
Project 2017 probably won't be any different then. There aren't any critics that openly complain about the usage of 2D sections in recent Sonic games, so Sonic Team likely doesn't see any reason why that aspect of their projects should change.
Meh that's to bad then, I'll just stick with Mania and wait for the day ST makes an actual 3D Sonic game again. I'll settle for Adventure 3, Unleashed 2, or something brand new that's actually 3D. I feel bad for the only 3D Sonic fans, they've been waiting 8 years now.
Why are Modernfags so autistic? Not even Adventurefags act this much like spoiled children.
A delusional nigger who can't read, what a surprise!
A non-argument, can't say I didn't expect it.
>still cant fucking read
Right, it is the weekend now
A comment that's not quoting any post, unbelievable!
>le smug anime girl
>I feel bad for the only 3D Sonic fans
Me too. Imagine being a fan of something that has only ever managed to be mediocre at best.
So minimalist...
Come on, they sold millions over the years. It would be unfair to say they don't have their fans. I enjoyed most every Sonic game up until 2010 when I stopped buying them. You don't have to always be a rabid classicfag looking to pick fights you know?
They will use the 360 controller as the model for ever won't they?
>Behind their back
They've been taking shit pretty fucking vocally before, during, and after every single one of their projects.
What does the Y button do?
Super Sonic