>Imperial "City"
Imperial "City"
I dont like how every NPC has unique dialogue. It makes the city feel so empty.
>20 npcs
Seriously the whole "every NPC has a home, job and 24hr schedule" thing is admirable, but just unnecessary.
Still bigger than any city in Skyrim.
The entire ring is one Canton in Vivec,
One segment of the ring is the entirety of Solitude.
Really makes you think.
>Every single person in the city is involved in a quest, and have unique patterns and activities based on their personality
>The AI even takes time and day of the week into account
>But people want hundreds of generic randomly generated npcs instead
GW2 had many flaws but damn did it make cities well.
Aren't there supposed to be like 10 million people living in the city lore-wise?
It's supposed to be the biggest city in all of tamriel
I would rather a city full of nobodies that felt alive like Novigrad than a city with literally a dozen NPCs that can give me a "fetch mushroom" quest.
>>But people want hundreds of generic randomly generated npcs instead
Which you can't interact with it except killing.
Its biggest flaw is not having the trinity system. They could've done it in their own way but turning the trinity into dps,dps,dps killed the game.
>One segment of the ring is the entirety of Solitude.
It's all about suspension of disbelief. Oblivion characters are only alive in the script, but in reality all they do is sleep, eat bread, sit around and read a book. Even games like Majora's Mask did that stuff better.
Dungeons overall were poorly designed, expecting people to spot quick, miniscule attack animations amongst a metric fuckton of particle effects to dodge is not realistic so the bosses became rezz fests.
Which admittingly a more traditional system would have helped leviate as well.
I don't see the problem
>is big
>has ~10 npcs occupying the 4 living sections
>waterfront is best location in the game
>arena is cool as fuck
>prison has excellent dungeon level design for both initial escape and dark brotherhood break in
>mages guild has comfy as fuck tower for arch mage
>that fucking thieves guild quest in white gold tower
>shady sam
love the imperial city.
>>that fucking thieves guild quest in white gold tower
It was so intense.
I've played two dungeons befreo I've quit it for good. Bosses were literally pingpong or stacking on a corner.
I had no idea there was a forest/park area
Can you actually get there?
I don't remember it looking like that but it's probably the Elven Gardens District.
It's the arboretum
fuck off
At least it was before Dagon fucked everythang up
In TESVI a city will simply be two houses next to eachother.
Yes its a song rejoin \x \v&%%%%%$$$$$
I am ciscada
I am him
I am her
Just like real life, eh?
because i wish there were more pointless buildings for me to have to navigate that really adds to the experience, we should also have more arbitrary NPCs for no reason
why dont you just go play elder scrolls daggerfall you fuckin cuck
>Even games like Majora's Mask did that stuff better.
>Cripplechan logo
Kill thyself
Where did you settle down and why was it Anvil?
run thru a city in daggerfall they are big as shit
and you're a crazy hero that runs faster on foot than a horse and carriage
Everything in skyrim is still a fucking megacity compared to fallout 4.
for the secret basement
>a million lifeless npc's is somehow better
you can't be serious
thank you
there was a secret basement??
Sup Forums, what goes on over here?
Did you not do the quest?
Don't worry about it. just forget you ever saw it.
I'd argue that it is in terms of atmosphere, it's why Novigrad in Witcher 3 felt like more of a real city than anything in TES
oh wait, is it the quest where I get jewed into buying a haunted house?
Is the scale of the world any better in the tes MMORPG?
>not living in a huge castle mod with its own shops, garden, and oblivion gate.
It's been too long. Damn those were some good memories
Smaller than a random village in Witcher 3 . Kek, Beth is so shit.
>you will never gib the mechanics by taking turns throwing boulders at the boss with your party members
There was just no other way to defeat them.
If you managed to clear a dungeon during the first months of the release, you were a boss motherfucker
yes it is. Witchers Novigrad, San andreas, Ass creed cities all infinitely better and more immersive than anything bethshit made
>San andreas, Ass creed cities all infinitely better
this is the greatest port city of all Skyrim. Marvelous innit?
