Is it still worth getting a 3DS this late in the race?

Is it still worth getting a 3DS this late in the race?

Are there any upcoming games or is the library reaching its end?

Which version get me the best bang for my buck if I'm a poorfag?

And no, I can't get a Switch where I live yet, they're exclusively imports and go for as much as 2000 USD a unit.

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Depends on the games you like and how much you're willing to pay, my friend

I think it was worth it, I got mine for free but I'd say around 100 dollar value. I hacked it and played most of the games I wanted to for it (SM3DL and LBW are great games), and still need to go through the original DS library.

If you get one, hack the shit out of it.

>If you get one, hack the shit out of it.

That's what I plan on doing.
Are all 3DS models hackable?


All models that are on firmware 11.2 and under.

>Which version get me the best bang for my buck if I'm a poorfag?

A 2DS, probably.

new psp when

wtf how do u buy the right one

Odds are pretty good that anything you buy will be on that or earlier.

I have the 2DS and love it. It feels like you're paying an extra $120 just for the 3D option which sucks imo and a bigger screen. It's like paying an extra $100 just to get 1080p instead of 720p, not worth imo. The only thing I hate is that my favorite game (sm4sh) lags fucking constantly almost (while no other game does this for me) and there's no option for a wired connection to your router. Whatever you do, don't buy sm4sh if you want to play online

I have a 3DS XL but I only ever bought 3 games for it

Only issue is that you'll have too many games if you hack it. Pokemon Moon was cool (hated the cut scenes doe) Playing Fire Emblem Awakening and its super fun.

even with every game

i have nothing to play on it

no games

n3ds pros
-possibility of ips
-better build (debatable)
-ps1 emulation
-native snes emulation
-better wifi
-ftp server that can actually be useful
-stereo speakers (makes a difference)

>Are there any upcoming games or is the library reaching its end?
I-I'm making a game for it

You have any resources I can read about how hacking a 3ds? What can I do with it then?

>ps1 emulation
holy shit really?

I can't even hear my n3ds compared to my vita so thats a moot point

Yeah, this sounds unlikely as fuck

yes, some stuff runs poorly but you can get consistent 60fps in ff7. it has sound issues though

>I can't even hear my n3ds compared to my vita so thats a moot point
this is a discussion about 3ds variants, not vitas

Because 11.3 was only released just recently and i doubt there are any3ds with that firmware on stores or something

can you play Breath of Fire 3/4?

im just saying whatever 3ds you have you are gonna need headphones

If you like jRPGs, its great.

SMT4 and apocalypse, sun/moon, bravely default/second, fire emblem awakening and fates/conquest (despite people's complaints they're still pretty fun), dragon quest, could go on but those are the most popular.

Just google it. There's tons of guides, and they're really easy to follow

Any 3ds model you buy will be 11.2 or lower if not, return and try again. I personally upgraded to 11.3 thinking I wouldn't have enough storage on my sd but you can literally use the one it comes with for the minimum homebrew. Atleast on 11.3 I can still have custom themes and Doom, I haven't even touched the built in snes emulator.
tl;dr buy it I'm still using the one I got in 2011

just remember NOT to do a firmware update.

I only use my 3DS as a glorified DS nowadays since LUMA allowed any flashcard to work

Its honestly just putting files on an sd card its too easy

I wish i could use my OG DS flashcard on it ;_;

yes, because of soundhax

obviously it drops to about 50fps during graphic intense spots but i dont even think the ps1 could hold 60fps for those scenes

idk soz

sure you unit isnt defective? i never have mine above 1/3 volume. Maybe if your in a shopping centre or something where its loud as fuck but then playing music in those sort of environments is not polite

Is the SNES 3DS emulation better than the PSP one?

>Is it still worth getting a 3DS this late in the race?
yeah, but good luck finding the new3ds in stock.


snes emulation is almost perfect, the native one lacks support for that wierd extra processing unit the snes had so 4 games dont run (fzero, some others)

Are they not making these anymore?

>snes emulation is almost perfect
But that is on the n3ds right?
Emulation on the o3ds must suck then

no, n3ds has a native emulator
3ds has an emulator that runs almost perfectly now days. pretty sure both still lack the math cpu thats just because its a pain to emulate and i think pleb coders actually dont know the math

wow thanks plailtec, pillar of the community, truely the only thing that keeps the 3ds scene alive

Almost certain PS1 emulation wouldn't even work on o3DS because of the low VRAM.

I have to be very careful with texture sizes and shit when developing for n3DS, and games like Spyro has huge texture maps.

I was talking about SNES

Oh, sorry, I misread. I thought it was a reply to

Fuck off Theonian

it actually runs but its not worth it, its a bit better than ds emulation on psp was

Whats the deal with 11.3 anyway? I haven't been paying attention to /hbg/.

Huh, nice.
Some people have reported having troubles with texture sizes over 256x256, and Spyro has 1024x512 and stuff.

What why?

I heard it breaks homebrew but I am not sure