He isn't an idort

>he isn't an idort
Why? Literally no excuse unless you're poor,or just hate gaming.

me poor

Because I hate xbox,

Clearly this is the Sony+Nintendo Generation

>PC+Nintendo Generation


>owning xbone
Phil, friend, I like the picture you made, but no one fucking cares about xbone

>Why? Literally no excuse unless you're poor,or just hate gaming.
Sup Forums is filled with poorfags from third-world countries like UK, USA, Brazil, Mexico etc.

That's why. Personally I own every platform.


Is using two platforms already considered as Idort?
> PC
> Xbone

PC for indies, strategies, emulation. All run via Steam Link.
Xbone for multiplats and those very few exclusives it managed to have.
> I also plan to buy Nintendo 3DS for SMT4/A when I'll finally finish SMT Nocturne.

Good luck not having children

Because there is literally no reason to own anything other than a PC and PS4. Shitbox has no games, and not in a meme bullshit way like PS4, in actual real ''all of it's games are being ported to PC except the ones that are cancelled'' way, and Shitendo I can emulate. So yea, you're retarded.

i am, people are fucking retarded and call me nintendo lover because i just don't trash talk it, i like all sorts of games from different consoles, the only videogame i never had and never will have is the xbox, no games for me and i play mostly on PC

The only reason I dont have an xbone is because most of the games I can already get on ps4 or now on PC, really no reason to aside from backwards compability which might be what cracks me later

There's literally no reason to own an xbox 1


PC+Nintendo > Idorts > sonybros, xboners and nintenbros

>There are filters for those stupid fucking fanatics now

Today, I learned something.

PC for everything

PS3, PS4 and Wiiu for exclusives. All consoles bought years after launch at low prices, same with games, since im a patient person. Tho I do the same with PC games to be fair.
3ds and cfw psp for mobile
no xbox because it has literally 1 game (halo)

Monkey paw.
> mods pls remove son of niggers
> they filter
> oh.god

>be poor
>'there's no excuse!'
Eventually all games will be out on PC anyway, since that's the platform games are fucking made on in the first place.

PC as main
Sony for jap games
Nintendo for handheld

Never xbox, what a shitty console.

>xboner, xfag, xshill still not filtered

I can see Pc+Sony+Ninty being a good combo. As full Idort there is nothing to play on xbone.

My excuse is that I already finish only 3% of the games I play. I don't need to increase my catalog any more. PC is already too much for me.

That's because no one owns a Xbox on this site.

I own PC, PS4, and 3DS
I'm considering getting a switch but at the same time I'm not going to drop $360 for one game, going to wait til they release more titles

I am but selling my Xbone just because I haven't switched it on in months since everything I want to play is on PC now.

It's good combo if you have Windows 10 on your PC and don't mind buying the Xbox games there.

Also if you have a Xbox, that console has crossbuy/save with the PC.

I play games on PC for fun mods.
I play games on PS4 to play with my friends.
I play games on Switch because I enjoy the freedom of playing anywhere I want, and I enjoy Nintnedo's first party games.

Literally no reason not to enjoy multiple systems unless you're a poor fag. Hell, the only reason I haven't bought an Xbone is because of Live Anywhere. I can play those same games on my PC, so why would I buy an Xbone?

I have an Xbox One.

>Spending money on stuff you will never use

>I play games on PS4 to play with my friends.

I'm so fucking glad all my friends play on PC. Fuck having normies as friends.

I don't want a ps4 or bone. I'll be picking up a switch after a few more paychecks. I could get one right now but I have other things I'm more interested in.

I used to be but I guess not anymore because I sold my Xbone. I only bought it because my friends bought one for Destiny instead of PS4s.

Sure thing, Phil, I never doubted that.

Not that poster but I have one too

I'm not buying a Switch until a revision comes out and more games. I lost all motivation to get an Xbox once Scalebound was cancelled. That really was going to be the system seller for me down the line.

I MIGHT get one on the cheap after Scorpio comes out but I doubt it.

Am I an idort? I have a PC with a 6700k and 1070, a PS4, Xbone, Switch, and Vita.

PC/PS4 is literally the only valid option.
>multiplats, some exclusives
>gets most Xbone games

>Good exclusives
>Games are almost on par with PC graphically with the pro
>Cheap VR

I don't want to buy an Xbone or a Switch.

And who are you, someone from xbone team? They forced you to take one, aren't they?

Well, yes, I AM poor

woah it's almost like people have different preferences in what they want out of a console or something.....

Aren't you missing at least an Ouya, Google and Apple hat to call yourself an idort?

My bro wants me to get XBone because he has one. He has been on the wrong side EVERY time.
>Sega Saturn instead of PS1.
>Sega Dreamcast instead of N64.
>Minidisk player (??)
>Full collection of HD-DVD over Bluray.
Do I trust him this time?

Post a picture of your fucking n-gage right now
With a time stamp.

You think you are an idort but you are not.

wait really what did they filter

No. Xbone will be dead soon.

I have a huge backlog of games to play already, no reason to make it even longer.

>Dreamcast instead of N64
That's a good choice though, they're not even the same generation and if you were buying one in 1999-2000 the Dreamcast was way better.


scorpio's not even out yet

sonyfag, nintendofag, xboxfag

Not poor. Just value my money and don't have that much free time to justify owning every console.

Because I'm way too jewish for that

Yeah. Some people don't want gaming from their console.

Im a handheld idort. Does that count?