Are you fucktards saying that you actually like lore-contradicting cities with only 20 unique npc's? the imperial capital of skyrim has eight houses and you're happy about that?
cities are meant to be lived in, not walked through
why are you retards bringing up skyrim?
I see a distinct lack of toddposters today
I was feeling kind of the weather today but I'm in here
and I'm perfectly fine with that
becuase it's a good enough game that I replayed several times, while TW3 is an empty husk hiding behind the memes of the week, shitty open world and Batman core gameplay
It was fucking great in Last Story.
so your autism prevents you form imagining that all NPCs have homes? Its called roleplaying, try it sometimes
Gay mer hookups.
Gamer hookups?!
Count me in!
let's be honest, most of Oblivions' NPCs are lifeless too, they have a schedule but they're utterly uninteresting and do fuckall.
fill the market with crowds of guys with 1-2 lines and the place will feel nicer and more lively in general and you will still have plenty of other NPCs with actual dialog to entertain yourself with.
>quests are completely linear with one binary decision near the end
ITT: retards who think you can simulate a whole city where every npc is named and significant and can be interacted with, every door can be opened, and every rock is significant to some quest
This isn't even true in real life so why would it work in a game? There's no way you could possibly interact with and remember the names of every single person in NYC, go into every single building, and take part in literally every significant occurrence in the city. Immersion is just as much about what you can't do as about what you can; certain things have to be cleverly glossed over and hidden from your focus to maintain suspension of disbelief. Faceless, nameless crowds are GOOD and extreme open world is a shitty meme that will never work.
I would really want to play Oblivion again, but not sure I want to go through oblivion gates again.
Oblivion literally can only look good when compared to Skyrim.
Skyrim is the only game they can mention because they're incapable of handling non-bethshit amusement park games.
t. Geraldzeck Witzcerczky
I can't wait until ES6 comes out so I can watch Sup Forums fondly reminisce about how great Skyrim was
In my last playthrough I ignored them but my autism couldn't take that every 5 steps I was suddenly finding myself in Mordor so I started diving in once again.
The only solution is to never go to Kvatch.
Gothic does small but well developed towns better
Witcher does realistically-sized and populated cities better
seeing what happened to FO4, it might as well be a certainty
Good one, user.
>that will never work.
Except it's been done a million times before. Random NPCs walking the streets that talk about current events and respond to your questions are a vital part of RPGs ever since RPGs were just pen&paper.
Wrong species fampai
no, just seeing hundreds of people on screen is less immersive than putting thought into how users can interact with them
does your autism prevent you from imagining that the cities and towns are bigger? and that video game scale doesn't match real life scale?
what game is this anyway
>Random NPCs
How is this contradictory to what I wrote? It's better to have more random npcs who have no significance to anything and no planned life stories or complicated schedules than trying to tack something important to all of them. This is more similar to real life.
>implying that most Oblivion NPCs aren't also random
Just because they have a house and a name doesn't mean their only purpose is to exist.
>i'm fine with shit because i enjoyed everything else which was a little less shit
Fucking this, I'm too autistic to just leave them behind, but they're such a boring chore to do.
>being payed
bethesda succeeded then!
I lived in the lighthouse. I'd stand at the top for hours just looking out at the gold coast watching the sun go down. Am I autistic?
>every npc has unique dialogue
you mean how every npc has the SAME dialogue?
No just the epitome of comfy
Still more memorable than any of the shit in BotW.
no, every NPC has a unique greeting and a unique thing to say about themselves. outside that there's nothing though.
vivec's interiors were awful desu, no idea why people like it so much
You can just say "mer"
more like I'm fine with the shortcomings of a game if the high points compensate for them
well I disagree, and fortunately so does bethesda
>Which you can't interact with it except killing.
most games don't even let you kill them, you can't kill generic people in witcher3
Ultima 7 did routines better and that was in the mid 90's
near the city of Chorrol
I wanted the castle but I was playing on a console and on consoles the orc who sells it usually kills himself somehow and you cant respawn, so I settled for Anvil
Chorrol's house was wayyy nice than I thought it would be though
why would I want to live in anvil?
Skingrad a best. Rosethorn Hall a best. Comes with pie baking waifu.
Anvil a shit