ITT: Games you want to enjoy but just can't

ITT: Games you want to enjoy but just can't

git gud

be not bad

it takes quite a bit of effort to get to the point where you're enjoying zelda 2 instead of just getting your ass whipped, but it's worth it imo

In this game you have to die. You must look at enemies and attck properly. Don't spam attacks.
Also farm for experience. Sometimes, if you are confident, cancel a level up and wait for for experience
The real Zelda is waiting

I wonder if people would like the game more or less if it wasn't a Zelda game.

Whats the advantage of cancelling a level up?

Probably way less as nobody remembers battle of olympus

Only Zelda game I ever owned. Got my ass handed to me time and again trying to get the hammer, once I got through that mountain though the rest really wasn't that bad. Though I did call the Nintendo hotline for tips on getting through the final castle.

leveling up a stat that needs more xp

I wonder if McDonald's new burger would sell more or less if they didn't sell it at their restaurant

Truly underrated Zelda 2 clone. Loved that game.

Being able to chose a different attribute to level.

but zelda2 is fun

For example the leveling up is at 800
Now stronger health is at 800 magic is at 900 attack is at 1000
If you have level 3health 3magic and 2 attack, wait and go for level 3 at 1000

Way better than the first one

Being archaic doesn't make it difficult or good. You can beat the final boss by sitting in a corner and mashing A.

Yes but what about thunderbird? What about the fact that you an literally lose yourself in the palace?

I think this is one of the best games in the series, but it helps that 80% of them are just lttp/oot clones

Same, it's the only Zelda game I haven't beaten barring those CD-I games.

The combat is cool but I hate the enemies with projectiles.

I stopped at the Graveyard. The game just stopped being worthwhile.

Git gud and stop using save states

It's always an experience when you reach Hyrule and you realize that it's a wasteland... Sad...

Loved Zelda II as a kid. It definitely had the feeling of embarking on a grand adventure through a desolate wasteland which you may or may not return from.

Why would you want to enjoy it? If you don't like you don't like, stop forcing yourself.

>this is the entirety of Zelda 1
>yfw Zelda 2: Death of The Wild has the entire BoTW map as 1 section

I kind of miss the Hyrule from Zelda 1 and 2. It felt a bit more dangerous, and even biblical in a way.

Hyruleans moved to north, and I can't imagine crossing Death Mountain with old people and children...:sigh:

>game I suck at but would rather complain than get better

I bitch about DaS3 too. But I still try.

>Zelda II has more locations, towns, and things to discover when it's map is tiny compared to BotW

Open world was a mistake

good soundtrack, nice art style, cool concept. Trash gameplay, garbage story, the dullest side quests of any game i've played in years.

the towns were pretty comfy too. i remember some of them had graveyards. and in one time you had to jump on the roof and there was a guy hidden there

Nobody moved anywhere. the southern part of Hyrule was wild country that Link was just traveling through when he ran into Impa who was fleeing Ganon's minions. Only people who lived there were fairies, greedy jews, and old people.

So where is the Zelda from the first game.

Lazy bitch slept through all of Zelda II.

I thought that was a different Zelda, thats why Im confused.

I don't want to enjoy it because it's shit compared to other better games of the genre.

What are some better games? Everyone says Faxanadu but I actually found that worse.

To be honest I was never really sure what the deal was. Always just figured AoL was a direct sequel to LoZ, but then all the timeline shenanigans came in and apparently AoL takes place X amount of generations after LoZ, yet its supposed to be the same Zelda in both games and she was put in a deep coma between games but then elsewhere its stated its a different Zelda altogether.

What is the best emu to play this game? I'm using jnes

Is it just me or are maps made entirely out of squares strangely comfy

The Zelda from the first game just vanished from the story as the 'first' Princess Zelda is the one you wake up in Zelda II.
Of course the lore is completely fucked up now as now there were princesses named Zelda before the one that started the tradition.

I'm with you bud. I guess it just keeps the visual clutter to a minimum and its always clear where you can and can't go

Zelda Ii takes place only a few years after LoZ, it's the same Link in both games but different Zeldas.

It's literally the only good zelda because it's not zelda

>it's the same Link in both games but different Zeldas.

That's what it was. That shit just muddies the water.

The funny thing is that they didn't even have to do that, since changing it to the Zelda you saved in part 1 changes nothing about the game. Probably why so many people think it actually is the LoZ version you save.

The intro text on the title screen is also garbled engrish and people probably just ignored it (or maybe didn't even know both NES Zelda's had introduction stories).