Not the same guys but I have one too. :^)
>missing out on tons of games just because of autistic console war shit
Got one the moment backwards compatibility got revealed. Much better than memeing my way onto a Wii U/Switch and having nothing but a few games here and there for the whole year.

>haha im so smart fuck console war shit
>but nintendo! no games haha
holy kek my dude

You may have all the handhelds but you'll never get your hand held

I have tons of games for my xbone

But the Nintendo consoles do suffer from massive game droughts despite the praise they get on Sup Forums. Sorry if you get offended by that.

>owning an xbox

why? Its just a glorified 4k blu ray player with Halo

xbox has no games and scorpio will be a massive failure


looks like you answered your own question

>have every 8th gen console and modern gayming PC
>still no fucking games

I swear 8th gen has been the worst gen of gaming ever. I mean what the fuck games have been released in the last 5 years worth playing?

Tell me what I missed.

Alien Isolation
Nier Automata (if it turns out to be as good as it looks)
Xcom 2
Shadow Warrior 1 + 2
Yakuza games
Men of War Assault Squad 2
Call to Arms

Seriously what the fuck else is there? Aside from maybe some indie shit I am missing, and some weebshit, and of course secondary games that might be good but not memorable enough to recall right now.

but halo is overrated shit

Friendly reminder to buy all your consoles, and console games used, so that eventually everything will be on pc.

>for my xbone
But why for that?
You could get a better version for the other platforms you own. Remember this is an idort thread.

I'm poor, and I have enough shit to do. I have well over 200 games on older systems I haven't finished yet.

because video games are dead.
2007 wad the last good year, 2001 was the last great year if you disagree you are underage



>Remember this is an idort thread.

I know

Xbox has nothing worth buying a console for. Best they've got is a Rare compilation. Neat, but I don't need an Xbone to get my Rare fix on.




Does SH-IT filter to bro now?

Does the xbone have any exclusives yet. I remember hearing about the MCC, Halo 5, and some shooter that I forget the name of, but that's it. I remember Scalebound getting cancelled. Is Crackdown 3 still coming out?

ps4 has exclusives and they all suck, its all commercialized bullshit, naughty dog is a cancerous studio. Sony hasnt had a good line up since the ps2

>didn't fall for the PC meme
>didn't fall for the "western games are literally good" meme
>didn't fall for the "wait a few months, if not years, to play the same games consoles already had" meme
>didn't fall for the "pay a grand to play the same western multiplats consoles have in addition to four hundred for a PS4 to play everything else" meme

>for some reason, this makes ME the poorfag with shit taste

Sometimes, more isn't better. The PS4 is without a doubt the best single platform solution, but if you wish to brag on a swahili benchracing forum about how easily you are parted with your money, then so be it.

Sony + PC > all

>He isn't idort.

But I am. Minus Xbone. Nobody wants an Xbone anymore.

the best use of your money would be to get an old pc and play old crpgs because modern games suck

Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive are the only true Xbone exclusives

I wouldn't call Gravity Rush 2 commercialized. I mean, I fucking wish it was so it'd actually sell but it's not. Shame, since it's why I bought my PS4.

Or get one of those super portable computers to play the only PC games worth a shit AND take it literally everywhere. In this day and age where PC gaming is falling like a rock, the days of high end PCs will be over, alongside the days of console ports to PC.

This. If you're gonna run western games, go with the older ones. I'm still not heavily into that myself but I see some real stunners from the 90s and early 00s compared to what gets churned out now.

The Xbone is the best console to play Lost Odyssey

I agree, I think some japanese developers still have soul left.

the best use of your money would be to not use it at all and just stick it up your ass where no one can find it
unless you're a faggot

I unironically use a Surface for Steam. I've played shit like System Shock 2, Amnesia the Dark Descent, Ys Ark of Naphistim and Xanadu Next on it. I've got surprisingly few complaints on it really, mostly just the up/down arrow keys sucking for gameplay.

really good taste

I just bought it because of this post, I was on the fence and thought the first game was okay on Vita.

i have a 360, PS3 and wiiu, gonna get a PS4 when some more games are out. only have a laptop because i still play the same games i played a decade ago

If anything, Halo 5 is underrated.

I wish chiclet keyboards would die. At least membrane keyboards feel like a keyboard. Chiclets fell like cheap garbage. But no, everything has to be as thin as possible, instead of sturdy, and made of quality materials.


I regret having a Xbox One as a member in my pile of consoles, thanks for the reminder you piece of shit.

I hate vidya and I'm poor

Thanks for being the cancer that is killing the industry

I only went full idort during the 6th gen. Only have an xbone, and it's doing its job just fine. Might get a Wii U when people start getting of them cheap, only want to play like 4 games on it

I liked the first a lot but acknowledge its faults. Still, I think its spirit outweighs its downsides, and GR2 keeps pretty much everything good about the first intact while taking advantage of the larger platform it was developed for. Much more space to dick around in, a much livelier world, and more variety in gameplay thanks to a shitton of sidequests and new gravity styles to dick around with. There are some stumbles - the camera will flip out worse than a 5th gen game in tight spaces, a lot of the sidequests wilfully ignore Kat's powers (and a weirdly disproportionate amount of them favor stealth of all things) and the first third or so of the game is weirdly tutorial heavy, but overall I think it's a marked improvement from decent to the lower end of great.

getting rid* of them

we are all very impressed by your choice in electronic toys