I actually agree. Everyone says it's the worst, but I think this game works much better than the typical top down format of the other 2D Zeldas. Zelda 2 is the only game that actually feels dangerous and exciting, not to mention sharp. Putting the focus mainly on the combat was great; the other Zeldas just feel like a hodgepodge of genres. This is probably why my second favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess, because in a similar fashion the game is leaner and more of a dungeon marathon than anything else.

I ain't one for spoonfeeding, but this is in my PERSONAL opinions (and speaking for games around the -same general time frame-):
1) Faxandu is both better and worse in some respects. I don't like how Level Ups debuff you in some respects (notably items with time limits actually have their lengths REDUCED) and how at least a few things are bugged (like the item which is supposed to RAISE your attack power, but instead lowers it). But I like the general world of it, I didn't find any of the maps to be a pain in the ass, and even though I recall a few being a tiny bit challenging (mainly boss dungeons and late-game exploration), they always felt fair enough, and even the key system isn't total bullshit.
2) The actual Xanadu and Xanadu II are even more skewed in terms of good and bad. Combat is much more basic, but exploration is through the roof. The only problem is that some of the actual game mechanics are unexplained and can be a pain in the ass at times. However, it's still really damn impressive all things considered, the biggest factor being the year it was released.
3) Even though it's a bit more barren in terms of towns and some of the areas are really long and flat at times, I liked Wonder Boy 3: Dragon's Trap more than Zelda 2 because it expanded more on gameplay concepts of exploration along with actually having stuff like equipment and items/magic to buy and use. Even the Charm system was somewhat interesting if a bit unexpected.

more to come

Wonder Boy III.

Any Monster Hunter game

continued from 4) I might get shit for this, but I don't care, because I acknowledge that it's not perfect, but The Maze of Galious is pretty damn nifty. Combat is basic, but effective, and there's a lot of upgrades to find that really supe you up, along with shops to buy things. However, it can be both rather hard starting off and also quite cryptic. Like, if you thought La-Mulana was tough, don't even bother with this, because it doesn't even give in-game hints most of the time (and the few it does are few and far in-between) and you'll have no idea that you can hit certain things and find secrets because they have no visual cues. In addition, it really takes advantage of the fact that it was made for a computer. This is notable when you find the special item that lets you type "UMBRELLA" to kill every bat on screen, but also for how you can use different MSX carts to give you extra stuff and even SAVE (without passwords). I also like how you can control two characters who both have pros and cons (which become more equalized with upgrades), and you also have some pressure to keep both alive and both upgraded. Granted, you can revive them, but it's not easy.
4.5) As an aside, I feel like the Famicom version is also pretty solid, and definitely both faster to control while also being streamlined for a console (in both good and bad ways), but it also does a few weird things, like making small halls full of breakable bricks (which respawn when you go offscreen) then later giving you an upgrade to break these stretches of bricks in one go. Like, what's the fucking point other than just making a blatant upgrade for a shitty game design you did on purpose? The rest of the game is still pretty good though. The two-character system is still intact, which is kinda nice. Some of the bosses are gone, but the ones that were kept are made a bit faster and more challenging.
That's all for now. There's others, like Almana no Kiseki, but that's more action and less RPG

Damn thanks for the info man, informative shit

Darknuts are cunts

As another aside, this one much more so, I also personally like the original Metroid and Kid Icarus, along with Metroid II and Kid Icarus Of Myths and Monsters (this one being my personal favorite of the bunch). The non-Uprising Kid Icarus games aren't too heavy on exploration outside of the dungeons, but in terms of shooting-style action-platformer, I find they're pretty decent. Each of the upgrades definitely makes you feel notably stronger. Metroid 1 and 2 are a bit mixed though. I more so appreciate them for what they did than what they are, but I still feel like even today they're decent, even though they both have remakes now.

Like I said though, there's others, but they also tend to blend moreso with the whole metroidvania stuff and less so the whole "action-adventure with an overworld or at least towns and shops" (akin to Zelda 2 and its ilk), like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Radical Rescue on Gameboy, which is a decent little game where your "upgrades" are essentially each of the brothers you rescue.

That sucks man. It's difficult, dated and cryptic. Still one of the better Zelda's imo


Not as cryptic as Zelda 1 though. The most cryptic thing about it is the location of Bagu, but I recently replayed the game and found that if you talk to this one sleeping enemy in the town nearby enough times, he tells you where to look. So there actually are hints for every single required thing to beat the game.

Dragon Quest, Any of them. I've tried III, V, and VIII and i just can't seem to get into it, the combat just feels weird, and no matter how hard I try to like it I just can't. The music is generally lame and the Artstyle is offputting.